Well, I haven't seen anybody post using this prefix and I don't feel like digging through this section to find someone who did, so I'm going to go ahead and assume it means I post map concepts or unfinished maps for someone else to finish. If I'm wrong, oh well. Kill me for it. Back in the day I used to make racetracks. I wasn't exactly the best in the field. I considered myself decent. After a while I lost interest in Forging. There are a few maps I have sitting around that would be a shame if they were lost and forgotten. So I'm posting them here, hoping that someone will take them and treat them to a proper forging. Please, if you've never forged a racetrack before, stop reading this now. Apocalypse Spoiler Apocalypse is a map I've had for quite some time. I wanted to be innovative in my racetrack ideas at the time, so I decided to theme this map and add a bunch of snazzy effects. Basically the whole idea was to make a map that exploded around you as you raced it. You start off and get on your mongoose. You then race into a row of buildings and there are two paths you can take (The left one needs improvement). After that you drive up the large sand bank and come back down into the "town". As you reach the ground, a building on your left explodes and pieces of it fly off to your right/ the track then spirals... and then abruptly stops, along with my will to forge on it. The finished map should have Gloomy FX to make it Apocalyptic themed and possibly some falling fusion coils to enhance the effect. Ponte Milvio Spoiler I've had this map since a week after Sandbox first became publicly available. Yea. Anyway, as you can probably tell, this map is based around the wreckage of some kind of bridge. You start down on the main floor and then race up the dune to your left. After that you come back down onto a broken piece of the bridge which dumps you back onto the ground floor (the transition is quite smooth, I must say). You then go up onto a bank and turn back around to go to the finish line. That entire ending part needs to be longer with more banks. The entire map lap time as of now is 24 seconds (yes you can race start to finish, kind of) and needs to be much longer. If you're interested in completing one of these maps send me a PM and/or XBL message and I will contact you so I can show you what needs to be done personally. You must give credit if you use the concept or the map itself. Just give me credit for whatever you use in the final map post. Thanks!
You posted correctly!!! (YAY) I have not, however, ever seen someone get a successful map adoption from here and since your maps look so good I would suggest just finishing them yourself. Good luck anyways they look great.
lol, the problem is, I would rather do something school related than forge. That's how much I really don't want to finish these maps. I might sit down one day and force myself to, but then the map doesn't have what I want to see in it and I'm just trying to get it done and over with.
These look like very good maps. I don't think any one else should really forge these but you Mongoose. Mainly because you know what you want the map to look and feel like and you will be able to create that the best. You also have the forging skills, that you can tell from what you have already done. I think this should be more more of a preview than a adoption thread.
You showed me the second map before. It looks good so far. I can help you, or we can make it together. You already know how to find me.