4 L3v3ls 0f F4t (Remake)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Kill 4 Silence, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    4 L3v3ls 0f F4t
    A simple remake of the original "4 Levels of Fat" or "Fat Camp" or "Fat Kid Stadium" infection map. My motive for building this comes from the countless times I've played in a custom match on this level, and forced to look upon the messy, trashy, and utterly horrid structure placement. Seriously. Theres tons of remakes and all of them look terribly forged. So, that is why I took an entire day and ghost merged together this remake. ​

    Map Canvas: Foundry​

    Supported Gametypes: Alpha Zombie​

    Weapons and Equipment:

    First Level:
    2x BRs
    2x Carbines​

    Second Level:
    2x Shotguns
    2x Maulers​

    Third Level:
    1x Sniper Rifle
    2x Beam Rifles​

    Fourth Level:
    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Fuel Rod Gun
    1x Teleporter (Leads to Level 1)
    2x Sentinel Beams
    2x Needlers
    2x SMGs
    2x Trip Mines
    2x Plasma Grenades
    2x Firebomb Grenades​

    Random Facts:
    • With the F4t K1d gametype, the Alpha Zombie (fat kid) is invincible. The reason why I did this was because I've played as the fat kid enough times to know how screwed up it is to spend a half hour getting the top floor and then dying and having to start over from the beginning again. ​
    • Zombies are super fast and can jump super high. They can't jump multiple levels anymore, however, they can jump from Level 3 to Level 4, which poses a huge disadvantage for humans holding out up top.​
    • Humans have normal speed and start with an Assault Rifle and a Magnum.​
    • The Last man standing has no special abilities, except he has a waypoint indicating his location.​
    • Escaping the map is impossible.​
    And that's about it.​

    Here's the pics.​







    4 L3v3ls 0f F4t (map) | F4t K1d (game variant)
    And here's the Download Links​
    #1 Kill 4 Silence, Apr 18, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2010
  2. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Forerunner

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    Probably the cleanest "Fat Kid" map I've ever seen on Foundry but according to the weapons, it still looks much too uneven.
  3. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Not another Fat kid map. Ive NEVER seen a fat kid map that has fair weapons against the fat kid. And I never will. The map is very clean, but nothing really changed. Still the same concept. If someone ever made a fat kid map that gives alittle advantage to the fat kid, then mabe Ill start playing it.
  4. Mr Lucifer Morningstar

    Senior Member

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    honestly I hate Fat kid and I hate four level but thank you for making the map so it's not jagged or escapable :)
  5. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I absolutely hate fat kid, it's so uneven and boring if you're the fat kid. This IS the nicest map of fat kid I've seen but it's all the same, the humans get to the top/ top floor then when the fat kid gets close the little kids wet themselves in excitement then jump down to the bottom and start over, it's repetitive, boring, and done many times before.
  6. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Huh, so you finally finished it. To be honest, this is craploads better than the last time I saw it.

    You've managed to take a merge-hating craphouse and make it into a work of art. This looks to be an incredibly fun fat kid map with lots of goodies added.

    I'd make more comments, but my B-net account is on the fritz....so....
    #6 Hogframe, Apr 18, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2010
  7. xVespherx

    xVespherx Forerunner

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    As much as i hate Fat Kid, as everyone else here, the map is very good (For a remake at least.) I never liked this map because it was impossible for the Non-Alpha zombies to make it to the end of each tunnel. With that aside, i think you did a great job :)
  8. caniblcake

    caniblcake Forerunner

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    make the fat kid slightly faster and I'm happy. also, is there multiple spawn points for the zombies?
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    If I could make a suggestion, make it so that the humans can't jump back down to the first level from the top.

    That would make it so the humans would have to whittle the 'fat kid' down as they ascended or die.

    I would love to hear some little kid scream 'WTF! there's nowhere to go! Oh ****! Why did I just run up here like a *****?'
  10. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Forerunner

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    All right, I played it, and here's my review:


    As I said in my earlier post, this map looks phenomenal. The best "Fat Kid" themed map I've ever seen on Foundry. I found only one major mistake (which is not exploitable and doesn't really effect gameplay: The stairs leading up to the final level stick out too far.


    While playing I noticed that you had indeed used the original gametype: Slowest speed for the alpha zombie, instant kill for normal zombies. The alpha zombie (or fat kid) needs to infect people, which is pretty difficult considering how slow he moves. There are a few things you can do, or do all of them:
    1. Increase his speed (even if only by a little)
    2. Add custom powerups giving him a speed boost (But set it to 100% so normal humans don't benefit).
    3. Add mancannons that spawn at certain intervals.
    4. Add shorcuts like narrow ramps or gravity lifts giving them a nice boost to the next floor.
    5. Why is he able to use turrets? Is it so he can kill the people who are moving faster than him? You should either add more turrets because of this or get rid of that ability altogether.

    The same goes for normal zombies, here are some things you can do to improve:
    1. Give them health or at least a health bar so they know when to hide and when to try and infect other people.
    2. Give them a ranged weapon (This will probably require a lot of tweaking to the map, though).

    Final Summary
    The map feels small with many people, maybe open it up more like you did on the last story? Or maybe even make one on Sandbox? I could help you with that, send me a message if you want to do it. I give this map a solid 7.5/10. Your map is great, but any extra work you put into it will pay off.
  11. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    i believe i put around 15 spawn points for zombies and at least 10 if a human accidentally kills himself out of sheer stupidity. and im definitely NOT making the alpha zombie faster. i tried doing that in a custom game when there was only three or four of us and it was terrible. that's why i place a mongoose by zombie spawn that appears after 3 minutes so the alpha zombie can get to the humans faster. Sorry that wasn't in my first post. Forgot to put it there
    lolz yeah, but if you're a human it's fun. I suppose it would be a sheer annoyance if you're the alpha zombie. all the same, that's fat kid for ya
    lmao. That's actually a really good idea that I haven't seen done before for this kind of map. I'm not sure I have much left over, because I had to cover alot of cracks to ensure no escaping, but I'll work damn hard with my budget to accomplish this. But would that mean I would have to do without the teleporter on Level Four?
  12. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1.) I despise turrets on this type of map. It's the main reason why regular zombies quit the game so often...
    2.) Why not have the alpha zombie spawn at the top of the map instead of at the bottom. Then have all the respawn points at the bottom. This would break up the monotony of the typical 4 level map and force some strategy for both the alpha and the humans to try to assassinate the alpha to make him spawn back at the bottom.
    3.) Assuming human damage is set to 100%... I'd rather have regular zombies speed at 150 and health at 200 with no shields than speed at 200-300 and 10 health
  13. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    i like your idea of the alpha zombie starting at the top, yes, but im still reluctant to change zombie abilities. i like the really fast but easy to kill zombies too much to change that. the turrets i can't out either. they are the best way to keep hoardes at bay if you're the last man standing.
  14. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    BTW... I hacked your map using the Mongoose trick.

    EDIT : And I found a spot to jump out of the map.

    EDIT 2 : MG Turrets and Needlers? Those two weapons are the worst things about the game type.

    Why would the LMS need a MG Turret? Sentinel Beam or Dual SMGs are much better... especially since the dumb game type already has unlimited ammo. I'd prefer having a BR or Carbine than a MG Turret.
    #14 MaxSterling, Apr 23, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  15. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    uhhhh because machine gun turrets don't need to reload and all it takes is one second of reloading an smg for you to get infected by a swarm.
    and the needler, btw, can knock the alpha zombie back if he gets too close. also, if you enjoy being a **** to other humans like me, it knocks players off the levels so they get infected, haha. and i know there is a place to get out of map. if you jump from the fourth level you can barely make it over the bridges i had placed at the very top. but that's only if you're a zombie, and whats the point of jumping out of the map as a zombie when your goal is to infect the humans that are IN the map and CANT escape? in addition, zombies can jump from the third level over the corner of bridges by the stairs leading to level 2 hallway. but again, it would be pointless if you're the zombie.

    and what do you mean you hacked my map using the mongoose trick? seriously, what are you talking about? that makes no sense...
  16. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You're not that bright, are you? With dual SMGs, you fire one, while it reloads, you fire the other. You will fire continuously. I do it all the time when some n00b puts on one hit kill zombie games just to piss them off. I'll camp in an area where there's only one way in and just SMG them until they end the game or I get booted.

    That's exactly why it's cheap. Two guys with needlers can keep a zombie from going anywhere. As a matter of fact, they'll lose more ground than they gain and most likely quit.

    I got news for you. The bridge you're talking about... easily accessible as a human to get out of the map with a grenade jump, brute jump, or fuel rod jump. It's also the 3rd level, not the 4th. Since the Alpha most likely won't be able to get out, it will be an easy camping session for someone outside the map with a BR or sentinel beam. As a matter of fact, I was able to get over the top on both sides as a human with 100% gravity. The side facing the loading docks was a little more difficult, but it didn't take me long to jump over the bridge.

    Mongoose trick is the same one people use on Rats Nest to get inside the caged fence. Park your mongoose with the left side against a crack or hole and dismount, it will glitch you through any crack or hole if you're lined up correctly.

    Anyways, congrats on making another brainless zombie raping map which requires no skill and that everyone who is the zombie will eventually quit.
  17. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    holy **** i hadn't thought of that haha. but i believe i made it to where humans can't drive vehicles. and ill change the humans gravity to be lower, cuz they don't really need to jump anyway, right?
  18. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I do not want to anger myself by reading through all the flaming above so please excuse me if this is redundant. Needlers will push the fat kid back faster than he can move forward; two is even worse. Even when invincible, humans can still assassinate the fat kid. The supercombine effect of the needler will kill any unlucky zombies around the fat kid. Allowing the humans to teleport back down gives them too high a chance of survival, while making them jump is a test of timing, skill, and luck. The only way to really make fat kid fair is to make two fat kids so they can tag team to the top.

    Why do all the fat kid haters need to post in this thread?
  19. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    the idea of two alpha zombies is good, but only if there's alot of people like 16. and they would have to prefer players who haven't been az yet after each round cuz i would srsly shoot a cat if i was stuck as az twice in a row. as for the case with the needler(s), i still think they are a vital part of fat kid, because although there are alternative ways to keep the fat kid away, it's still amusing and fun to use, and most of all, AMAZING, haha. u can't go wrong with them.
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I have a gametype that actually works well for both levels and skycastle, and is usually not boring for the fat kid. I think I remember most of it.
    Initial Zombie count: 2
    Alpha Zombie:
    Shields: 4X
    Damage resistance: max
    Primary Weapon: Gravity Hammer
    Secondary Weapon: Energy Sword
    Speed: min (25%?)
    Gravity: 200%

    Zombie traits
    Shields: None
    Damage resistance: 50%/25%
    Primary Weapon: Energy Sword
    Secondary Weapon: None
    Speed: 300%
    Gravity: 50%

    Base player traits:
    Primary Weapon: random
    Secondary Weapon: random
    Infinite ammo: enabled
    Grenade regeneration: enabled

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