MW2 lulz! & Discushhionzzz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. Hari

    Hari Ancient
    Senior Member

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    welcome to MW2 :)
  2. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Well that's your fault for sitting back and waiting for the Harrier to do the work for you.
    You should have gone and got the 11th kill yourself.
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    When the entire team admits that they were looking for you the entire match because you were ghosting your way around them and killing them, and you just escaped a pinch where four of them were around your temporary spot, it's strategic to wait for the 11th kill.

    You fail.
  4. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Whambulance =]

    Seriously, if you want to camp your last kill because they want to kill you, then you fail.
    The whole point of the game is to kill the enemy. Sooo your point?

    Either way, who cares. Get over it.

    Side note, what's your overall K/D?
  5. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I'm also done. Noob Tubes are the main reason, it not those, then killstreaks, or else it's knifers, or else it's campers. Just everything it stupid and is annoying. I'm considering selling mw2.
  6. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Camping for literally 5 seconds is bad?
    Ghosting isn't the point of the game? Damn, they shouldn't have put ghillie suits or silencers in the game, because going for no deaths over run-n-gunning is soooo unrealistic.

    1.38 I think, been dropping since I switched to Hardcore. Accuracy is almost 40%
  7. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    I don't get why people complain and whine about certain parts of a game that they play.
    Sure if you don't like it, don't play it.

    But all parts of the game are available for anyone to use.
    It's all fair, and complaining how someone else plays so that it makes it harder for you to kill them just makes you the stupid one.

    For every aspect of the game there is a way to counter it. If you can't adapt then it's not that they are playing unfairly, it's that you aren't playing good enough.
    My K/D is 1.49. And rising.
    I know how to play the game.
    I'm not some idiot that doesn't know what he's doing.
    I'm just saying that you can't say that he's an idiot for killing you, just lucky. Move on.
  8. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think the major thing that people hate is that they want to use a certain tactic(s), but because everyone else does some noobish ****, it's impossible to go positive/win games.
  9. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    In MW2 you have to be good at adapting on the fly.
    Some people find that hard, Halo 3 doesn't require this as much.

    That's why you get people saying it's crap when really they mean it's too hard.
  10. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    You just opened the floodgates.

    I'm going to assume you play MW2 like a virgin plays DnD, and as such can be considered an arrogant fanboy.

    Now, I'm going to enlighten you on something people that buy games should know: game developers are people. As such, they make mistakes, THEY ARE NOT INFALLIBLE.

    That being known, I'm going to further elucidate something.

    Given: Game developers can make mistakes.
    Prove: "For every aspect of the game there is a way to counter it." is a misguided statement.

    1. "Game developers are fallible"
    2. MW2 is made by game developers.
    3. MW2 can thus have mistakes.

    1. MW2 can have mistakes.
    2. Grenade launchers (noobtubes) are in the game.
    3. Grenade Launchers can be considered mistakes.

    1. Grenade launchers can be considered mistakes.
    2. "For every aspect of the game there is a way to counter it." = wrong because counters can be imbalanced as a result of faulty reasoning or simple mistakes.
    Hurr durr, point being, there shouldn't need to be a counter against something that can kill another player from clear across the map without seeing the person.

    Grenades are one thing, as you have to hold and cook the grenade for optimal situations to kill people. If there's a guy that rushes you and you have a grenade in hand, he can shoot you, you can lob the grenade but there's no guarantee it'll explode in time.

    Noobtubes on the other hand, are not only instant explosions, but they can go infinitely farther than grenades. Furthering the example above, if the player were caught with it, they can just shoot the opposition instantly unlike the grenade.

    I'm going to bold this next statement because even though I've already inferred the point repeatedly and believe that an explicit statement should suffice, you've shown your sub-par intelligence: Grenades are balanced by player skill. Noobtubes, are not.

    Now, my hatred for noobtubes = opinion, which means you can only critique it with valid points, which I just did with your points. Calling you an idiot for holding a certain viewpoint, like you did me, is a show of stupidity. However, proving you retarded in your own unsolicited, unsupported, unintelligent mocking through simple statements logically developed, well, that's okay.

    So, unless you have anything else you'd like me to dispel, shut the **** up and try to analyze a game as something that can have bad points instead of immediately flocking to defend it.
    #2970 SargeantSarcasm, Apr 25, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  11. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ^Pooned. Red Army = arrogant *****.

    Today I was accused of using aiming mods. I guess I'm just that good at quick-scoping.
    #2971 Mongoose, Apr 25, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  12. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    I've been accused of using aiming as well! D:

    Side not, Sarge, I didn't say it doesn't have bad points and mistakes. Spawning for example can be quite horrible. Amoung many other things.

    I find it ironic however that you had a hissy fit because you died while camping to get a chopper gunner. Simple as that.

    I don't care about arguing balance in the game, it is what it is. You play it knowing all the shortcomings in the game. So don't argue that, I know about it all just as much as you do.

    I'm not arguing the fact that there are cheap weapons and items in the game. I'm just saying that you whining about not getting a chopper gunner by camping and waiting for your harrier to get kills is ironic.

    Do you think the chopper gunner isn't as noobie as the grenade launcher?
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's not, considering you actually have to earn it. Grenade launchers are given to you at Rank 1, and there are a number of ways you can abuse noobtubes.
  14. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    so my K/D used to be around 1.68. it gradually made its way down to about 1.53 as a result of me quiting death match and playing objective gametypes and actually going for the objectives the whole game. i got extremely tired of getting killed repeatedly by nub tubs with OMA and danger close. but i never wanted to stoop to their level. recently i cracked and decided to use it and only go for kills. i had at least a K/D of 3.0 every game, and my overall K/D went back up to 1.65 in a matter of days. it was extremely satisfying. now im back to not playing like a little ***** until someone does it me more than a few times in one game. then i switch to my ***** **** nub tub class and retaliate. i hardly ever get frustrated with the game anymore.
  15. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    And there's a brilliant form of adaptation =P
    If you can change strategy to piss them off and kill them rather than you getting pissed off and dieing, then you're playing smart.
  16. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This game is clearly designed to allow even the worst of players to get a few kills every round, hence the extremely low health compared to other online games. Using only a weapon that does exactly this is not being playing smart, it's relying on something that is designed for new, inexperienced players. The fact that one has to use such a weapon in order to squeeze joy out of this game is pathetic.

    Just to clear things up, not calling Wood Wonk pathetic, calling the game pathetic.
  17. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    You are a walking contradiction Red Army, so rather than waste my time refuting your points with novel ideas as I've already done, and watch you backtrack to recant your statements, I'm going to use your new comment to invalidate your former one, or rather, vice versa.

    Interesting. Also, people complain because they are capable of analytical thought.

    Very ironic set of statements there. Gee, I wonder what my very first statement was. Oh yeah...

    Very interesting.

    I could've sworn you argued balance in the

    OH ****!

    You should probably refer to the quote just above this one again. If that still doesn't suffice, Shatakai put it well, which you didn't bother TRYING to refute with your roundabout illogical sense of argument.

    Keep going Red Army, this is fun.
  18. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    +rep, Sarge,

    Oh, so a couple games today with Insane and Thomas from XF I was playing quite good. Got two or three pavelows, and was highly positive. Then like 3 games after my Pavelows, Insane started a game up of HeadQuaters... Let's just say that game sucked: The other team was a clan, we all sucked, they all camped the HQ and farmed kills...

    We all ended up negative, and they were all like 60-10.
  19. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Screw it. I don't care enough about arguing with you to keep going.
    I don't need to boost my ego. I just don't care.

    Play it or don't play it, whatever. Doesn't effect me either way.
    #2979 Red Army, Apr 25, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  20. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Oh I am, thanks for your approval though, I needed it.

    Says the one who called me an idiot when I was venting about a random player. Interesting.

    You really don't read beyond a third grade level do you?

    This is called a discussion for a reason. But on that note, if you like the game, why do you have to tell us about it? Why do you need to brag about your accomplishments? I'm sorry if I'm honest and talk about my pitfalls and my wins in equal measure. Then again, you're probably the type that's used to getting babied, so "YOU'RE AWESOME DUDE, AND YOUR OPINION ABOUT THE GAME IS 100% ACCURATE DESPITE CONTRADICTING YOURSELF REPEATEDLY IN YOUR ATTEMPTED REFUTATION!"

    Actually, if you'll read my other post about the inherent imbalance behind the notion of a noobtube, you'll find it's rather logical to assume it's the games fault. After all, I did say:

    I even gave you a detailed analysis and steps of logical reasoning to see where I derived that statement from. Something you've failed to do with your roundabout reasoning and blatant idiocy.

    It is, I'll give you that, because you already did it yourself. I even showed you in that last post. Jesus you're blind. Not Jesus, as in Christ, that's an exclamation, I'm talking directly to you Red Army. Also, blind as in ignorant. Felt I had to clarify because you clearly ignore anything that could be considered rational thought beyond that of a first grader's understanding of the world.

    HAHAHAHA. Holy hell you really didn't read anything did you?

    Look above, I summarized this point. Well, if you can look above, I'm aware that leaning backwards in the literal sense would result in a fall for you, since you clearly have a huge brain that would cause imbalance.

    I think I did when I said I was done with the game. Hm, I guess I really need to subscribe to your clearly logical thinking and


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