So, lets talk about gametypes. New Invasion Spartans verses elites? Huge maps, AWESOME. Stockpile Capture the flags, defend the flags. What more is there to want? Head Hunter Collect the skulls, deposit the skulls, watch the skulls fly. Firefight Four players co-op or four players verses. Insane amounts of custom options however, excluding Forge. SADFACE. Race Everybody spawning into vehicles? I think yes. Race is going to be epic in Reach.. Old Slayer Capture the Flag King of the Hill Assault Oddball Territories Juggernaut VIP Infection So not all of the old gametypes are confirmed in Reach, but if they are, we can infer from reading the BWU's, watching the few videos, and jumping to conclusions in our minds, that they'll all play very differently, and amazingly epic. What are you anticipating the most? I am particularly looking forward to Stockpile. Neutral Flag on steroids FTW!!
I like generator defense because its new and different and sounds intense! Never knowing where they are going to attack 1st. Random power weapon drops. Only having 3ppl with 3 generators to defend. Stronger opposition matched with better defensive positions. Sounds like crazy fun!
I really hope that some bungie people have been sneaking around forgehub. Theres so much cool stuff here that bungie could really use to improve their maps and gametypes. That said, I am really anticipating what bungie puts into the maps for those gametypes rather than the gametypes themselves. Invasion will likely bring the choke point and slowly pushing foward ideas from conquest into a larger matchmaking playlist. Big Team Conquest FTW!!! Could you include a description of the gametypes in the thread. I have never heard of 3-plot before.
I was thinking about adding a short description to each of them. I'll do it tomorrow as I am freakishly tired right now.
Invasion looks like great fun in btb. Being on the either side will feel epic with the closet respawn. Infection could be really great too. Set zombie to a single AA (maybe jetpack or evade) and elite models. It will feel like the elites are real zombies. Well... Better than halo 3. That's what I'm more notably excited for. Another thing I thought of, if boneyard is really the biggest map, how come there is no falcoln? How will they play on smaller maps? Maybe it really is in boneyard, just not in the beta.
I wanna see if me and steve 11thselby can get Regeneration Slayer working in reach. Other than that Im mostly looking forward to invasion.
3-plot sounds exactly the same as domination in CoD Invasion sounds like Rush in BF:BC2 Generator defense sounds like demolition from CoD You might want to add in these to the description for the people who have played these other games. Anyways INVASION That will be epic with all the vehicles. If the falcon is included in the game...jet pack air-jacking FTW!!!
hm.... i like the gametypes but i was hoping for a better game finder launcher thing.... it would be cool when you hit matchmaking that in the background your guy gets on a pelican and gears/picks classes on the pelican and other people get on it (the ones who join your game) and you would pick your map and gametype of course ... while flying to the map and land on it jumpin on the map with the gamer countdown instead of black screen and a guy saying "slayer" ... that is getting old... same for the elites... THAT WOULD BE EPIC
With what currently exists in gaming technology this would be nearly impossible. That said, I would love something to find a game faster but supposedly they have already added that.
3plots and domination are prety much the same thing, although dont go thinking bungie stole the gametype considering it was in halo2, which obviousley came out first. Yea, Gefense does sound alot like demolition, although more tactical maybe because theres less people. Or flying up and throwing a plasma nade right on the cockpit window.
Generator defense sounds like it might not turn out so great. Unless all the generators are in the same area, so people can be ready to cover more than one generator, it could end up that one person is trying to defend the generator against three enemies. Even if that person has s rocket launcher, that only holds two shots. Also sounds like a very slow gametype. I was really hoping reach would speed things up. (10 seconds to spawn, 10 to find an enemy, then 10 to battle that enemy is way too slow) Personally I liked the brute chopper for bringing down aircraft. Much more difficult but there's nothing better than taking a chopper off a giant jump to hit a banshee in mid air. The chopper also worked so well for dashing forward, it will probably be missed in invasion.
3 Plots doesn't last long enough. It's very fun though. Stockpile is by far my absolute favorite new gametype. Team Oddball works much better in Reach than in the past Halos. Covy Slayer is a near flawless gametype. The only thing that needs fixing is one grenade per spawn and not two. I haven't played much FFA, so I can't really say much about the FFA gametypes. I cannot ****ing wait for Invasion and Generator Defense though.
^^ Agree completely. FFA Juggernaut is actually a fun gametype for once! FFA Oddball, not so much, IMO.
Personally, one thing I want to see badly is in Infection (assuming it's in there) there be goto points. Possibly some other options to play around with too. A simple, subtle request =)
So Invasion, (to me) is a massive fail, and generator defense I cannot say much about either, being that there is currently massive amounts of lag that plague the gametype. (Yes I am aware that this is their network code's test, and now we all see that they need to refine it a bit.) The gameplay of Generator Defense may be decent, but I cannot tell much at the moment. I truly hope they remove shotgun as a load-out though.
Agreed. The Shotgun beats the Sword at close range and the Spartans also get Grenade Launchers. Invasion turns into just camping with Shotguns on the last tier. I can handle Grenade Launchers, but the Shotguns are just too much. The Elites have no counter to it and the Sword gets dominated by Shotguns at close range.