Depends on what the creator is going for. If he wants smooth walls and floors, either for aesthetics or so there are no little hops when running around, then yes interlocking is essential If he just wants a big wall to keep people out of a certain area (ie: Griffball court or the Socsorz map) the no not really.
I agree. It depends on what the map creator is going for. However, I am generally of the mind that interlocking is definitely NOT essential for a good map. I don't particularly like it when people reject maps based simply on the fact that it doesn't -look- pretty, regardless of how it might play.
If the map creator is going for something that looks sloppy and isn't interlocked, then, no matter if he says it plays good, people probably wont download it.
Oh well. if you want to limit yourself in the maps you play that's your problem. Also by your logic you never play they default versions of the maps. So no match making for you. Must be boring when none of your friends are online.
well, i have recently craeted a map where the only interlocking was in the wall blocking off the back area of foundry, it had mixed receptions but in the first few pages it was generally quite negative. it's called chasm (link in my sig) if you wanna see it.
a map doesn't have to have interlocking to not be sloppy. Works the other way around as well, a map with interlocking can still look sloppy. As Ivory posted, Chasm is a good example of a tidy map that doesn't use interlocking in the main area of the map. Tunnel rats is a map that has interlocking that looks sloppy. Admittedly this is probably what the creator was going for but to me it's ugly. and I don't think it plays well either. Interlocking is a tool. sometimes it's the right tool for the occasion other times it's not.
I don't believe interlocking is required for a map to be good. A map can easily have a unique design or fun gameplay and have very little or no interlocking. A good map has many things going for it interlocking is just another level of forging for when u want flat elevated area. What's next? A map isn't good unless it perfectly merged into map geometry i think not. A map is gonna be great if it got something great going for it not because its interlocked and has a pretty face.
Interlocking is far from bieng crucial, but it is an invaluable technique, which creates hundreds of different shapes and allows for many complex ideas to be completed. Please stop making these threads, there is no real answer. Ask any higher-up and he will say no, even though his maps will probably be 95%+ interlocked.
congrats on your 696 post count matty, lol there is not much to add to this thread, you have heard from one of the best forgers that it isn't crucial, so i think we have our answer (for like the 100th time) so please don't create anymore of these threads.
Okay, most believe that it isnt crucial. The best forgers believe that it isnt crucial even though their maps are highly interlocked. It may not be crucial but it is certainly used a helluva lot, which means it may not be absolutely crucial, but it is incredibly useful.
I was thinking about this earlier. I usually see maps being criticized because interlocking wasn't used. Which is mostly why I don't venture into forge much.
the forge hub is still a discussion and map based website xD with out voicing our opinions we might as well go back to the threads are essential to grow as forgers and as players overall.