... Thats not what Im trying to do, Im just hunting for shinies. Trust me when I say if I just "do my thang" I wont randomly run into a shiny Mewtwo in the wild. Pretty good odds on that too. So far, I have a shiny Larvitar, Trapinch, Charizard, Rayquaza and Nidorina. Now I'm going for Mewtwo, Squirtle, Torchic and Beldum. but Ive done like 15000 SRs for Beldum it seems and no luck... ah well, patience is a virtue.
recently, i saw a lvl 100 shiny charizard in the GTS, and they were asking for a growlithe lvl 60 and up. i had just given my level 65 growlithe a fire stone moments beforehand. i wus liek FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
lol that sucks... I SR'd for my charmander though. Took awhile. And Charizard is my fave pokemon, and fave shiny, so hes a ****ing boss and it was worth it. if only I had listened to sixpak and EV trained it correctly, but I just said **** that **** and went to the E4 loll.... twas before I really understood EV training.
i usually just E4 till about level 30, which is about one time through the E4, then give them the berries to bring all the EVs back down to zero and EV train from there. it goes pretty quick with the power items and pokerus.
I was bored as hell...so yeah here Friend codes posted in this thread so far: Speed-e-Cake Game: Platnium Friend code: 3953 8961 0901 Randle Scandal Game: (Platinum) Friend code: 5027-1109-1436 Game: (Heart Gold) Friend code: 4641-1232-4933 Klaydude11 Games/Friend codes: Mitch/Pearl - 2750 7050 2295 HaloGuy/Diamond - 3523 4773 5901 Mitch/Platinum - 4296 8905 7819 Mitch/SS - 0002 5622 0283 Gr4phix Game unspecified Friend Code: 4898 8417 0084 V Game:SS Friend Code: 1763-4907-0660/Brian Mischgasm Game unspecified 2493 6598 6857 // Mische There's most definitely more that can be obtained on here, but not everyone has posted there friend codes. Hopefully randle will edit this in. I know it's just a suggestion, but think about it like this, everyone wanted a MW2 sub-forum, did that happen no. Is pokemon going to get one, I dunno but, if MW2 didn't get one what are the odds that pokemon will? The odds aren't likely.
I see what you mean... I have an idea though. What if an entire new section was made for Gaming, and then sub-sections could be made for other games, like MW2, Pokemon, BFBC2, GoW, etc... we should bring it up in the pub or CS. Maybe that could be done, then everyons happy...
I've only ever caught two shiny Pokemon. A Roselia, which I eventually evolved into a Roserade, and a Bronzor. My battery died with the Roserade and I didn't save. GONE. I turned my game off after I accidentally beat Mesprit, which was after I caught Bronzor. Didn't save, GONE. Haven't seen one since.
Yeah, well atleast now I know to save my game after catching one...That's if I ever find another one. Does anyone know where I can get the TMs Ice Punch and Ice Beam? I know you can get Ice Beam from Voltorb Flip but I ****ing suck at it. Highest I can get is level 2. Then I get dropped back down to level 1. Is there anywhere else?
Can I has a Charmander? Like, breed the Charizard for me? I REALLY want one :3. EDIT #1 : @ Agamer : I use Heart Gold.
ice beam is in the seafoam islands. i dont think ice punch is a TM. if you mean you want a shiny one, shiny parents make no higher chance of shiny babies than normal parents. not sure if you meant you just wanted a charmander or you wanted a shiny one.
I have run into many shiny pokemon i memory,and im sure theree is more that i dont remember from when i was younger. -hoothoot (silver) -meoth (silver) -magikarp (silver) -totodile (crystal) -magmar (crystal) -mightyana (ruby) -harmyana (emerald,but it used whirlwind i think......) -dratini (firered) -onix (firred) -elekid (diamond) I case you couldnt tell, I used to the pokemon FREEEEAK,but now everyone of them is gone. :'(