Hey, what should I make my main game; like the one where i keep all my strong pokemon? I have like 280 seen and 100 caught in HG and platinum like 180 seen 20 caught. I personally like HG better as its harder and you have two regions. I want to get all the pokemon though, or atleast all the evolutionary chains. Which do you think i should keep as my alpha? Also, Randle, im gonna dump a bunch of resources for here in this post so you can put them in the OP if you want. Spoiler Chance of Catching Any Pokemon a is the number we want to get HP[sub]max[/sub] is the amount of max HP the target pokemon can have HP[sub]current[/sub] is the amount of HP it has now Rate is its catch rate Bonus Ball is the pokeball used Bonus status is status alignment; 2 for sleep and freeze, 1.5 for paralyze, poison and burn. So for the example, ill use a Fearow. Lets say it's level 50. Roughly its HP will be about 149. So in this example you take it down to 15 HP left. You use an ultra ball. Fearow has a catch rate of 90. (((3*149-2*15)*3*90)/3*149)*1) is the equation you'd use first. You get a≈251. If this number is 255 or more you caught the pokemon no matter what. Then you do this equation: You get b=65329.604593004636973211464662236, or just b≈65330. If b is greater than 65535 then you get the pokemon no matter what. Now for each shake of the pokeball it generates a random number between 1 and 65535; if the number is greater than the generated one the pokeball shakes. If it is more than the b the pokemon pops out. It generates 4 numbers. So to find the percent you do (b/65535)[sup]4[/sup], in this case you get 0.98752228163992869875222816399293 Turn that into a percent, ~98.75%. That is the chance of catching the said pokemon.
pokemon white and pokemon black i was hearing about a pokemon white and pokemon black version coming out this summer . can any tell me if this is true or not?
Yes and no. There is a pokemon Black and White on the horizon, but it wont be out in Japan until this fall, and not in the US and Europe til next spring.
Depends on which game you like playing more. Just ask yourself which in game mini games and things to do keep you more interested and use that one.
@Orange: Use HG as your main. I'm using SS as my main but am going for national in Pearl seeing that I have 440ish/493. I'm trying to complete the national dex on there and just gonna transfer pokemon over if I need to though.
I'm deciding to make a team of my favorite looking pokemon for shits and giggles. Right now I've got Zangoose (who is also a motherfucker for power as well <3) and I'm looking to add Shiftry to that. I'm still looking for more, but it'll be fun once complete
I got a shiny Squirtle and Beldum today XD Im super excited cause I've always loved the epicness that is the silver Metagross.
ive had a level 100 shiny metagross in the GTS for over a day now, asking for a lvl 100 lucario. nobody wants it.
I dont use the GTS, and I like to get my shinies on my own as much as possible. Actually, Im hatching for a shiny Riolu now. The yellow Lucario is bamf.
whenever i put something in the GTS somebody usually trades within minutes. i thought the shiny metagross for lucario was reasonable, so i didnt expect it to take this long.
So using RNG abuse I got a shiny Lucario and Nidoran. Im now starting a new game on SS and going to SR for a shiny Totodile before beginning. I'm becoming waaay too addicted to shiny hunting lol...
Thanks, but I already caught my seedot, so I'll just train him, I wanted to train all these guys as well. The team's gonna be Zangoose Shiftry Scizor Ninetales Exploud Toxicroak I tried to do at least one from each generation, generation 4 was by far the toughest to find one for, but I always have liked how Toxicroak looks, I normally avoid it though due to it's double weakness to Psychic (one of my favorite types)
that's the best team mentioned in this thread so far in my opinion. the more original and off-the-wall the better. no goddamn gallades or a lucarios. ...
just off the wall random curiosity,whats your favorite type? Personally i think dragons are sexy (not to mention powerful) beasts.
dragons are cool, but they get cliche so i'd have to say ground because of rhydon (not perior the ass), nidoking, sandslash, groudon, golem and general cool guys.
OMG I was just resetting for a shiny Totodile when the unfortunate but fortunate happened- I GOT A SHINY!!! But not a totodile... a Shiny Cyndaquil! Sixpakvb can back me up (but probably wont) because we were in the middle of a video chat when it happened and I showed him it. Its great and all but I wanted the totodile lol...