Screenshot of the Week, Week 15 Submission This is Forge Hub's Screenshot of the Week, equivalent to Signature of the Week in Graphics & Arts, except with Halo 3 screenshots. Spoiler This vote was not counted. Don't tell people to vote for you, vote for who you like. Each week I'll come up with a new theme, then you go out and capture a screenshot that represents that theme. The community then votes for which screenshot should win, and why. Last weeks theme was Hot & Cold, Congratulations to Loscosso with this picture! Monday-Friday for submissions of the Screenshots and the weekend for voting. This Weeks Theme is Forge Art Example: Gargoyle(Part of the screenshot is made of items in forge.) Your screenshot doesn't need to have a player in it. The winner of 3 Screenshot of the Weeks in a row gets their screenshot featured in the newest site update. Submission Rules: • Entrants may only submit a screenshot created by themselves. • Screenshots must follow all forum rules. This includes those against nudity and pornography. • You may edit or change your entry any time before the voting thread is posted. • If your screenshot has won in the past it may not be entered again. SOTW 15 Submission Will End Saturday, April 24th and SOTW 15 Voting Will Commence.
you purposely spelt my name wrong this time... -.- I got no submission unless I can use a screenshot that used forge objects to create the background (but you can't tell that there are forge objects in the pic)
no clue didnt even know about that(serious)i made the scarab offline (because my freind showed me one he made on foundry) so i ade my scarab 2 show i can beat him at forge anytime. (if i get told i cant have scarab up(to simalar) then ill put my fail recon demon up (or just make something new on forge(and yea it was really ade by me(offline like i said))
Nice try, but we have eyes. It even has the bits which looks bad (in my opinion - like those odd kneecaps) Anyway, here's mine.
ill just put up my fail recon demon then there now just dont count the scarab then.(i cant be bothered to argue) Its my fail recon demon