By killing Hitler, you could change history and maybe cause yourself not to be born. If you weren't born, then how would you kill Hitler. If you don't kill Hitler though, then you would be born. Wow, that's a ****ed up concept.
I reject the idea that Man-made global warming is significant. I accept that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that putting in the air no matter what amount will make a difference. Not anything noticeable. Then the person who wins gets to be President for four years. How does that affect anything? Physics will always be the same and the countless worlds that lay just beyond our horizon will never feel the difference. I'm not drawing this from any religion.
azrius, very tru... nd im not stealing this from the kite runner, but the only wrong in life is the act of stealing. If u kill a person, ur taking away his right to live, by which all ppl have, if u rob a house, ur taking away a persons right to ownership... yet as u said, nd i also agree with it... it def depends on the cause/consequence nd reason. Yet it is still stealing which is why it is stilled frowned upon, despite these reasons. Despite the reason to be able to feed kids, ur still taking away from someone trying to make money to possibly feed his kids. So yea its very very confusing nd messed up.
If you go back in time and kill your father, you will not phase out of existence. In this new parallel universe you will not be born, but you will still be alive in your teenage body(assuming thats how old you are when you kill him). You will not disappear or drop dead. If you return to the future, no one will know you. It's a simple concept to understand, I don't know why people value the grandfather paradox.
Lol, I've never even heard of that. I just Wiki'ed it and it's is exactly what I was thinking. And you know this because you've done it, right?
Not exactly, you see according to your perspective others are wrong and your view is right. However, ultimately since everyone's perspective is right then no one's view on morality is wrong. So even though according to your perspective you are right, ultimately you are agreeing with everyone else here.
well then really all thts happening is ur removing ur existence from the paradox of space nd u would exist outside of time nd outside of the natural realm in an indefinite place forever... u would still exist as u know urself but no one nd nothing would know u or anything about u... except of course for ur grandparents who would know u as the sick son of a ***** hoo killed their son lol
Does it matter? You haven't done it either. Why is your opinion more valid than mine? This is a speculative arguement. If your going to treat it like there is a set answer then I won't debate it with you.
I am not agreeing because I see their ideas as being wrong. They are NOT my ideas. I'm not saying it's anymore valid, but you said yours in a way that makes it seem like that is DEFINITELY what happens. You have no idea.
wow not to purposefully go off topic, but this is the most confusing freakin thread on the whole site lol
Well Nitrous if you are going to draw in one branch of science, then we might as well add biology to the equation. We as humans are still animals. Therefore we still adhere to basic ecological principles even though as humans we are more complex in our nature. Animals in nature are affected by simple ecogocal principles. For instance a large population of a species that exceeds its normal range will wind up being reduced due to natural prey and other factors. IT will always happen this way. Now as humans we interact with higher forms uf communication far above any other animal. To say that are actions have no adverse affects is kind of ludacris. But we will feel the difference. To look at the big picture without understanding each pixel is lethal logic.
When defining right from wrong, one must take into account personal conscience, societal acceptance and consequence. Is gossiping right or wrong. This really comes down to personal choice and conscience. Gossip is something that is acceptable from a societal standpoint however it generally doesn't feel right to me. My conscience tells me that gossip which could be hurtful to someone else is wrong. Is smoking marijuana wrong? In the United States, publich opinion is rather split on this issue. I personally don't feel the act of smoking marijuana is wrong, however I do feel that violating the law is. In addition, my understanding is that the purchasing of marijuana is also supporting a larger and far more dangerous drug trade. Therefore, while I don't believe the act of smoking marijuana is necessarily wrong, I do feel that violating established law is wrong and I feel that supporting a dangerous drug industry is morally & ethically wrong because people die every day as a result. Is marital infidelity wrong? Now this is an interesting question and is entirely dependent on societal standards. Polygamy is acceptable in certain cultures however, in the United States, we, historically, do not approve of polygamy or marital infidelity. This, ultimately, dates back to our religious past. The United States is, today, a very secular society however this has not always been the case. There was a time, in the United States, when you could be prosecuted for working on a Sunday. We still have Sunday liquor sales restrictions in many parts of the country. The controversy of same-sex marriages, abortion and stem cell research. These are all religiously motivated topics. While we are a very secular society, we do have a very strong religious presence that actively participates in our political system. Therefore, the division between right and wrong is going to vary considerably based on cultural norms and acceptance. There is no simple answer regarding right from wrong. If you know what a true sociopath is, then you know that these people have no personal understanding of right and wrong. They do not have a concience the way most of us do. Sociopaths can usually fuction in society because they generally weigh the personal consequences of their actions. Therefore, they don't commit homicide, not because killing bothers them, but because they don't want to go to prison. They are motivated by consequence rather than by sympathy. Damn... gotta go. Sorry I couldn't complete my thoughts. Hope most of this was understandable.
As people have already said, right and wrong is all about circumstance and perspective. I'm going to judge people based on what I believe to be right and wrong, and they will do the same to me. If you watch Back to the future you will see that you do actually fade out of existence. You even fade out of photographs. Thinking about it though why someone would take a photograph of nobody stood by a well.. the whole photograph should disappear surely. Lol @ "husk of a body" and "tomorrow will always come, even if the light of the sun doesn't". I think nitrous may be a part time guru.
Right and Wrong is like Good and Bad. People only generalize the terms to what suits them best. Like in the Bible, it states, 'Thou shall not kill'. Yet back when the Church had a major power, they had groups like the Inquisition that would kill 'heretics' without questions, and they would force Christianity on natives in the lands they colonized. It was rationalized because they were 'protecting' and 'promoting' Catholicism.
For that question is lying wrong? Well i have to say lying may never have to be wrong.U can lie for the right reasons too,such as if u r throwing someone a surprise birthday party and u had to lie to make sure that it was goin to be a surprise.Or if u dont want to hurt somebodies fellings.There are a lot of reasons y lying is right. Lying is only wrong wen u r trying to get away with something like killing somebody. and for what separates right and wrong? Im not really sure so imma just give my opinion. what separates right from wrong is each persons own opinion of what right and wrong may be.Like if anybody saw the movie The Prince of Egypt.They will know that the ferro thinks that he is doin the right thing forcing hebrew people to build his kingdom to make it better than his father.Where the ferros brother ,the prince of egypt thinks that it is wrong to force other people to do his bidding. That was just my opinion.
Adverse affects on what? Your social life or the universe? What makes us so significant that we think our species even deserves a wink of an eye. @Mallet: </3 You've broken my heart.