ive been wondering about the 2 "beat down" weps in halo 3. the hammer and the sword. and im not sure which is better overall better beacuse they both have ups and downs. thats were you guys come in. discuss what you think is better. energy sword or gravity hammer.:markv::combat:
The grav hammer is much less consistent and doesn't have as long of a lunge. I'll take a sword over a gravity hammer any day.
i agree, you can easly just charge someone with a sword. but the hammer has more power and cand send back back rockets so im on the fence.
gravity hammer. im a huge fan of the energy sword ever since combat evolved, but the gravity hammer seems more..."fun", as flameblad3 put it. the idea of being able to knock objects fifty yards away (so to speak) makes you feel powerful whereas with the sword you just feel like an assassin.
Gravity hammer looks and sounds epic. Gravity hammer can kill multiple people in one hit. Gravity hammer can knock people away or off edges. Why would you use a sword again?
The sword, even though its less fun, is definately a better weapon. -Quicker attack -much longer range -less obvious(when second weapon) -hammer very rarely kills two with one swing and most of the time they have 1/2 sheilds, and almost never successfully knocks people off maps.
NO! MY OPINION IS THE RIGHT ONE! jk. I like the sword better because I love using long lunges against players.
The sword has more reach. If the swordsman is patient he will wait until the hammer guy swings therefore giving the chance to lunge because the hammer takes a second to recharge after a hit
They're both pretty garbage. Sword lunge misses all the damn time and hammer will just playfully knock the opponent out of reach as they shoot you to death. I'd rather risk it with a sword though.
I think it depends on the map the hammer can do some good I think the sword is just better though (reach has a way better hammer almost unfair).
Hammer. A lot funner and better than the sword, IMO. If a player has no shields left, then the hammer can easily kill a person from a farther distance.
The Bomb. It gives you cool traits. Oh...We aren't talking about Grif-ball? But seriously, It really depends on the player. I never use the hammer at all in any game, even GB. I just run backwards, wait for them to hammer and then lunge. And on any other game i never lunge unless i'm behind them, or they have a shitty weapon and i'm close enough to kill them before I die.
Sword <3 1. Amazing lunge 2. Has 2 attacks (lunge and quick slice) 3. Can counter hammers 4. Hammer rarely appears in matchmaking games, but the sword does 5. Looks ultra Bad Ass >
Although I'm quite good with the sword, I gotta go Hammer. It can kill more than one person in one swing, unlike the sword. Also, I've never thrown a warthog over the cliff on rats nest with a sword. sidenote - favorite objective to melee with? the oddball
Hammer counters sword on every occasion I've played. But the sword is better in most other situations, plus it has style.