Sandbox Halo 2 Tribute Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by superduper66, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo 2 Tribute Map Pack

    Overgrowth, Keystone,

    Now that Halo 2 has officially gone offline, what better way to get your Halo 2 online fix than to play on Halo 2's multiplayer maps beautifully remade for Halo 3!

    Original map - Backwash

    Opening Post - Overgrowth is one of the best remakes of the Halo 2 multiplayer map, Backwash. It was forged deep in the bowls of Sandbox's Crypt level. What made Backwash a particularly unique map was the use of weather effects to make mid-short range combat an actual playstyle, and Overgrowth really captures that uniqueness.

    The map features two bases each indicated by the colors Red and Blue for the respective teams, a plethora of natural hills, "trees", "branches", "plants", and other rocky reincarnations of natural backwash scenery. It also features the ever popular central base, comprised of multiple pathways inside of it, and of course the gravity lifts that take you up the base. The map contains the Juicy Filter, using the effect and the darkness of the map to recreate the swampy fog on the original Backwash. this makes it particularly hard to see at times, but is perfect for short-range combat anywhere on the map. This also focuses on making you pay more attention to your radar, or you can risk getting swamped (pun intended) ;)

    Weapon List -
    Battle Rifle x3 (45 sec respawn, 1 clip)
    Carbine x1 (45 sec respawn, 2 clip)
    Spike Rifle x2 (30 sec respawn, 2 clip)
    SMG x2 (30 sec respawn, 2 clip)
    Plasma Rifle x4 (30 sec respawn)
    Brute Shot x1 (120 sec respawn, 1 clip)
    Shotgun x2 (120 sec respawn, 2 clip)
    Energy Sword (120 sec respawn)
    Sentinel Beam x2 (150 sec respawn)
    Plasma Pistol x2 (90 sec respawn)
    Assault Rifle x2 (30 sec respawn, 2 clip)

    Active Camo x1 (180 sec respawn)

    Bubble Shield x1 (60 sec respawn)

    Plasma Grenades x8 (30 sec respawn)

    Technical Specifications -

    Canvas: Sandbox OLN Canvas
    Glitches: Ghost merging, merging
    Advanced Forging techniques: Ghost merging, merging
    Approx. Construction time: 2-3 weeks on and off
    Number of players: 4-8
    Gametypes supported: Slayer, CTF, King, Oddball, Territories, Infection
    Recommended gametypes: Team/FFA Slayer, Multi Flag Classic, Team/FFA Oddball, Team/FFA King


    Center Structure

    Blue side

    Red side

    Shotgun garden (w/o blue light)

    Sword branch, bubble and Carbine

    Video flyby : Halo 3 File Details

    Misc. - The map contains the Juicy Filter, and there is one light on the map, so it may be hard to see for some people. That IS intended. Make sure you pay attention to your radar. The Assault Rifles, Sentinel Beams and Plasma Pistols are in each base, and it is hard to see inside each base, so just note the Sentinel Beam is always going to be on the left side, plasma pistol on the right side, and the assault rifle is on the right side leaning up against the entrance to each base. The center structure is pretty cramped, and will probably be where much of the fighting takes place, so make sure to have some grenades and/or a short range weapon when assaulting it. The brute shot combined with grenades is also a useful way to flush out the center structure.

    Link to Map - : Halo 3 File Details


    Original map - Foundation

    Opening Post - Keystone is a remake of the Halo 2 map, Foundation. It was Forged in the Crypt of Sandbox, and took about a week to complete. It is forged to as much perfection as you can get. The weapon set is exactly like it was in Halo 2, with a few additions to make up for gameplay in Halo 3 and Forge limitations that forced me to make some differences, but you have yourselves one of the best remakes of Foundation out there, available right here for download.

    The map features all that you know and love about Foundation, including two turrets, a drop to the Rockets beneath, the gravity lifts, the Shotgun Ramps with the Battle Rifles above them on a ledge. Because you can't spawn Rocket ammo cases in Forge, a bubble shield replaces each Rocket ammo case. The center structure is big enough and as much like the original as you can find. The four rooms are a little different as Forge limited the budget I could mess with. Each room features a ramp that leads up to the main perimeter, and of course the SMG and two grenades. They are bland, but play just as well, and you'll agree that it's the rest of the map that matters, and you'll love what you download.

    Weapon List -

    Battle Rifle x2 (30 sec respawn, 2 clip)
    Spike Rifle x2 (30 sec respawn, 2 clip)
    SMG x4 (30 sec respawn, 2 clip)
    Shotgun x2 (120 sec respawn, 2 clip)
    Energy Sword (120 sec respawn)
    Rocket Launcher x2 (120 sec, 1 clip)
    Magnum x4 (30 sec, 2 clip)
    Turret x2 (180 sec)

    Bubble Shield x2 (60 sec respawn)

    Plasma Grenades x7 (60 sec respawn)
    Frag Grenade x11 (60 sec)

    Technical Specifications -

    Canvas: Sandbox Crypt OLN Canvas
    Glitches: Ghost merging, merging
    Advanced Forging techniques: Ghost merging, merging
    Approx. Construction time: 1 week
    Number of players: 4-8
    Gametypes supported: Slayer, Flag
    Recommended gametypes: Team BRs, Team Slayer, Team Snipers, Team SWAT, Multi Flag

    Screenshots -

    Misc. - Each Fusion Coil respawns at 120 seconds. The Gravity Lifts don't automatically place you on the upper ground, you have to direct yourself there. The map is a tad bit bigger than the Halo 2 Foundation. This map plays best with BR starts, and also plays well under multi team settings.

    Link to Map - : Halo 3 File Details


    B]Original Map[/B] - Gemini

    Opening Post:
    Constellation is a remake of the Halo 2 map Gemini. There have been a few remakes of the map, but none capture the true aspects and impressive Forging that this one contains. Gemini was a unique Asymmetric map, which featured a special system of teleporters and unique architecture and geometry. The nature of the map promotes incredibly fast and hectic gameplay, and makes use of the entire map as well, which not every map can do easily.

    Constellation features an Attacker's base, which contains a Beam Rifle from the start, and a teleporter which takes you to the very back of the Defender's side of the map. Outsie the Attacker's base is the Courtyard, featuring the the "Holy Prophet" statue you are all familiar with. At the base of the stature lies an Overshield which, once picked up, will become an Invisibility from then on out. Two ramps take you up to the upper levels of the map, as well as a gravity lift behind the statue. Or you can take two precarious outer walkways to avoid some of the main action.

    At the top of the outer walkways, you'll find Sender nodes which take you to recievers overlooking the Defender's Courtyard. There are two doorways that'll take you to an outer ledge which you can fall off of, as well as the two way node that goes to the Attacker's base. This map works very well in small team gametypes (Slayer, 1 Flag, Oddball) as well as 6-8 player FFA gametypes. AR starts work well on this map.

    Weapon List:
    -Battle Rifle x0 (lulz)
    -Beam Rifle (120 sec)
    -Energy Sword (120 sec)
    -Plasma Rifle x4 (30 sec)
    -Carbine x2 (20 sec)
    -Bruteshot x2 (90 sec)
    -Plasma Pistol x2 (45 sec)
    -Needler x2 (45 sec)
    -Shotgun x2 (1 clip, 120 sec)

    -Plasma Grenade x9 (30 sec)
    -Overshield x1 (never respawn)
    -Active Camo x1 (Spawn at start: NO, 90 sec)
    -Regen x1 (120 sec)

    Technical Specifications:

    Canvas: Sandbox OLN
    Glitches: Ghost Merging, merging
    Advanced Forging Techniques: Ghost Merging, merging
    Approx. Construction time: 3-5 days
    Number of Players: 2-8 Players
    Gametypes Supported: All gametypes
    Recommended Gametypes: FFA Slayer, Swords, Oddball, and King. Team Slayer, 1 Flag Classic, 1 Bomb.


    Misc. - The outer hallways which are homes to the sender nodes, brute shots and carbines were originally enclosed hallways, however due to lack of budget, they are now open and very precarious, lacking sufficient railings. It is dangerous, but also provides a twist in gameplay, creating a risk vs reward factor. Be mindful of where you are walking when out there. The outer ledge also lacks railings, so be mindful when walking around those areas.

    Link to Map: : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 superduper66, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    agreed man, im glad you did a tribute and they look exceptional but i wish you had done some other maps. Mb some other ones in another tribute pack? I mean like i said these look great really good remakes but i think i speak for the majority that we would love like burial mounds or hell idk ivory tower. I mean their has been alot of remakes but Foundation for one has been done way to many times, your gemini is the best iv seen so far, and the backwash one is really good but i think iv seen some that are a little more accurate.
  3. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    omg i officially love you for remaking gemini! that was my favorite halo 2 map dude. i think there's another remake of this map and that one looked a little better (no offense to your version), but this looks pretty good too!
    can i make a suggestion? remake more of the halo 2 maps! i'd love to have a remake of all of them.
    5/5 (Clean interlocking, everything's smooth, aesthetics are amazing)

    i must say you did a rather swell job at remaking it. hope to see more remakes!
  4. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    I qued for download all 3 maps. These look amazing, your attention to detail, and your clean merging, I cant wait to try them out. I also like how you posted how long these maps took you to make- very cool
    *Ill edit my post once I get a chance to play them.
  5. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    Mind you, maps like Ivory Tower and Burial mounds aren't easy to make at all. In fact, I'd think Burial mounds would be near impossible to remake. that's why i didn't forge maps like Coagulation or Burial mounds, because they would be hard to make!! Or impossible *yikes* Besides, I like going for interesting and unique maps, and Foundation was a simple one to remake (but very hard, actually), Backwash was truly one of my all time favorite halo 2 maps, and Gemini being a very aesthetic and beautiful map with a plus of amazing gameplay.

    I've never seen ANY good Backwash remakes. Not one. Foundation has been remade a bunch yes, but none are as accurate as this one. At least in my eyes. Most other versions of Foundation people have made are inaccurate, or are easily escapable. if your map is escapable, it is instantly ruined in my eyes. i wanted to make the best remakes possible. I've seen a few better gemini remakes, but most are inaccurate, and the only good ones are escapable.

    I don't think I'll be forging until the Reach Beta ends, but If i get back to it, I'll think of some maps. But in the meanwhile, i hope you will download these ones and give em a try! The truly are some of the best remakes of these maps out there!
  6. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    R.I.P Halo 2
    The 1st map, I wasant very pleased with... It looked kind of rushed, and the darkeness annoys me. The second and third I was ok with. The Foundation remake, would be my favorite out off all. But :( you didnt include the rooms. The third map looks great, but the gameplay might not be so great. I see theres only one way to get to the other base is to go straight forward. Im not really happy about that one. Well great map pack.
  7. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Well on the Gemini remake he captured it completely, the map was a one flag/ ts map in halo 2 he remade it to perfection there. It's supposed to be a straight forward one team rush the other, only thing i hated was the teleporters on that map, camp much. I have to say except for the bases on Foundation this is a good remake mappack. And from what i said earlier, Burial mounds has been remade it just wasn't that good. With your attention to detail and ghost merging available i think you could pull it off.
  8. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The first map actually took the longest to make and the longest to perfect and make perfect. If you check out the video below, you'll want to compare. they are nearly perfect, with a few obvious limitations due to Sandbox being so limited (despite Bungie putting so much into that dang thing!)

    YouTube - Halo 2 - Backwash

    The Foundation Remake is perfectly remade, except as you mentioned for the rooms. The Rooms aren't the most important part of the map that needed to be remade, and they essentially serve the same purpose.

    Constellation actually has multiple ways to traverse the map. You should really read the descriptions and download the map for yourself to get a better idea of how the map plays. It's a very small and fast-paced map.

    Oh I have no doubt i could remake it, but it's no easy task, and it'd probably be extremely unlike the original. Sandbox is just limited so much, it's near impossible. The teleporters shouldn't be camped in this version of Gemini as much, so hopefully that'll make you like it more.

    Anyways, thanks guys. Any realistic constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated :)

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