Download Here Invasion Gametype: Zeta Description: Invasion is a new mini game with great proportions. This game is basically a chase and shoot game which is fun for alot of poeple and is generally easy to understand. The map itself uses all of avalanche which makes it perfect for vechicle movement. There is two american bases they are the attackers and defenders bases. The map provides five alien flying saucers. The saucers are split up into tthree groups. The first saucer is in the southern middle area of avalanche. It is only used once by the VIP in the game. There is a banshee stationed there. The other groups are on the west and east sides of avalanche. There's two saucers where the VIP's teamates are. (located inside them) The other two saucers are considered mini saucers they spit out fusion coils and they hit randomly by a rotating grav lift they do minium damage in most cases unless you are right straight over them. Story: If you dont want to read this you dont need to. Spoiler Intro Well I must say the story would begin in the military base 247. It all started in 247, that one day of contact of life from somewhere else... Prologue 3:03 am We recieved contact from an undidentified vechicle and have heard these wierd noises coming from the intercom. This is generally very suspicious but in most unusual cases i generally dont hive a **** due to the fact we here this crap all the time... 4:00 am Things are getting wierder and wierder by the second my good friend is starting to freak me the **** out due to him only listening to the mysterious sounds on the intercom for about a hour or so.. I think he's really getting into this or something? I guess i shouldnt worry about it now I think i should get some sleep for tomorrow so i can be up and ready if this **** is for real or not. I'm still having second thoughs though on letting my friend stay up and listen to whats on the intercom ehhh whatever screw him. 9:53 am I awoke suddenly from the alarms going off randomly. I tried to see what was going on, but before i knew it the place was abandoned. I knew there was something wrong I tried finding my friend i been through half of the base and so far i noticed the vechicles are out of the loading bay plus the armory had no weapons for some reason. I think i'll investigate further on.. After I started going through the corridors and hallwaysthat where at the entrance of the base and i finally found a soldier to talk to. I was generally in relief when i had some visual of human life in this place as soon as i called at him he turned and Screamed six words " Get the **** over here soldier!" I did as i was told due to the fact hes the only one i found and he might know whats going on. 11:33 am I found out something that was unspeakable to anyone "Aliens". In general i was dumbfounded due to the fact i been through hell as soon as i got up. I was informed by the major that me and a bunch of soldiers are suiting up to meet these life forms. I was originally thinking of diplomatic response to alien activity but for some reason we are going to be stupid enough to run in blind. Well atleast I'll be the one of the few to fight aliens. So anyway we had two squads each made up of 4 poeple so two to each vechicle. Generally i thought of it being small intill i learned we were just sent in as scouts hopefully nothing bad happens out there. Oh one more thing these suits we are wearing are heavy as ****... 2:00 pm We been scouting these alien vechicles for about two hours so far and all i know it hovers and my balls are freezing. who ever thought of building a military base in the artic is one stupid MOFO. So far in the mission we learned if anyone gets nere them they shoot out these heat seeking missiles and rockets. When i think of aliens i generally thought of lasers but i guess we dont always generally know what alien life forms could have in general. I think when they hit any sort of vechicle they dicinerate all the materials. We found very little reckage so far we found a hub cap from one of our hogs. Our leader informed us we are to engage the alien life forms and be cautious at all times. Unfortunetly we were cold and morale was considerately low due to the fact theres 8 of us versus like four ****ing saucers!! Our mission leader said we will begin to engage in about 30 mins. 2:30 pm Well we are to engage the enemy and the only problems is that my balls are freezing and i can barely feel my hands anymore. Hopefully this battle warms me up. 5:55 *cough* *cough* We just arrived back at base 247 and let me tell you that battle was furious we took down two saucers and luckly came out unscaved. The other group had a problem maybe it was the part when they slid on the ice or when they flipped or the part when the missiles hit them directly killing them. I mean i seen alot of ****ed up **** but seening poeple die in front of you is just horrible and scary cuase you never know when you could be next. 6:00 I just recieved word from the major that my friend is dead due to him succumbing to complete insanity. I figured from listening to those nioses he somehow got ****ed up in the head and started to be extremely hostile to everyone in his path. I figured i better rest for the time being. I know that ill be going back out there so this will be my last log. Hopefully someone finds this tape if i die and what not.. Private ryan signing out forever...... Vechicles: 4x Warthogs 2x Choppers 1x banshee Weapons: 6x rocket launchers 4x missile pods 2x sentinel beams 2x spartan lasers Map Size: Large Player Count: 10-16 Objectives: Humans choose which base you want to go through and take down the banshee together! Aliens defend Vip using missile pods and rockets Vip use banshee to get to the VIP points Layout pic: I know it looks like crap but it gives you a good idea where everything is. I know i missed some objects but you get the idea Overview pics: Center area Left zone Right Zone Spawn system: Everyone except the VIP dies and he is required to follow the swords. VIP teamates spawn in here then go into the flying saucers. The other team spawns here and chooses which teleporter in general its better to take the same or split up evenly. Action shots: Explosion Teamwork conquers all in this game. Watch out for the saucers dodge dead poeple I just got pwned. Custom powerup gives you 300 speed use it well its a one timer and last only so long. team work is everything there is secret alien technology by the down saucer's Have fun Last notes I would like to thank everyone who has tested this game and hopefully you enjoyed it to its full extent.
No I can already tell that you didnt read the post. It is a mini game where you fight aliens. I'll be nice because your new so plz read the post first before you comment so you dont seem like a jackass.
I really enjoyed this map, especially the way the "Aliens" can fire from the UFO's. Absolutely Genius- I have never seen that before and it adds so much to the gameplay because you only have 1 target if you are the 'US', which is the way a VIP game should be. Just one question: Did you fix the bug wherein the VIP can get stuck in the UFO? Besides that minor detail, this map was incredibly fun. Great Job! √
Sorry man, I guess I kinda got ahead of myself. Oh, and for the record, I've been on this site for 2 years
HAHA the guy who told you THAT is new so why did he call you new when he is the one who is new and you but.... WTF?!
hes not new....... Had no idea you made this map firepenies lol! sometime tomorrow when i get home ill take a look. But it looks like a game where the game play pays off more then the map it self. Maybe i can get in a game soon to play this with you.
Only time that ever will happen if the the next VIP leaves or switches teams. So in general i can't really fix that. The VIP doesnt die the VIP's teamates die they go into the saucers(double box) and of course there unharmed. The VIP uses the tele to get to the banshee and will be chased and fired at the enemy team. Oh well in general i never go on this site really anymore.