Vacationing Suggestions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I just got done talking to my dad on the phone and he put in for his vacation weeks for this summer. He got two weeks off during the summer along with several Fridays too. The weeks he got off are June 12th - June 20th and July 10 to the 18th(the dates don't really matter).

    So I made this thread because my dad asked me where I want to go and I'm just clueless. Money isn't a problem or a consideration. We won't be flying any where, we'll be driving which saves money, and gives more money to spend on whatever we do. So please give me some suggestions for places to go on vacation, whether that be places you've been personally been to or places you've always want to go to. Whatever you suggest has to have something there such as, a water park, theme park, resort, campground, national landmark, etc. Yet, whatever you suggest has to be either in the United States or within reasonable driving distance to some place in Canada.

    Just to give you some places I've been and gone over the years: Orlando Florida for Islands of Adventure, Universal Studios, and Seaworld, Kissimmee Florida for the Disney Parks, West Palm Beach FL, Atlanta Georgia, Wisconson Dells countless number of times, Sandusky OH for Cedar Point, Mason OH for Kings Island, Niagara Falls, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Michigan.
    #1 Agamer, Apr 28, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
  2. V

    V Ancient
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    Dude, take one badass road trip across the nation. Go visit the west coast, the grand canyon, and enjoy the sights all around.
  3. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    My dad and I went sailing out in the Bahamas for a week. We just rented a boat and went island hoping in the Abacos, it was a lot of fun, having empty beaches and islands to go mess around with. Here's what it looked like.

    Edit: ****, I just saw that you said you would not be flying.



    #3 Grif, Apr 28, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
  4. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Thanks for the suggestion grif, looks like fun, yet not something that my dad would consider doing.

    As for V: A bad ass road trip that you specified would take like two weeks, my dad took off two separate weeks. So that would mean like two separate road trips in two separate directions. My dad had mentioned Florida, and I had mentioned to him that we can hit all the theme parks and water parks on the drive to there, I dunno lol.

    The last big vacation I went on with my dad was two years ago, we went to Sandusky Ohio, stayed at a hotel for two nights and went to Cedar Point for those two days, then after that we stayed at Kalahari for two days, and then we were like what the hell, "lets go to Niagara Falls. So we were expecting to come back after Kalahari, and instead went to Niagara Falls for three days....

    So any more suggestions guys? It's not like we're going any where tomorrow so this thread will be useful for at least another month as long as I get some suggestions, haha.
  5. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Drive up to Sun Valley, Idaho. It's a small mountain town, but it is hard to get to so it's not spoiled like Aspen. Whitewater rafting, hiking, awesome biking, paragliding, golfing, and just a lot of other fun stuff if you want to get away from the world.


    You can see some photos here with the password "cortana" (they aren't the best) Valley 08/
    #5 Grif, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  6. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
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    W00T! Well I recommend Washington D.C., Tennessee, Or New York...
  7. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    You look like you've done a lot of East coast stuff, why not travel to the west coast, California is beautiful, and there's plenty to do there you could hit Disney land or universal or just chill around on the beaches.
  8. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Well, I appreciate the suggestions made in this thread, yet I don't think I'll be doing any of them this time around.... This first vacation starts this Saturday.

    My dad and I did plan on going to St. Louis Missouri for the six flags there for one day, then going to Mason Ohio for two days going to Kings Island one day and a waterpark one day, and then Sandusky Ohio for Cedar Point one day and Kalahari one day...all in one weeks time.

    Yet, we're both kinda iffy on this and I'm still trying to come up with some place or some where to go at the last minute haha....

    Do you guys or any one who hasn't posted in here yet have any more ideas or places to suggest I go?
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Stop by my house if your going to STL

    Um, my family and I have gone to Orlando/Kissemee twice. They are so close together. But it was a blast, I would really recommend going there, especially for Busch Gardens and Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure.
  10. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Netherlands (Amsterdam & the shore), Belgium, and Spain have been my favorite vacations. Spain is incredible if you like beaches. It really doesn't get better. I suggest Seville.

    Oh wait, you're driving. I've you've never been to NYC, go there. Even if you've already been there, the second visit is even better. Niagara Falls is nice, too.

    And D.C. is pretty incredible. As for beaches, Florida Keys or South Carolina. Jersey Shore if you like to party hard with your dad.
  11. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    haha I know right.... I've been to Orlando/Kissimee atleast 5+ times and I can agree it's definitely a blast... I was thinking about going to Florida on my second vacation I dunno... but I haven't been to Busch Gardens yet..

    I've been to Niagara Falls it was cool and all but the only way I would go back there is if we got passports and stayed over on the Canadian side, because the American side is ****ing dirty like no other... I've personally never been to NYC but my dad was there for a week for work and he said it was really cool, but I don't know if he would want to do that.....

    As for Carolina bro that sounds like a good idea.... my dad has a friend in North Carolina and my dad and I were already talking about taking a trip out there... they have a big ass theme park and waterpark out in NC and we could hit the beaches and my dad said theres this thing called the light house tour or something like that that we could do...

    I dunno really lol...even If I went somewhere on the west coast it would take like two days to get there and two days to get back leaving only like three or four days to actually doing something....even though I'd still like to go out there staying somewhere in the Midwest, central, eastern area would be less driving and more time to do something...
    #11 Agamer, Jun 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2010
  12. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Yeah the Carolina shoreline is incredible.
    Check out Wildwood, too.

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