You cant talk about the Youtube videos, just a warning before anyone starts. They are in breach of copyright, and therefore against the rules of this forum.
You brought up the information on videos on youtube, that is enough to stir up a conversation on it, wether you meant it or not. Im just imforming you that you arnt allowed to talk about that subject.
16 player online multiplayer! Imagine getting all 5 stars and the cops coming for you. Have 5 people in 1 building, another 5 across the street. And have the rest with snipers and rockets on top of the buildings fending off helicopters. Epic-win.
That sounds like fun Wakko. I am just looking foreward to changing the character looks, its apparently very similar to Saints Row's when it comes to online play, because you can make who ever you want. Driving some of the vehicles actually looks challenging, rather than the other games. I look foreward to that. Also vehicles dont explode when they tip upside down. yay!
It's not playing for me D: when does it come out again? i keep getting consued. first its september 07, then february 08, then march, then april....i mean really!
EH? Theres already a guy on playing GTA live for everyone. The game looks cool, i kind of want it, so i can be niko, and shoot hookers
Yeah, it's not illegal to talk about copyright breaches. Not one bit. Lol, if you can show me the law that says it is, I'll agree with you.
The draw distance looks amazing in the helicopter. Allthough Halo 3 holds the world record for longerst draw distance in a game EVER lol