I was wondering if I brought the Halo Reach Legendary edition, can me and my dad use the special flaming helmet armor effect on the same Xbox? I also head that the sgt. Johnson code worked on one acocunt, but any accounts on that same xbox could use it as well.
If you're sharing accounts, you can share the armor. More than likely, the flaming helmet will be in the form of a Microsoft code, and be valid for one account, not multiple.
Before you use that flaming armor, ask yourself. Is it really worth it? Pop your head up, and any sniper would instantly see your flaming helmet. Boom, headshot! Also, I don't know if they changed it in Halo Reach, but the Halo 3 flaming helmet shows up even if you have Active Camo on. It looks like a ball of fire floating around. Basically, with flaming armor, you'd be a big target.
I think he already made his descision and is probably splitting the purchase with his dad. Plus its bin confirmed that the flames do not appear while in active camo. And if the spartan you use in halo 3 is the same one as the one in your sig, then your the easier target than flaming. With the EVA and all.
Whay evryon' bashin' on teh flamz?! No seriously, though. Bungie uses it, and they still beat people. Bungie day and most other accounts of them battling someone prove that. The flames really don't do much more than the player standing there does.