All of this was stated by an Epic employee on their own forums. The bearded man IS Dom. Anya is the female. The Lancer is actually called Pendulum Lancer.
This trailer tells me they're gonna get ridiculous with this game. Theres like a bajillion enemies surrounding them at every angle. I really hope they dont go overboard and try to overdo it.
...And chainsaw duels weren't ridiculous? I like Gears to be a bit ludicrous. The game is already overly gory, so why not be a little silly with it, too?
Dont worry they wont... havent you seen the gears one trailers a few of them had Marcus up against more enemies than this new trailer.
Are you guys forgetting the level where you're on that rig in Gears 2? You pass by 2 Brumaks and a bazillion kajillion enemies. ALL OF THEM KILLABLE
I <3'ed that level. It was awesome. There was also the part when you were on the Brumak and you killed like 200 locust... Anyway, I'm pumped. I love the Gears of War series (MP sucks, campaign is awesome) and I can't wait til this is released.
Ughh. I thought I was done with it all. Spoiler I already flooded the hollow, shouldn't they have died?
I hope EPIC do what they've been doing with Campaign, with some liberties taken to make it feel new, and hope to god they give the driving sections the boot. Gears 1 Junker, and Gears 2 Centaur were some of the most aggravating things I've done in gaming. For Multiplayer, where should I start. Get rid of lancer one-hit-kill melees, or at least don't make it a vortex that'll suck you in from feet away, fix the Matchmaking system in searching and hosting areas, fix spawns so that there are more than just two spawn hives per map, new weapons that are not one-hit-kills. Got a hell of enough of those. DLC support like Gears 2 would be nice, but I don't think I should get too ahead of myself. I think it goes without saying they'll add and bring back maps and more notably, gametypes. Also, trailer needs more Cole Train, 1/5
YouTube - Sun Kil Moon - Heron Blue (Music used in Gears of War 3 Trailer) (HD) here's the song to the trailer if anyone wanted to know it. I have a mixed feeling about this song. I like the guitar and the gloominess. Perfect sound for a perfectly deserted and destroyed city. The bad thing is, its long as **** and sounds emo, at least not the screamo type.
I believe the trailer is showing alot about the changes around. Anya is fighting, They're using out-dated weaponry, etc. I know there'll be more Trailers with Cole. I mean, everyone loves Cole. Was wondering the song. Thanks.