The Monday Thread (Open only on Mondays)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, Sep 11, 2008.

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  1. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Okay... I guess I did one thing today other than what I said I was planning.
    I installed Adobe CS5 Masters Collection.
    And yet... No Premiere nor After Effects.
    I hate my 32 bit VISTA.

    With a passion.
  2. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I came down with a sinus headache today! Yay allergies!
  3. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    32-bit hahahaa you poor poor guy.

    Where did you find master suite? You obviously didn't buy it.
  4. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    So, I had a great weekend.

    I went to St. Louis, left Friday after school, got there late Friday night, woke up Saturday morning, had breakfast, left to go to the Edward Jones Dome for Supercross, got their at 11, waited till 12:30 to get in, got in, walked around in the pits for an hour or so, watched practice from around 2-5, then had dinner. We got back at the stadium at 6:30 pm, Supercross started at 7. It was a blast, it ended around 10, then my dad, step brother, and I walked about 10 blocks to Hooters, had a good time there(Post your picture thread lol), took cab back to Hotel, chilled, slept.

    Then Saturday, we went to the St. Louis Arch, took many pictures, and I even took some on more of a photographic level(posted on Forgehub), and not just of me, and my bro, and dad. We also went up in the arch, **** was cash by the way. Overall, my weekend was great.

    However, my Monday sucked atrociously. I was extremely tired the entire day at school, probably slept in almost every class. Then when I got home I had to do some yard work that I could less to do since I was so tired. (This gets good haha) So after my family and I get done with the yard work, my step dad throws some burgers on the grill and I go downstairs into my room and lay down. Next thing you know it, I wake up at 7:15, when my step dad threw the burgers on around 5 pm. I wake up, I thought I slept through the entire night and day and I thought it was 7:15 am not pm when I woke up. I usually leave my house to get on the bus at 7:25. So I hurried my ass up, took a shower, and then I walk into my living room, and I see all of my family sitting on our couches. I laughed when I realized it was 7:15 pm. lol

    /end rant

    good night

    I will close this thread once someone posts after me.
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I acquired it from a teacher.

    Spare change for a 64-bit?

    Oh, and :lock:
  6. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Open for Monday
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    First in noobs!

    This weekend has been tough. Thursday i drank waaaay to much and was absolutely minging from what i was told. However i got home and made it to college next day for my 9 o'clock physics lesson. Oh yes. Also made some Vodka, which i'll be drinking on thursday. So yea, tomorrow will be boring.
  8. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    O hai thar.

    Well, tomorrow I need to wake up at 5:30 to start (and complete) a science essay that's due on Monday. I've been sick for a few days, and I just remembered earlier today that it was due. I was all like, "FUUUUUUUUU-" until I realized that I could get up early.

    I also have a free period tomorrow before science class. Yay! PROCRASTINATING FTW!

    That is all.
  9. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    I get up at 4 on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday every week for school, quit your bitchin'. <3

    I haven't been on this site that much over the past two weeks. School is going good, Latin Cuisine is good, and a nice change of pace for a monday lunch. And I'm taking a Menu Management class, my restaurant them/catch is Nose to Tail Italian.

    In my spear time from school, I work. I work 30+ hours a week, on advrage now. Because the two breakfast cooks got fired and the other dinner cook found a new job. So that leaves the Head Chef, and I, as the only ones that work the line. On the plus side I got a pay raise, and am now Sous Chef of the restaurant, feels good man.

    So, yeah, that about it, man.
  10. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Man, I need to find a job. I got so much free time...

    But then I'd need a car to get around.
  11. V

    V Ancient
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    Well this weekend was fun. Went to see my high school's musical on friday with some of my friends and my little sister and her friends. Went to steak n shake afterwards and me and my sis pulled a successful chinese fire drill in the busy 4-way right by the school. Saturday, went to chill at a friend's house with him, another friend, and his girlfriend. Got drunk off our asses (I started with a cocktail of 6 different shots of random **** we had and a little shot of mountain dew and drained it in one gulp; needless to say i was good for a while), played Gears, DDR, and Rock Band, and went to steak n shake at 2 am.
    #1171 V, Apr 25, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  12. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    This weekend was meh. I spent most of Saturday outside and today I played CoD:MW2 Search n' Destroy for 4 hours. Was accused of using aim mods.

    I have state English exams tomorrow. Yay!
  13. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    So I did nothing at all this weekend. I've basically been on the Computer, Xbox, or playing some Pokemon. As boring as it sounds it's been quite relaxing. I've had nobody to bother me and it's been fun. Today (Monday) is a public holiday, So I'm back at school tomorrow. I've got homework for English, Maths and Science which I need to do. I also have to finish an unfinished assignment for my Retail class that my teacher handed back to me. What sucks is that I've got no clue what I need to do as I threw the assignment papers away thinking that I wouldn't need them anymore. Hopefully he'll understand and give me another sheet.
  14. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    So I thought you're going to school to become a chef? So are you going to school to become a chef or are you already a chef or both? I don't man.

    What's your favorite dish to cook? How about Chicken Alfredo, that's one of my favorite Italian dishes?

    As for me:

    Friday I chilled, played a game of nba:2k10 with bro and step dad, took a three hour nap, woke up, went to go see the Losers with some friends which the movie kinda sucked imo, came home chilled and relaxed.

    Saturday I chilled up until like 3 o'clock and then I was over at my cousin's 21 birthday, **** was awesome.

    Today, I woke up mom made french toast, **** was decent, chilled and played xbox for a bit along with my drums, and then at 5 o'clock I went out to eat for my dad's birthday, which was good, and then I chilled and watched tv when I got home, and here I am now.

    This week on Wednesday and Thursday is state testing for my school and I don't have to test, so I get to do jack **** both those days, which is going to be sweet.

    I probably won't make a post tomorrow(monday) though, but I dunno.
  15. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    D of E trip this weekend, and I don't know what the ****'s happening.
    Wish me luck!
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Sad. Anxious. Exhausted. Confused.

    Those who know what I mean, know what I mean....:/

    On a brighter note, my birthday is in 5 days...
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Insane sleepy? :(
  18. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    he's got the horn ... and is hoping for some kind of sexual encounter.
  19. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Australia had a public holiday today (Monday). Yays for almost reaching level 22 in BFBC 2 today.
  20. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Why don't you go back to your kangaroo's, we don't like your kind here.
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