Pokémon General Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Randle Scandal, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Would you be willing to trade any of the ones above? Lemme know what you'd want in return.
  2. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Can you look at more than 3 offers for a pokemon in the gts? I find it annoying that they limit it to 3 when there are 10s if not 100s who want a single pokemon.
  3. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure you can look at however many circles there are on the ground, like 7 or 8. I usually see 5.
  4. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I Really want a houndoom or houndoor, preferably female, I'll trade somebody a water stone, some berrys, or a tm.

    Edit: I have a lvl 44 heracross that has soloed me all the way to the elite four, I also have a level 28 slowpoke, a level 39 electrode, and a level 39 feligator. Suggestions for beating elite 4?
    #604 Mischgasm, Apr 13, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2010
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Umm, well, your kinda screwed for the elite four with just that. I suggest you go and get ho oh or lugia, whichever you have. I'd try and get a legendary dog or trade over pokemon from another game cause your probably gonna have a lot of trouble. Just train in victory road like crazy. It might take a while but it will work.
  6. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    how did you pull that one off? like, how is that possible? you went wrong somewhere. i just got to victory road and i have four guys that are 46 all around just from going through the game.

    you've got some training to do. lol.
  7. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    level 29 feraligator? It evolves from croconaw at 36 or so....
  8. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Err sorry it's 39, but I believe I could have used a water stone.

    Also the reason I have such low leveled pokemon, I think is because whenever I bump into some random low level pokemon I haven't caught, I'll just run instead of killing it. It says I've played for 28 hours now.

    I'm beginning to draw the conclusion that I have to catch both the dogs and lugia using my heracross/electrode terrorist combo and then go take on the elite four with all of them. That might just do it.
    #608 Mischgasm, Apr 13, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2010
  9. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    i feel like getting into detail about my team, and id like to know any moves you guys would recommend for them.

    my poliwrath somehow ended up being my tank. his defense and special defense are through the roof (and somehow is sp. attack is higher than his attack). He's also got water absorb, so i get hp when hit by a water attack which has saved me multiple times.

    my murkrow's speed is soooo high. He has a hasty nature and his base stats are already made for high speed and low defense so both of those things are brought to extremes. Does anybody know what i could do with this guys speed? he's so fragile but his speed has to be useful somehow. double team could help as to make it hard to hit him, but thats my only idea.

    my gengar is purely unstoppable. his special attack is absolutely ridiculous. all i have to say about him, he's my trump card who comes out last to **** you up. Or if im struggling i send him out early to put a curse on an enemy's tank. He's well rounded move-wise, i dont think he needs any more improvement.

    my chikorita uh... he's just there with a high defense stat... he's just there. lol.

    EDIT: to add, the above team just bent my rival over and gang raped him in victory road. my poliwrath basically just made him a new ****** and came in it. i'm pretty sure he's pregnant after that one.
    #609 CHUCK, Apr 13, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2010
  10. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Not exactly. If you train up your Pokemon in Victory Road to atleast the late 40s and maybe one or two in the 50s it should be that much of a challenge.
    I won with this:

    • Typhlosion level 52
    • Haunter level 47
    • Poliwhirl level 48
    • Nidoking level 51
    • Pidgeot level 47
    • Ampharos level 48
    The Elite Four aren't very challenging at all. Lance is only one that really needed some effort to beat.
    EDIT: V is that Arceus tradeable? I don't plan on keeping it I'd just like to have it's data on my Pokedex.
    #610 Chron, Apr 13, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2010
  11. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    hey, if you get it feel free to throw it my way. i also don't want to keep it. im a pokedex completing freak as well.

    we should just pass it around. lol.
  12. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    What do you guys think of me just leveling my tank heracross up to level 60 and abusing the **** out of close quarters like I have been. It one hit kills anything about 10-5 levels below it even when it's not very effective. Speed is good. I just would need to being a few pp ups along.

    Edit: ****, Entai ****ing fled, what a *****.

    Edit2: Raiuku fled on the first turn. This is like safari zone but worse. No saving to reset either >.>
    #612 Mischgasm, Apr 13, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2010
  13. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    You definitely have to bring some Ethers and Elixers. Even using some PP Ups would still require them. But although the move may be a one hit kill there is still a chance that Close Combat can miss (I think) For all we know it could miss against a pokemon that is strong against the Heracross. It may use a move and damaged Heracross greatly. Possibly even making it faint. If you are atleast going to do this bring some revives and back up Pokemon aswell.
    EDIT: For Entei and Raikou you're going to have to get a Pokemon that knows Mean look. It will prevent them from escaping while that Pokemon is in the battle.
    #613 Chron, Apr 13, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2010
  14. V

    V Ancient
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    Sorry guys, today's been really busy. I'll be happy to pass the Arceus around for the dex entry. And I'm still debating but I'll probably either just put up most/all of my shinies, save for Arceus, on GTS for a random pokemon of my choosing at any level one at a time (like a little game sorta) or I'll just give 'em up evenly among y'all. As for the Arceus, I won't be able to do anything til the weekend; the rest of this week is really busy for me.

    @Chuck: For Murkrow, evolve it and have it learn Sucker Punch, Superpower, Night Slash and Drill Peck. Give it a life orb. You now have one beastly, albeit fragile physical sweeper to compliment Gengar.
    What sets are your Gengar, Poliwrath, and Chikorita running? I'm kinda curious.
    #614 V, Apr 13, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2010
  15. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i found my emerald, i wanted to bring over metagross. i was restarting ruby to get the starters onto heartgold so i was hoping i still had emerald fully played. but apparently i restarted that at some point and gave up two badges in. spent a while playing today and im up to 7 badges. i forgot how much i liked that generation.
  16. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I too was a big fan of Generation III. It was the only game where I trained a Pokemon to level 100.It was a Blaziken that I eventually traded over to Firered. But you know what sucks? I've lost my Firered and my Blaziken was never migrated over to my copy of Diamond. ='(
  17. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    All the games are great but I'd have to say the best generations are 1, 2, & 3. I really like all the games but those generations have very rememberable pokémon. Almost every single chick I know knows all generation 1 pokemon and some gen 2.

    About gen 3: The caves you can have are freakin sweet. Build a cave and then put some cool junk in it. There was underground in 4 an that was some pretty epic upgrade to the trees and caves.
  18. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I loved generation III too! I loved mudkip, I was really dumb when training my mudkip though because I never evolved it. I dont know why, maybe because I liked the first form so much. Cant say I regretted it though, mudkip is da bomb!
  19. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    So my Wifi USB came today. I've already managed to snag myself a Japanese Vulpix (it had some Jap nickname so I bred it). I traded it for a Feraligatr (I've got like 6 or 7 Totodiles, no loss)
    I've come to a problem though. I've got no clue what my Friend Code is. How do I find out what it is?
    EDIT: I managed to find it. Randle feel free to add mine to the OP.
    HG: 4855-9123-7903//Jay
    #619 Chron, Apr 14, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2010
  20. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    alright, when it's possible i will. first i have to get through the elite four. i'm really digging teaching him superpower, beastly. night slash would be sweet too, because his ability is super luck so i'll be criting like a mofo. thanks for the input bro, you know your stuff. as for the others

    Gengar: (amulet coin)
    Dark Pulse
    Shadow Ball

    Poliwrath: (mystic water)
    Ice Beam
    Dynamic Punch
    Mud Shot

    Chikorita: (focus sash)
    Sunny Day
    Body Slam (will be replaced with Earthquake when i evolve him)

    right now i'm testing out a new moveset for my chikorita. is it a good idea to use sunny day with synthesis and solarbeam? i'm trying hard to make him useful, give him a technique. I gave him a focus sash, so he gets at least one gauranteed attack off.
    #620 CHUCK, Apr 14, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2010

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