Much like ODST, Reach now has a Live action trailer, however, this trailer has no action, and portrays the Spartan III's enhancing process. Enjoy. YouTube- Halo: Reach - Extended "The Birth of A Spartan" TV Commercial (HD 720p)
That's sick. It gives me hope for a halo movie someday. I think halo DESERVES a movie. We were so close
Halo Movie Will Happen - Movies News at IGN Not really one of the most exciting Live Action trailers we've seen IMO, so hopefully the extended version would make up for it.
Meh. I'm not impressed. There's no "live action." I liked ODST's better because there were explosions and ****.
Uhh guys... If this is that amount of advertising they'll do just for the Beta, how much do you think they'll do for the actual release? This stuff is just getting started. We will see much more, there's definitely going to be a sequel.