Halo: Reach Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Vincent Torre, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    Maybe. I doubt it though. Their only going for glitches in MM I think though. Were just beta testing.
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I seriously hope that's not their reasoning, 90% of the time I play Halo I'm at a friends as a guest or they're a guest of mine, switching control schemes takes under 2 seconds. Sure sometimes we (Jack anyway) forgets, and I am denied my sniper at the start of the match because he just changes it then without asking, but hey. I seriously don't see how it's considered a down side, or is avoidable with any multi control scheme game. I agree that full mapping would be a lot more intimidating to potential players than simply selecting from set of pre built schemes, but it could be tucked away at the end of the list as 'custom' or whatever. Other games have done it, and I honestly can't see many people being put off to any extent by the extra complication it brings, since it's of those things you can ignore if you want and never even try switching off default.

    I have to say, your logic is bang on when it comes to why people misappropriate the decisions made by Bungie as somehow 'punishing' their 'dedicated' fans or whatever. Fact is, Halo is many things to many people, and Bungie have to account for that when making it. They have to try and balance what the hardcore community (or communities really, since there are many facets of dedication within the wider Halo community) want with what a casual player wants, and tbh that's fair.

    And actually I think you're absolutely right about why we'll never get the fully fledged, modding style editor in a production, mainstream game on console such as Halo. But seriously, I think they could push the boat out a little more without alienating those who don't have dreams of epic designs etc. on Reach Forge. Forge isn't something you have to touch at all if you don't want, so I hope they realise that they can go a lot further than they have so far without scaring all the casuals away (cause if they'd actually made flat walls in the crypt of Sandbox, no-one would have bought the map pack except a handful of dedicated Forgers, yeah right Bungie...). Something that takes weeks or more to even learn to a useable degree is obviously out, but something around the mark of how FC2 seemed would be great, easy enough to get to grips with after a try or two, but detailed enough to give those who spend a lot of time on maps a chance to realise some really complex designs. I hope we see something like this in Reach, and not just a skin update of current Forge with maybe a couple of token additions for serious Forgers, that'd really be a kick in the teeth imo, and one without any real excuse.
    #642 Pegasi, Apr 27, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2010
  3. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I don't want Forge to be any easier to use.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Je ne comprends pas.

    Easier for whom, casual or serious Forgers?
  5. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Yeah then you can claim how it's "not worth your time" while everyone else is making maps.

    I hope forge gets more detailed. Even just knowing the coordinates and angles would be a huge help. I try not to play the "what-if' game for Forge since I know we're at the whim of bungie, but I think they'll give us some good options this time around.

    I would love an invisible barrier that you can configure like a respawn area.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    **** you man,
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    On PC the full editors on games like Warcraft III and Starcraft are in separate programs, but still on the disk. Other games release an SDK and you've got to really know your stuff to tinker with it. In either case it works because it's an opt-in system that most people probably never even look at. In a console game, if an option is there in front of them in the menu, and people can't figure it out immediately, that leads to dissatisfaction. And from what I understand, the Far Cry 2 editor is a pretty good example of complexity with terrain design and ease of use combined with power to do what you want. So yea, that's a great example.

    I hope Bungie has some good stuff up their sleeves to balance strength and complexity for us with an easy to understand format for their base. An opt-in system like PC games where you run it in a separate program from the game would be perfect, but I don't see that happening.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    True on the PC editor front, I guess it's just a compromise with the nature of console games, or rather consoles themselves.

    Yeah, me too, but now that they know what people really want out of Forge (which, and people often forget this, they didn't when creating it, and so had to compromise when adding the gestures towards map geometry with Foundry and Sandbox), I can see this balance being about right in Reach. Agreed on the separate editor program as well, that'd be sweet, but just not happening tbh. It'd be awesome, but just a massive extra investment, and a possible Pandora's box of new problems and suchlike, for a very small part of the community. As long as Reach Forge accounts from the start for what has become evident post Foundry and in to Sandbox, then I think we'll be good.
  10. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    hmmm an invisible labyrinth... it'll be like Koga's gym in Fuschia City.

    but seriously, if they could add that, like an auto-snap to, coordinates and angles, and maybe and auto merge then i would be more than satisfied.
    #650 Wood Wonk, Apr 27, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2010
  11. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Anyone know if you can spawn on your bro co-op style only in invasion, or in all gametypes?
  12. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I think its an option for all game types, but I doubt well see it in anything but big team sorts of games for matchmaking...
  13. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    It's a good answer for the fail of big team..think about sandtrap...spawning waaay back and having to walk for a minute only to die by a sniper.
  14. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    And people also only play big team to play with a bud or two, so making sure that you're always next to said bud is a major plus!

    We might also see it in team doubles...maybe...
  15. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure the buddy system is Invasion only. I've only seen it in Invasion, only heard it talked about in the context of Invasion, and tbh it just makes sense. During Luke Smith's Invasion video, you can see the board at the end has players divided in to twos, ie. sets of battle buddies. I didn't see this in other scoreboard images of other gametypes, so I'd assume it's Invasion only. It makes sense imo, Invasion sounds like a more different style of MP Halo than we're used to with other gametypes, so it seems fair to change up the mechanic slightly to fit with that.

    If that's true then it'd be amazing, but it does seem odd. Maybe it's a speculative thing, like some do with release dates, but it's a weird thing to speculate on before confirmation.
    #656 Pegasi, Apr 27, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2010
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    It's Invasion because your in tack-teams of 2. You can only spawn on your bro.

    Generator defence is 3v3, so i doubt this tack-team thing works the same.
  18. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Is anyone else watching these videos and then sitting back and imaging the endless forge possibilities. Invasion has doors which only spartans can get through, drop boxes, power cores, openable doors. Then stockpile with its capture locations and 3 flag spawns. In custom games you may be able to create your own classes and name them (yay active camo with rocket launcher main and DMR secondary).
    But seriously, the possibilities are practically endless with Reach Forge.
  19. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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  20. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    I just noticed something about the contol schemes. If you look at all of them, you will notice that each of them can go left or right except for default. Default can't go right, so that means another control scheme wouldn't be able to go left. But if you look at the pictures, there aren't any like that. Either they're keeping something from us or they forgot a control scheme.

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