Download Author: Matty Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, KotH, Juggernaught Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, KotH, Juggernaught Supported Players: 2-8 Recommended Players: 4 Time Taken To Complete: 20 Hours Weapons And Equipment 4x Battle Rifle 2x Covenant Carbine 2x SMG 2x Plasma Pistol 2x Brute Spiker 1x Gravity Hammer 1x Beam Rifle 1x Needler 1x Brute Shot 1x Bubble Shield 1x Grav Lift 4x Frag Grenade 4x Plasma Grenade Description After alot of Foundry maps, and a big gap in good maps made on the new map pack, i decided to try something a little more challenging. I have constructed a floating map inside the 'Ice Cave' on Avalanche. Overall i am very pleased with this map. Initially i planned to do alot of merging with map geometry, but that proved to be not very interesting, and restricted my ideas somewhat. Instead i worked from the centre of the map outwards, creating a nice arena, that captures some of the good points from 'Lockout'. There are plenty of areas for players good at jumping around. Lots of small 'crevices' that players can jump off to access other areas quickly, and offer a good way to get away from your enemies. But beware, all that ice made it a little slippy, you dont want to fall down the bottomless pit...
Amazing map, I wish I could say something better but I don't know what. Nothing to complain about here, other than that this is about the 10th map I've seen built with this area. And btw, I see a brute shot in one of the pics but not in the weapons list, you might wanna fix that...
Definitely downloading this... The location is epic, the aesthetics are pretty sweet and playing it is frantic and pretty damn fun. 5/5
No pics of me? I'm not that embarrassing to be around... Fantastic map, Matty, it's up there with Aeron with me. You've incorporated the forge-ability of Foundry with the open air-ness and bottomless pit of Avalanche. The layout is fantastic, you've successfully built a great map around the mancannons, as I've seen others try before. Plus, it was fun hearing Gun and Lolby complain every time I jumped off the edge with the Oddball. Que'd, great work.
Looks pretty sweet, Matty. You sure are giving Cosmic a run for his money in the map quantity race. I'll get back to you after I get a game on here, which will probably be tonight.
Ye a map by Matty i love maps by matty.Amazing map.It must have taken a while cuz u have to save and quit to get it to float.U have got my download.This map ROCKs out loud.
I dont think that this location bieng popular is a bad thing. Foundry has been used a million times. Its still just as good for maps as it was. I really like this cave for making maps, the colours are just so much more refreshing, after a lot of games in the boring old foundry. I updated the Download link, its only change is that there is a description, nothing different in the map so no need to get the new one if you already have it.
I really enjoyed playing this map earlier on,the gameplay is great and from an aesthetic point of view it is beautifully made. The only thing I was annoyed about was the fact people spawn right behind you, like in king of the hill when the hill is on the platform of the mancannon lots of people would spawn right behind you. But it didn't happen that much, and other than that, this is great and is easily one of the best maps I've seen on avalanche so far.
Yeah, that was sort of annoying when I played it. They could just assassinate you without you knowing they were there. And Matty, I love that climbing wall type thing you have, that's great fun.
That was fixed straight away, it was an obvious mistake but its now impossible to happen. Before the spawn areas on the mancannons were 0, and the centre one 2, making it more than likely you would spawn at the mancannons. Now they are all 1, so its balanced, you are just as likely to spawn anywhere. So none of that will happen dont worry.