YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Saw alot of things in the trailer. The city has bin hit by the hammer of dawn Dom looking all grizzly A female soldier (Not Baird), speculated to be Anya Some.... thing, pops out of the ground. The strange thing is, some locust don't attack it, even though it kills a few of them. Bunch of insect things approaching the group at the top right part of the video So it will be a year from now.
The locusts are infact attacking that crawler thing coming out the ground watch closely. To my surprise, it looks pretty good. Wasn't a major fan of the second one, maybe this will turn my opinion around.
I just hope the MP doesn't stink like GOW2 MP did. I love the GOW story line, because its just so epic. Looking forward to playing GOW3.
The city was hit by the Hammer of Dawn. If you had killed your wife and lost your kids, you would let yourself go, too. The female is Anya. The things coming out the ground are Lambent mutations. Other things to notice: Anya hands Dom a Lancer with a Pendulum bayonet (This combined with the fact that Anya is actually fighting shows how desperate the humans are). Marcus has different armor. DOUBLE-BARREL SHOTGUN BABY! I'm pumped. I really got into Gears 2, so hopefully the sequel will be even better.
4 player co-op campaign confirmed. Too early to make a decision for me, thinking of getting at least a rent though after watching the trailer.
Well, the Lambent were in Gears 2, so that you should know, but the rest is from the books. A friend and I were talking about it, earlier. I'm sure you could find more information online.
Oh ok, I never played the second game, don't know why, never felt like buying it because I heard of all the MP problems. Ill add your info to the OP.
I hope that Cliffy realizes that his little host problem/unoriginal gameplay drove a majority of GOW2 players away. I hope he doesn't make the same mistake a third time.
1. True! 2. Not Dom, Adam Fenix (Marcus's Dad) If not listen to this: YouTube- Gears of War 2 Secret Message After Credits 3. Cliff said something about a New Enemy that is related to the "Tickers" (In GOW2). No Names yet! 4. Locusts dont attack? Where? 5. New Enemy!
Microsoft's Contract with Epic stopped after GoW 2's release... One of the guys from Epic was quoted as saying "We pretty much know we're releasing the third in the series on the PS3" I guess that's not happening any more?
Whoever said that is an idiot. That's like saying the next Halo is gonna be on the PS3... That aside, do I really have to wait for a whole year? I was really expecting some Gears action this Holiday.
Couple things I've noticed, or have been informed of by the mighty internet: No Cog emblems are visible in the trailer. A site speculated the fall of the COG, which would explain Anya being in the front-lines. They went on to discuss the idea of them becoming mercenaries, the last hope of humanity. Cole is balding. Not much to say there. When the locust charges Dom, he just sits there and takes it, almost as if he's accepting defeat. Is this a hint at Dom's new attitude. After all, all he was fighting for is gone and, worse still, he brought it upon himself. (No spoilers ) Yeah, just speculation.
They've effectively introduced a third faction, the lambent. It'll be wicked three way fights. Having to decide which is the weaker side and supporting correctly to win easier. Probably you'll stumble upon a random battle being fought and get involved.
...sorta like how enemies become allies in Halo 3? Seriously, we don't have too much info to work with, so I don't wanna entertain any outlandish ideas.
No, not how enemies becoming allies, you'll have two enemies, right? Then you'll be in a three way battle, everyone trying to kill each other. Then you can pick which enemy to focus on so that it makes the battle easier. Both sides will still attack you, but you'll be focusing on one.
Yea we know Adam Fenix is alive but that doesnt prove that the bearded man in the trailer is Adam Fenix, all though it could be, it would make more sense for it to be Dom with a beard. And not a new enemy just more lambent
^^^ In a sense it is a new enemy. We only saw slightly mutated forms of locust in 1, 2. Now we see seriously mutated **** happening so it has a right to be called a new enemy.
I really hope the Online multiplayer isn't super serious, because that's what I hated about the first, If they had a regular Team slayer (with respawns) I think it would be much more fun. (unless that game already exists in Gears, then I just look like an Idiot)