Okay not really much of a CnC, more so a CnC on the power of CS5. Another thread here had someone saying that CS5 isn't really much of an upgrade. Well I took about 5-10 minutes out of my time to just see how good the content aware feature is. Keep in mind that this literally took about 5 to 10 minutes. It's very rough and I could clean it up soooo much more to make it look perfect, but check it out. This is the before: And the after How crazy is that! All I did was circle what I didn't want and hit delete. Content aware just made things a **** load easier for everyone who will use Photoshop from now on. This ****'s intense.
Unimpressed personally. Yeah its all cool that you can just lasso and fill, but that not cool when everyone else is doing it : /
Im not impressed by neither of them. Add a few news tools and features and you have CS5. Nothing really a huge importance going for it at all imo.
Wow really? So unimpressed... These incredibly intelligent people have created something incredible and you don't find it impressive. I just find you arrogant tbh...
Except in my case where you really didn't have a editor. Either way, Content Aware should actually be used properly, not to just remove sonic from a pic. Red, I'd like to point out that KB is a GNA Mod... <3 And that it's not arrogance. Use the tool properly. I'll use the tool very very carefully in small amounts to retouch areas. Just removing everything and posting it here is not a feat at all. It's just spam.
I find you the same way mate. Again its my choice. I can still do everything in CS5 in CS4 and so can anyone with CS2 or above. So really its nothing amazing to me at all.
Feel like I've posted almost the same thing before, but whatever. It's fairly incredible to those who use Photoshop for retouches and such, for those who create sigs and the like it doesn't mean much. For those who's jobs work on this kind of thing, it is incredible. I personally do a whole lot of this little touching up stuff and I can't wait to get my hands on this stuff once it's officially released and I can upgrade my CS4. That being said, no version of Photoshop after PS 7 is going to be more than a tiny bit different for people who do things like sigs and such...that's a completely different area of image creation, and one that I think is a lot of fun and very cool, but in terms of professional usage, Content Aware Fill is the biggest thing in years in any program. I think the point of posting the thread is to show what it can do in terms of manipulation possibilities...not to show off pr0 skillz. In that, as long as people don't keep posting threads with stuff they've done on CS5 (yes, I see what it can do now...don't need all that much considering), I think this thread is pretty cool.
Well said... I suck at doing manipulations, but content awareness if giving me some hope to at least make my manipulations "flow" better and make them plausible enough to not even think of them as manips. I am going to wait it out, untilof it's beta stage because until than CS4 is just as great...
The Content Aware System isn't as accurate as you'd think. Most of these pictures are quite simple to even just clone manually. With a pic I used, I just had a spiral of the same couple things over and over.
Exactly =D And thank you =] I think this is twice now that I've quoted you for saying what I'm thinking, though I will admit, much more elaborately.
Heh. I don't think you realize how hard it is to clone manually some of the stuff you end up getting asked to when you do manipulation. For example, in one picture I did for a neighbor, they wanted me to take out a car, from a side angle. That entailed hours of zoomed in, slowly cloning bit by bit until it looked close to natural. In another, I was asked to remove a whole person out of multiple group photos. Content Aware is absolutely spectacular for those who do this thing often. It doesn't need to be perfect, that's not the idea. The idea is to get it to a point where I can take it from there without spending hours upon hours slowly cloning over a car. Also, when I say jobs I don't mean necessarily literally jobs. But those who use all those clone tools often, usually the guys that buy Photoshop for just that reason, will find this to be...well, you know what I think of it.
That is true, and I definitely give them big props for it, I did the content aware to part of an image, and I got a swirl of Marcus Fenix. It took me longer to clone that result back, rather than clone from the stock. Although, I probably won't be using the Content Aware for more than taking off website logos, etc. off pics.
I hadn't even thought of that, that is a really good idea....though a copyright violation, but...hey, it's not like we don't all take random pictures off of the internet for various things (most notably school projects, personally). Good idea, though it makes me wonder what people will do to keep their images from getting stolen in the future.
Well the only thing I can see right now that would prevent it is the metadata, but it's not like it's hard to remove that. Stock images under copyright just got their asses handed to them.
Well, I'm thinking more like just simple things where I used to crop such as: But really. Most images that I'd be using I know multiple sources would have, so it's really not a big deal. But, I'm sure there will be a way. Plus, I know alot of artists that would want their stuff out there. just keep your psd somewhere and you'll be fine.
I just tried the content aware select/delete tool with your sig Bloo Jay, worked fine. Tried it with that IGN image, and content aware wont work on it when you select/delete. Like I mean, the option isn't even there. So maybe it detects logos or it's actually something in the image? Strange.