I'm writing a 2D non-linear RPG. It's in C with Allegro if anyone cares to know. I'm new to allegro, so I'm looking for someone who can answer my questions. I know enough now though to write the game independently, but technical questions I have could improve it's potential greatly. Anyway, On to why you care to read this: I need: Music artist(s) Foley Artist(s) Pixel Artist(s) Creativity =================================== If you know what a clone game is, skip the area in the equal signs. A clone game is a game that is very very similar to another, basically a copy, but usually improved to the programmer's preferences. The reason I'm doing this is, well, for the fun of it. If possible, I was going to beta test it through Forge Hub, and get your input. ================================ Changes: -Interface change, it'll be a 1280x720 resolution game, operating at full screen by default. -New creatures, no pokemon will be retained. So far my plans were to mix sprites, as I'm no pixel artist. So if you want a creature in the game, post it here as well as a full name for credit. I need a back and front view of it, in an 80x80 resolution picture, single color background. Bitmap if possible, and 24bit color depth. -Ideas. I haven't even come up with a title yet. The game will be 100% non-linear though, no story line. It will have side quests and things though. The "gyms" which I have yet to rename will give you "licenses". Once get you Class A license (beat first gym for class H), you'll be able to access the majority of the game. 1/4 is beating the gyms, 3/4 is afterward, but it's non-linear, so I'm hoping to keep people entertained for a while after they beat the game. You'll be able to access all of the gyms from the beginning, and all the places besides the after-license parts of the game. So it'll be more realistic. -A battle algorithm, if someone can come up with one better than the current pokemon one. -AI ideas. At this point, the computer battlers are controlled by an simple AI: It will calculate how much damage each of it's four moves would do to you, then it will perform the most damaging one. ================================= Anyone wishing to design levels, here's how. (Windows only) 1. Know that if you create a level, there needs to be at least 9 tiles on any edge of the map that are inaccessible. inaccessible 2. Click here to get the program with the right codec. 3. Click here to get tiles for designing the map/dungeon. 4. Once you have all the files, open up the mappy exe file, "mapwin.exe" 5. File>New Map. Make the tiles 32 by 32 pixels, the amount of tiles if for your to decide, however big you want the map. 6. Map>Map Properties. Change FMP 0.5 to FMP 1.0. 8. File>Import. Import the picture with the tiles you need, not all of them are aligned, I suggest using a snapshot of route or city with the tiles you are going to need. (i. e. import "route 22.png") 9. When you're done, put the FMP files in a zip folder (only make/zip a folder if you made more than one map) and upload them to megaupload.com. 10. Post a link to your maps here and a full name to give credit to. ======================================= Music/Sounds needed: - A Pokemon-style piece for above land. - The same for caves - . . .and the sea - Battle sound effects for: - Fire - Water - Electric - Psychic - Ice - Light - Dark - Steel - Poison - Ground - Rock - Plant - Ghost - Dragon - Fighting - Bug - Unimportant battles - Important battles ============================== Project Deadline: November 2010
I'm taking a digital design class, so I can make concept art.(As in the person requests a monster,or pokemon or whatever you're calling them and I make a few different designs of how it could work and then it gets converted into the pixels.) Also I could help come up with dungeon layouts and sidequests if you want. (I don't know any programming languages so I'm worthless in that respect but I can have creative bursts.)
If you want to design dungeons or maps, I've already decided against custom codecs, and using the mappy library. Click here. That's the windows mappy program, in the folder open mappy.exe. File>New Map> 16 by 16 tiles, the map size is however you want it. The click here to get ripped maps/tilesets of gba pokemon games, I got them from spriter's resource, if you don't trust me, get them here. File>Import to import a picture, and mappy will automatically divide it into 16X16 tiles for your use. When you're done, go to Map Tools>Map Properties, make sure the map type is FMP 1.0. When you're done, save it to an FMP file and email it to me at prosper1776@gmail.com. It sounds like a lot, but it's really easy. Thanks a ton.
It sounds like it would be really easy after I tinker for a while if I could open it. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I've tried everything in the folder, so I'm going to do a search in my computer for mappy.exe and see what I get.
Thanks, I'll talk to him. I was also considering getting some from newgrounds. So if you hear any good ones, post them here if you mind. EDIT: By shock, do you mean ShockTheta?
Shock rocks when it comes to music. I could probably help with ideas if you guys are really serious about making it.
Would this be an MMO? I have been waiting for a good pokemon MMO for YEARS. If it is, i would be greatly interested in helping. Allthough i only know basic C++ (And by that, i mean SUPER basic) i could help design maps, draw sprites, pretty much be a graphics artist. All i would need help on is programming, which probably wont need to be done.
I'll be doing all the programming. I do that for a living, lol, if I didn't know how to program a pokemon game I wouldn't earn enough to live on ramen noodles. For the sprites, it'd be super awesome if you could create some creatures, or draw the back sides of these: Any help you have to offer is welcome. EDIT: Tiny pic resized the picture, each sprite should by 95px by 95px Oh, and if you feel super super generous, could you make 80x80 scenery npc and hero tiles? like the ones in the sprite sheets for gba pokemon but bigger? I don't expect you to make these, that'd take a lot of time, but if you ever have nothing to do . . Well, it doesn't really require all that "Seriousness" as it targeted to the PC, maybe it could be ported to the PSP. The reason official pokemon games take forever to make is art and tha fact the the gba has a 256k memory limit, and the DS has little improvement.
I kicked normal out, light type is the replacement. Light --> Dark Light --> Psychic Light --> Ghost Light --> Light All of those, move on the left, defender type on the right, are super effective. And there are no "pure" light types, all of them are dual type, giving them other weaknesses.
Okay that helps (I thought it was like psychic in the first gen, invincible.) Another thing, in the dragon warrior monster games you could breed two different types of monsters together and get a new type of monster out of it, some types were even only availibel through breeding (DWM having a much more complex breeding system than pokemon) do you think something like that could be included?
That sounds cool, I haven't even written the breeding engine yet, that would be quite awesome. However, I still lack back sprites for the creatures in the OP, and I need about 50 more after that. I am not an artist, especially not a pixel one. I need help. Tell me if you find anyone.
If you give me a detailed run down of the style/s of music you want and the situations they'd be used in, I can throw some samples your way. In general though audio should be done in the final third of development so there's sufficient context. If it gets to that, we can talk further.
Final third of development? No way! Resources come right after the design, else no one would get anywhere. Unless you have no funding, then you use stick figures until you get a sponsor, lol. Shock, this is what I ask for: - A Pokemon-style piece for above land. - The same for caves - . . .and the sea - Battle sound effects for: - Fire - Water - Electric - Psychic - Ice - Light - Dark - Steel - Poison - Ground - Rock - Plant - Ghost - Dragon - Fighting - Bug - Unimportant battles - Important battles The sound effects only have to be like two/three seconds. I don't expect you to do them all, but any you can/will do is appreciated.