Really, don't you think you're a little too old to be making that joke, Youtuber; or should I say JANIE!?
Dogs barking outside my windowwww, bout to go sleep on my pillowwwww, just the thought makes me bellowwwww!
Let me guess, you were walking around a bunch of buildings and got inspired, and drew it all out for one last ditch effort before halo 3 dies? Probably inspired by a place your banned played. Wait, or a college.
i've had a map in progress since this time last year. i gave it to stick for him to try finishing it, but he quit. would there be anybody willing to take up a 2/3 finished geometry, finish the building, and put in spawns and such? i might make a formal thread for that later...
Stalker. Haha, yeah, but the beta will get people into a halo kick again, and there'll be a 4 month gap between when the beta ends and the release of Reach.