Default Foundry matchmaking games are generally awful, especially team duals. But I've found that team Swat is Actually pretty good. If FOundry comes up in Matchmaking I'll veto instantly but if I'm playing Swat and Foundry comes up I won't veto. Does anyone else think Swat on Foundry is fun? Oh and does anyone else think that Swat on Construst sucks?
you have everything mixed up. construct guardian and the pit are the best swat maps, foundry just sucks as a map in general.
I never really hated foundry, but i like swat better on maps like construct, or the pit. And i disagree with construct sucking. Just remember this: ''Dont Blame the map, your weapon, or the lack of a good weapon. Blame Yourself.'' -Eduardo (E93)
I enjoy default Foundry. But the real fun comes when you forge with it. As for it being a good swat map...maybe.
Default Foundry was a horrible attempt to make a small version of Sidewinder. It's really best for Forging on, not much else.
Default foundry is awful. On a side note, after initially hating it I've come to like construct alot. TS and KOTH construct MLG are actually fun.
exactly tru... personally, guardian is awesome tho pit is pretty good. Foundry is too open default wise nd besides tht just plain isnt good, swat, team slayer or anything...
I love default Foundry on Slayer BR's Lone Wolves only for the fact that it so easy to dominate on that map and everyone else always seems to suck on it.
Default foundry is disgusting for everything. 2v2 Is too bare, 4v4 and up is just a boring game full of completely stupid spawns (iether in the most predictable and un-defendable area in history or behind you). I havnt played it on SWAT but i imagine its pretty bad also.