I won't rock it..there is no reason too. It makes you a noticeable target and its nothing more special than you spent a lot of money. The elite armor however, is cool and I would use it. But Recon, no I disagree..it was nice to earn and it made things like BvW great. That is one of my fondest memories of H3..sucks bungie killed it by offering Recon in ODST
Recon was a **** gimmick in an effort to save time and money when it comes to dealing with fans. The Reach flaming helmet is merely an isotope.
The ridiculous lusting over a helmet that doesn't even look that good was incredibly annoying. The only reason anyone wanted it was they couldn't have it, then when ODST came out they all lost interest since anyone could have it.
That's not a legitimate reason for the concept of it to be removed from Reach. It gave Bungie the ability to award the community with exclusivity and it worked quite well. There is no reason to not have something similar, it only has benefits. If you don't care about achieving it or others having it, that's your prerogative. I never went out of my way for it, but participating in a few contests was cool..and receiving it in BvW was the icing on the cake for a great day.
That's why i said it's an isotope. It's a different kind of gimmick here to what they did with Halo 3. Instead of them dangling it over crippled yankie heads for an entire 3 years, it's a one-time rip-off payment. This time it actually has a sell-by date, so we don't have to worry about morons in matchmaking ruining out fun forever.
No, I see your point. I don't particularly agree with the Flaming Armor, but MS realizes it will sell more Legendaries. It was the premise behind Recon that made it so popular and I foresee them doing something similar, a different armor from the Flaming Helmet, in the game after launch.
Matty you are forgetting the insecure spoiled kids spamming the chat with "look at how flaming i am" honestly I could care less if there is a reach recon. I never cared about this one. I actually only cared starting with odst, because I hate leaving things uncompleted (which I ended up doing, never bothered getting endure)
I really hope recon will be eliminated for reach without replacement, simply to reduce the headache I get from people yelling into their mics every time there is someone with recon in a game. Then of course there are all the bogus "send this map to all your friends to get recon" things. It just turned out to cause endless pain to the people who did not care, and became unimportant once people could easily earn it in ODST.
Does anyone know how much disc space the beta is going to take? I need to know if i need to clear some up or not? also Is there even an L3/R3 on xbox?
Lol, I just watched the ViDoc on YouTube with CC on. At 1:55-1:57, the guy says, "Like the sniper rifle." CC thinks he said, "That's a football."
I believe it will last a month; I remember seeing a list of gametypes that will be in Beta MM, and I sorta remember being around 4 or 5 listed for each week. Lemme try to find a link.
2 weeks planned. Are you ****ing kidding me. Oh hey lets make the beta the same two weeks as AP testing and knock out the main core of our supporters that are in accordance with the ESRB.
I know it seems short but it's justifiable. A lot of resources go into just managing and analysing the data they get from the beta. Not to mention you get it for free. It does seem like the timing is a bit off for some people, but they can't please everyone. The timing is fine for me.
Not really..I seriously doubt AP testing crossed their minds at all. It's mainly only an American* only thing (yes, we have AP too), as your university is so ungodly expensive. It only targets 17 year old and that's it. High school graduates are done, university students are done, underage kids haven't started exams yet.