I'm just re-forging a map, and i found block huges were all used up from ghost merging (so i had 29 placed and 1 for ghost merging) However, i always press X to on an item first and check its item properties to make sure im not deleting something i need and make sure the item was still budget glitched. However, this time i noticed something right before i deleted the item (which i now cant believe i did!!!!) that the maximum run time available was 31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now all of you experienced forgers know that you can only have 30 block huges placed on the map and for some reason it allowed me to place an extra 1. And no its not just because i have the item budget glitched, because even when budget glitched the runtime maximum cannot exceed the maximum number of items... Has anyone ever known this before? I immediately saved and quit the map under a different name and reloaded what i had before but not the runtime maximum remains at 30.. I really dont know what i did to do this though, so if anyone has the time i'd play around on a pre-budget glitched map and see if you can figure out how this works. It may be a way round the object limit if it exceeds the item limit?
I'm with him now. You cant see the forge menu in theater. Were just going over the video now, just seeing what he did now. It seems to be that the dummied items did not work and instead spawned extactly on some other objects. Its weird. A wall seems to spawn perfectly (exactly in the same place) on another wall. ;l Investigating with him now..
Defiantly worth investigating. Though I don't know if it will allow for more objects past the object limit but I know it'll be easier to Budge Glitch/Ghost merge because you'll be able to use all thirty objects without breaking the map or not being able to ghost merge.
Right, through further investigation by watching the film, i did the following: Explored the map, planned what i would need to do (took approximately 3 and a half minutes) removed a wall double from under wall (A, explained later) ghost merged the wall double back into its location Ghost merged a block double Attempted to ghost merge a wall. (failed, explain later) Started new round Deleted Walls (A, B and C, C in this situation is irrelevant) and wall double Reghost merged wall double Re Ghost merged single wall Ghost merged block double Right after 180s of floating around a wall magically appears inside another wall (labelled A) Wall A's icon appears darker than the other two. Both walls A and B are set spawn at start No, Respawn 180. This all happened in the first round so it explains why the items are visible first round. After attempting to ghost merge a wall, the Never wall appears inside wall B instead of the wall im holding. So now walls A + B both have an item inside them, one item has appeared from no where. After noticing that the ghost merge was unsuccessful (as sometimes they are) i dropped the object down (which landed propped up against the block huge) dummied it again and spawn another wall to knock the wall with. This wall disappeared on its timeout as dummied items do. I placed the new wall down, dummied it and knocked it again with another wall. and picked the new dummied wall up and set the runtime minimum to the maximum. Investigating on my own now as host connection may have something to do with the matter.
Okay after watching through the film and repeating the process, it happened again but the blocks didnt change this time. Ill explain my theory on what is happening with these walls spawning inside each other. Okay basicly heres the situation... Two walls at spawn at start no and 180 respawn. First round they are there because that is what happens with items in forge that are spawn at start no. After 180 seconds, the first walls design turns darker (as if something has spawned inside it, kinda like two opacities in photoshop overlapping and making it darker) Steve then dummies two walls in the normal ghost merging method. The ungrabbed item disapeers and when he goes to ghost merge the item, it does not work because the other wall has turned dark. I do not have a theory for the first wall other than it was the first wall placed on the map so the engine somehow glitches to spawn another one inside it? Second wall however I do have a theory for. When the wall you dummy but are not ghost merging with disapears, it instantly spawns inside the other wall and therefore does not allow the wall in your hand to be ghost merged. Kinda like when the wall spawns exactly where you are holding the current item except its doing it with another wall. We started new round and the walls had disapeered (the ones that were placed and had the items spawned in them) this was because it was the second round and they were set as no (nothing out the ordinary) But when we repeat the process (new game) we do not start new round and we carry on with the following. After that he threw the one he had in his hand on the floor, it disappeared (just like normally in ghost merging). He then got another wall and dummied it and tried to ghost merge that. The one he threw on the floor and set the min higher and the other one respawned. When we started a new round, the ones set at no and respawn 180. were ****ing still there. Grabable and still at no, 180. WTF?
Nah these were visible and grabable from the start of round 2! --- After investigating.. the only solution i can come up to on this is when i was moving toward the block huge i pressed x prematurely before reaching the item which brought up the normal menu and i pressed x again bringing up the block DOUBLE item menu which displayed 30 30 31 40, and before me even realising what the numbers were saying i pressed b then y deleting the block huge. This is the only logical explaination i can see, seen as though the last block i merged was a block double. It may be achievable considering the maps is seriously glitched out with the wall properties, but ive tried and tried to repeat the processes that i did starting that round and im yielding no results (except the walls spawning in the second round are random, sometimes they spawn sometimes they dont) If you guys want a crack at seeing if it is possible, i'll upload the map and forge film to my fs.
At the moment, I think that you must have made a mistake some where, or theres a simple explanation. Either way, I don't think you gained any objects. But upload the film, I am curious and would love for this glitch to be real.
I am calling bull on this one. There are some limits that you just cannot change. Modding could have altered the map so this could be possible, but within the normal limits of Halo I highly doubt this is possible. Are you absolutely sure that the map was not modded to begin with? I have heard of something that can temporarily add an extra object with two people trying to pick up or create the last of an object at the same time. Is this what you are talking about. The duplicated objects cannot be saved however.
Nope the map isnt modded just budget glitched... and as i say its possible that i'd selected the item menu and not the block huges menu and just double tapped in to bring up runtime properties, which at the time would have created block doubles item properties and thus revealed 31 items instead of the 30 i was expecting. I was just doing faster than the game was, i've done it plenty of times before but ive not actually needed to take note of the properties i was looking at. If you still wanna invesigate, film/map is in my fs
Get one of those budget glitch, ghost merge canvases and try ghost merge/glitch the hell out of it until something happens or your xbox dies.
So are you saying this could all be a hoax? And you just accidentally opened the menu and selected double blocks instead of opening the menu for that block, huge? If you noticed something unusual it seems you might have checked the run times again and checked to be sure you were selecting the correct item.
Not a hoax, a genuine mistake. And no, i usually just take a glimpse at the properties and delete. It takes me a second to access the menus and escape out and delete all in all. I just noticed the runtime maximum was set to 31, not 30 which is what i was expecting. I just immediately saved a new map and quit out and reloaded it. As explained theres alot of strange glitching happening in the map which may be why it happened (if it did) but i also found it possible that through the sequence of which i was ghost merging, it is possible i access the block doubles properties menu and not block huges. The map/film have been removed from my fileshare anyway now. This thread can be closed