Br once you play a day or two with you'll get twice the kills then usual my fav wep because three shots to the head then they are dead very handy when sheilds are down... saved me many of times
not saying that the BR is not useful... nor am i saying that it sucks. I love it. I just get bored with it that's all xD if you force game types without it or the AR, then what? people normally hate the map >_> and the BR is HIGHLY useful and powerful(in the right hands). so why so many? It should be a lower spawn weapon. one everyone tries to get, not free for all to have.
It is kind of sad that the battle rifle is used so much for almost every map, it does get pretty repetitive compared to games like COD4 where someone else having the same weapon is pretty rare. There should definitely at least be more carbines around. I think the spiker would've been much better as a mid-long range non-duel weapon
Yes, the AR is just terrible. Always use the BR unless your a n00b and MLG is better then everything if you don't liek it ur ta gayzzzzzzzzz. Also CoD4 is teh winnest. /sarcasm
Uh, actually, if you're at mid-close range, an AR will kill a BR guy pretty fast. Usually he gets to distracted by his 3-shot and gets killed. BR>AR Mid-long range AR>BR Mid-close range Spikers-SMGs also have differences. Spikers are generally slower but more powerful, while SMGs are faster but less powerful. I usually carry around the SMG as primary in case I come across a guy with less shields, while the Spiker is secondary so I can drop guys with shields.
I don't usually see a huge number of people go for the BR. It's one of my favorite weapons, so I tend to pay attention to the spawns; I can usually find one without too much difficulty. I suppose, in terms of how much people use it, Bungie COULD stand to tone down the number of BRS which appear on the maps. At least, that's my experience with it. For all I know, I could be part of a minority.
I agree completely. Myself and My friend, All_Is_Dust have recently been trying to use other weapons as much as possible, and people always underestimate us when we hold either dual Spikers or SMG.s and even as stand alone weapons, the huge magazine's of the SMG.... if you time one weapon fire right, you can have continual fire with two SMGs for like KoTH battles. very useful.
I really think it's alright having a lot of brs, cause when you're not in a br ame, you want to find a br, and it's always good to have one close to you
This guy probably cant play for crap. If you cant use the BR then you are awful. The reason is because the AR is a close-mid range weapon, the BR cant be used in almost all situations with successful results.
Linu he doesnt suck -_- He's making a point that he thinks there are too many on the maps. He's repeatedly said he liked the Br and is good with it. I disagree with him but you should still be civil and not go around insulting people becuase they have an opinion differen to yours. *Supa Midget disapears in an explosion of shamrocks*
Okay, I probs shouldnt said he sucked but I had a reasoning why there were many brs. Another point, Slayer BRs is, I'm not basing this on anything, more popular than regular slayer. Because the Br is the most balanced weapon its easy to use and can be done so in all situations it has probably been placed because bungie didn't want the AR to be the only weapon used
Thank you guys for finally understanding, i myself DO NOT HATE THE BR i was just bringing up a point that carbines and other weapons work in the same ways. sorry for all the misinterpratations
There can never be too many BRs even if the whole ground was covered and walls were covered, and same with open space were covered BRs I would never say there are too many
Brs are the best weapn in Halo 3, it is the perfect balance between an Assault Rifle and s Sniper, so, the more the merrier.
New thread about the Br Vs the Carbine you guys seem to all love the BR so i'll get some more forums about it