Not properly tested? Oh lord.. Jesus.. this looks like hell from the ground. I'm just throwing guesses... it doesnt look like theres enough cover for the attackers to Pop and Drop. Also.. what did you supply the attackers with? Simple ARs and BRs? Im not trying to sound like a D bag, but this is what replies are for... V2 coming?
Wow... You can't be serious? No cover for the attackers. Defenders have two turrets to shred up with, I'm assuming this hasn't been play tested. Surely this would be absolutely infuriatingly unbalanced for the attackers. I seriously think you need to reconsider a LOT of what this map is. A lot more cover for the attackers for sure. The defenders certainly don't need those two turrets as well. I'd be wary to even give them one to be honest. Anyway, judging from these pictures this map needs a lot of re-working. This could be a good idea, but so far it's not looking good.
Yeah I guess I probably should've put more time into the post and map before I decided to post it here. Yes there will be a V2 coming. And any suggestions as to which guns I should give to who? Don't worry you don't sound like a D bag, I asked for it when I decided to post this map too early. --- Thanks, I'll take everything you said into consideration for v2. I'll be sure to put more time into it next time. Im thinking I'll add a LOT more cover and maybe have one turret in the small bunker and one in the big bunker, does that sound good?
The bunker part in general is a pretty good idea, but heres some suggestions for the V2: 1) Make the hill wider 2) Make more cover on the hill 3) Place killballs under the "bridge" so you have to use it 4) Give the defenders and attackers fair, mid-range weapons (BR, Carbine, Brute Shot) 5) Possibly add some equipment in later in the round (Grav lift, Deployable cover)
Interesting idea to have a bunker that you cannot get out of, correct me if im wrong but i think that is an original idea. So check plus for that. But definitely get it tested and work out the bugs. It would be differnt if the attackers were really strong and slightly quicker, then the cover issue would be no more, but if you want to keep it a simple gametype just make lots more cover. Try to make natural looking structures, like rocks or a cave, that would be cool. I like the antenna idea as a bridge (hope im right) but the defenders could shoot it forwards, or move it out of place then u have to wait another 30 for it to spawn back. Also give the attackers more weapons, but have the better ones closer to the base in the caves or behind the rocks and have really high respawn on them, or dont have them spawn on start. You could also give the attackers some vehicles. Possibly like a siege on the castlewith a wraith stuck in one spot. Or give them like some mongeese for some quick transport. But test it for sure. Ill help with the test if u need it. EDIT: have fun reading it all. Oh and good job for a first post bravo didnt mess up on the pictures.
Thank you, thanks for all the ideas. I like the idea of having deployable covers and the kill balls under the bridge. And I will definitely add more weapons. Thanks. --- Thanks for putting time into your reply and thanks for checking out the map and gametype, just one question though by cave do you mean like a tunnel? If so then that would be really cool. Having a mongoose or two would be awesome but the wraith might get annoying for the defenders, but I could be wrong. Thanks again. --- --- Can somebody tell Me how to change the title of the thread. I've tried editing my post with all the pictures, I went to advanced settings changed it then saved it and still nothing.