Sandbox Galaxy Milk

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Scobra, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Click the banner to go to download.

    Yes, you're probably thinking "WELL IT'S ABOUT ****ING TIME" and I will say that, yes, it is about ****ing time indeed. I take full responsibility for the map pack falling through and having two of the three be left unfinished because of my Modern Warfare 2 addiction. That being said, I apologize that Noxiw and I couldn't get all three released. However, this map, Galaxy Milk, has been long completed for quite a long time and after all the time I've spent playing on it with Noxiw, Nondual, and everyone else that has helped playtest this to death, I firmly believe it is currently perfect as it is and for that reason, I am officially releasing it in the form of this thread.


    The 'interior' of Blue Base. From here, you see the Brute Shot, Laser, and Warthog spawns.

    Our original idea for this map was to make a map that could balance four Warthogs, two Spartan Lasers, and force vehicle movement to go through the central area of the map, unlike on most Sandbox maps where vehicles just endlessly circle the dunes. Thanks to Noxiw's expertly designed wall half post wall that makes its way from one base to the other and the wall behind the central structure to prevent vehicle movement on the outer dune, the Warthogs are forced to either drive through the center or backtrack and take the long way around the map to get to the other side of the map. This in turn helps keep the people walking be safe from vehicles to a certain degree by slipping through the posts in the center to the other side where Warthogs can't get to unless they drive all the way around.

    A view from Red Laser down the Alley. Note exactly how empty it is.

    Each base comes loaded with a Spartan Laser (150) and two Warthogs (60). You may be alarmed at how fast the vehicles spawn, but I can assure you that the way the map is set up, they aren't as dominant as you may think. The spawn placement for the Spartan Lasers are set up to where you can pick it up, look down the alley, and possibly blast the opposing teams Laser wielder fresh out of spawn. However, take note that this works both ways. Speaking of the alley, sitting smack dab on the speedbump exactly in between the two bases is the lone Sniper Rifle (120, 1). Getting it isn't always an easy task, however, seeing that you have virtually no cover once you pick it up. Another useful tool to deal with those pesky vehicles is the Brute Shot positioned right on the gate way to the alley, tactically placed for you to flip any vehicle on its way toward you.

    The top side of the Center Structure and Rocket Spawn. The Hammer Spawns on the far end, inside.

    In the center structure, you'll find a Rocket Launcher (180, 0) sitting at the far end near the backside of the structure. Inside, you'll find a Gravity Hammer (180) in the large open room. Above the Hammer is the Plateau, a highly contested area that helps you control vehicles coming through the center and gives you a great vantage point in providing cover fire for your team in storming the enemy base. Be warned, though, that cover is somewhat limited and the Gravity Lifts allow enemies to easily fly up to your level in an effort to take you down.

    The Sniper is actually a highly sought after weapon on this map. Getting it, however, isn't always an easy task.

    As far as gametypes go, six versus six Capture the Flag is by far the most popular and best one to play for this map. If that doesn't seem to interest you, give Big Team Slayer a try. I can guarantee that there will always be plenty of action packed moments. If you're really into Big Team maps with a lot of vehicular action then this may be just the map for you!

    This concludes my write up for Galaxy Milk. Once again, I apologize for the long delay. I'd like to give a huge shoutout to all the people who tested this map and more specifically Nondual for hosting so many great test sessions, each one packed with more fun than the last. I'd also like to give a huge thanks to Noxiw for being the best God damn Forge partner I've ever known and just being the coolest motherfucker on this damn planet. Sorry for ditching you for Modern Warfare 2 bro, but you can bet your ass that you and I will make some major kick ass maps in Reach together!

    Lastly, I want to thank this awesome ****ing community just for being ****ing awesome. With that, I leave you with a link to download this map, and a few more screen shots for you.

  2. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    Thank you for acknowledging that this community is ****ing awesome, I totally agree. You, my friend (and Noxiw) play a huge part in this awesome community. Thanks for making this amazing map. I haven't found a map that Noxiw has made that i don't like so kudos on that Noxiw. I would love to give this a try and see if it is feature-worthy! AMAZING 5/5 and I haven't even played it.

    I know I haven't listed any downsides. Truth is, I can't find one. Maybe I will find a downside when I play it =P
    #2 xDarklingx, Apr 22, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2010
  3. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    I love your guys' work, it is truly epic! But could we get an over view shot?
  4. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Oh wow. I thought this was released forever ago.

    Well good job finally releasing it, it's a fun map especially for gift giver.
  5. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Great write up Brendon. =D
    I'm glad this is released now too, alot of people have actually asked me if this was released and they didn't see it, I'm glad we'll all finally be able to put this behind us. :)

    Download, play, enjoy or hate, it's up to you. (Although I hope you enjoy it)
  6. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Yes! "WELL IT'S ABOUT ****ING TIME" is the first thing that came to my mind. Then, after reading the write up, I saw the pictures and was stricken with amazement. Which brings me to the second thing that came to my mind, WOW! The third and finally thing that came to my mind was that I would've had really like to see the other maps that were supposed to be in the map pack. Anyways, great job 10/10 by the looks of it but might change depending to the gameplay. Again, great job!
  7. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    im really liking the angle of the center structure in the third picture. can't really tell too much from the pictures, but this is definitely a good map. aesthetics rock. the idea for the spartan laser is pretty cool. Just one question...why didn't you post this map up a long time ago? It doesn't take more than a couple matches to test a map...

    But ya anyway you've definitely got a download from me!
  8. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I apologize for the lack of an overview shot. It must of slipped my mind when taking these pictures last night. I'll see if I can get one before the end of the day.

    Agreed. This map has definitely been long overdue for a posting, without a doubt. It's been finished for about 3 months now, right? :p

    Since we're probably not going to be doing anything with the other two maps, I'll post the links to the *unfinished* versions that were still in the testing phase. Feel free to download them and run a quick game on them if you'd like, but keep in mind that they are unfinished.

    [ ThusIRefuteThee | Dez Moines ]


    Well, for Noxiw and I, it takes weeks of testing for our maps because of all the weird ideas we have and things we implement into them and we would always be tweaking them every chance we got. This map was in testing for a little more than two weeks, I believe (maybe more. I' m not sure.) Just to be safe and make sure everything plays out exactly how we want it every single time.

    Again, this would've been posted a while ago if it wasn't for me losing interest in Halo because of a certain game being released around Christmas time.
    #8 Scobra, Apr 22, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2010
  9. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Quite contrary actually, maps are ALWAYS able to be improved upon. And each playtest we held was followed up by us analyzing player movement, what worked, what didn't, how players moved when they were in this areas, does this portion accomplish what we were aiming for, etc. We addressed everything that we felt needed to be changed, and many things that weren't necessary. And while this map is definitely not "perfect" (no maps are) it has went under the knife many many times with tweaks that, to others, probably isn't even apparent.

    One or two playtests is never enough in my opinion. Lately, any map I work on goes on months of testing before I consider it to be satisfactory and ready to be released, and even then, I'm thinking: "Okay, now what do i do differently in v2...?"
  10. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    ahh...I've long awaited the release of this map. I saw it in the map preview section a while back, and I knew from the start this map had so much potential it was comming out of its a*s. hehe.Well, enough with the silly talk. This map looks great, forging wise I think it is innovative, yet original. I love the open pathways for warthog mayhem. =) Unfortunately, due to my busy life, I can only download, and forge my way around things, but a full team game will have to wait =( otherwise this map is awesome.
  11. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I never got around to play testing this... must've been your mw2 addiction :p

    Anyway, uh, map is teh sex, beautiful, amazing, yadda yadda yadda. Feature worthy in my opinion, and that half wall post idea was genius.

    I'll dl today and try to get a game on it. Nice work.

    Oh yes, I forgot: 5/5 NEEDZ MOAR INTARLOCKZ
  12. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    ^^ Also note, this map is so old, when it was finished, the half-wall posts were original. (They're not anymore unfortunately.)
  13. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    Brendon, you finally posted it, you magnificent son of a *****, you. <3

    I never got that many chances to play Galaxy Milk, though I followed it closely during it's construction and may or may not have had some minor imput, but holy ****, it is a damn good map. I love the half-wall fences and the ballsy weapon/vehicle set-up.

    You and Nox are still by far the kickass-est forging duo around, and as soon as I rescue my X-Box from the depths of redringedness, I intend on catching up on some Halo and playing the **** out of this map.
  14. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Truly sik brother. To be honest, I really don't understand the layout, so I'll check it out may 20. I love that natural map look though. Very original
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    #15 Bloo Jay, Jun 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2010

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