Eradicate is a team slayer map on the main floor of sandbox. This symmetrical is unusual in its placement. Most maps that are built on the main level, that are symetrical, use the gold strip as the center of their map when it comes to determining where to mirror affect their map. For Eradicate I decided that I was gonna make as my last map and that I was going to go out with a bang. Eradicate is off centered from the gold line, yet still symetrical. Part of the map is in the dunes but still looks like the parts that are on flat surface. I did this to make it look like the map has been there forever and that sand has swept into it. Most people avoid doing such things because it takes a lot of extra time and effort, so they just stick to the flat surface. The forerunner contains a Splaser inside of it that you will want to grab, head towards the back of the structure, and scramble to the top. That's right you can climb to the top. It is a great perch and the view is great, but can not be camped forever due to it being so small. A design I implemented in order to make it a great advantage but not tick any one of from it being consider "cheap". The theme of Eradicate is Covenant based and I set out with one goal in mind. [To create a map using the pieces people hate to use. Because they are so difficult to find a use for, some examples are corner pieces, blocks angled, tube pieces, and stone platforms.] My inspiration for the map came to me while sitting bored at my grandparents house. I was surfing Forge Hub and found an article by a user called Shaddo Blade or Recon something, I cant quite remember who started the thread. It went something like this (Wouldn't it be cool if someone created a map using this structure) The image blew my mind away! I have never played halo ce or halo 2 so I had never seen it before. The first time I played halo anything was at my friend Chris' house and we played a level called The Ark. I instantly loved halo. Any how I am getting side tracked, back to my thread. While I was sitting there flipping a penny and looking at this forerunner structure, I thought of the movie called Independence Day and how the aliens attack Earth. Then I looked at this and thought "what if I made a map where the Covenant fought the U.S. theme." So I instantly went to work designing my map. I put a ton of time into my design, here is one of my paper designs before I went to work. Any ways I hope you liked (and read) my maps history. Enjoy the pics, weapon list, and map. Weapon List: Br x4 Carbine x2 Smg x2 spiker x4 Slasma pistol x1 Needler x2 Splaser x1 Brute Shot x1 Plasma Nades x4 Bubble Shield x2 Shield Drain x1 Over Shield x1 Active Camo x1 Warthog x1 Chopper x1 Over View [SIZE=+3]DOWNLOAD HERE[/SIZE]
Sweet mother of Pancake :O that is one purrtyy map. Gameplay should be nicely balanced and quick flowing but I can't comment on that ATM. Going on aesthetics alone this is a one of a kind map I love the main focal point of the map. 5* and DL
Something you did that a lot of people hate doing is making objects look aesthetically pleasing. You used some objects I love using in different ways I wouldn't of thought of using them. Another great job on how you took up all of the level, it's hard to take up the whole area an budget your cash. Great job.
How does having the symmetry line split the map hotdog style instead of hamburger style work out? (if you know what I am talking about) It seems that you would have a very wide map, or that the gameplay would end up asymmetrical. One bomb and one flag? KoTH and territories? VIP? just sayin, you could have.
Wow cool map dude i love how astheticly pleasing it is and how the map layout looks. Cant wait to see more from ya! Good Job
Glad to see another person who draws out their work on paper..I saw this in the previews.. and I instantly knew this was going to turn out epic. Also very clean interlocking.
It's a nice map with a nice idea behind it, but why did you only make it work for Team Slayer? You should go back and fit it for all gametypes then post a version 2.
It is designed for one bomb, one flag, and team slayer. I didnt really set it up for any other game type because I have no desire to play any other game types. I chose my favorites and really focused on making a map that plays really well with a few game types instead of making a map that plays decent with all game types.
Yay! You finally released it! We're gonna play this a lot at my nerdfest party in june, I remember going over to your house and seeing you work on it, turned out nice. You did a nice job little cuz, keep it up! Btw did you ever fix the spawn times, i remember that being a big problem during testing?
I think the aesthetics have taken over in this map, it may look orgasmic but you can't forget the open area of the map, if you could extend the map in some way that would work, but on the whole its a great map.
Most of the maps that I play on in the "middle" level of Sandbox are aesthetics made maps. I like playing on a map that is beautifully crafted but has to have fluid and quick gameplay. This map looks fun to play on and excellent to look at. I downloaded your map and the only thing I have to give feedback on is instead of a Chopper, but a Ghost. The grass can be alittle neater. Overall 4/5.