Author: ell3ment Map Name: Tremor Defense Map Canvas: Standoff Map Size: Large Player Count: 3-16 Supported Gametypes: Tremors __________________________________________________ Tremor Defense Created by: Ell3ment Download Links Tremor Defense Tremors Description: Tremors has been around for a long time, but until now i have only seen a version on Valhalla called "Tremor Valley". Before you start your game you need to make sure you only set two people to RED team, these people will be your chopper drivers, and after each game most parties tend to rotate who plays as the chopper drivers until everyone has a chance. The objective of each game is simple, run from your base to the flag and bring it back without getting smashed by one of the chopper drivers. Only one honor rule(*sigh*) NO HIJACKING THE CHOPPERS Onto some pictures i guess. Overview: Attackers Spawn: Defenders Spawn and base: Defenders side base: Includes safety box Attackers side base: Blocked off Action shots: Death is imminent I got you now! Run boy run Smashed by a chopper Download Links Tremor Defense Tremors Thanks to all of the many testers.
Nice work! The map looks very good and well forged and it is very easy to tell you have put time and effort into making the map. The only problem i can see is that Standoff in my opinion is not a suitable map for tremors. The main reason for this is because of the shape and size of the map. On Valhalla The Tremors new where to go at the start and they were also never to far away from a victim. On Standoff however because the map is much wider it makes the action much less intense and i can see this becoming boring for some players. I will be doenloading this anyway and test it later.
Actually i have directed most of the paths and combat into three separate paths down the map to help guide gameplay a little better. The cannons from either base take you to either side of the map or you can run it straight down the middle and use the rocks. Almost every natural terrain you can jump on can be scaled by the tremors so you need to keep on the move if you plan on surviving. I've been told by several testers that the gameplay on this Standoff version has already proven to be a nice refreshing change from tremor valley.