You can get Metal Coats from the Pokeathlon on Tuesdays and Fridays for 2500points. So I just went on where they've managed to get images of the new games. I must say, the games look ****ing sweet.
besides the pokeathalon, i believe you can also get it as a held item on some wild pokemon, like a 5% chance. i think its magnemite, but im not sure. --- yeah that new 3D looks so saucy. its like more over the shoulder as opposed to more birds eye.
Yeah. It also looks like the battle screen layout has been changed a bit aswell. This games only just been announced and I already want it. Just gonna go back to the topic of HG and SS for a sec. After your Pokemon have recovered from Pokerus, do the effects of it go away to or do they stay? My whole party had it and the effects of Pokerus sound pretty good.
yeah you still gain double EVs, they just cant spread it anymore. it you put with the active pokerus into the PC, it will stay indefinitely, at least until you take it out. any pokemon with will recover after midnight if it is in your party.
What's the best way to obtain a shiny ditto in Heartgold? It can still be used to breed shinys right? 1/64 chance. Edit: My Heracross level 40 just soloed clair. Heracrosses Close Combat combined with his high attack is a one hit kill for most pokemon. Heracross also has high speed as a result of being part bug. I ****ing love Heracross, he's probably going to be on my competitive team. So far I know I want Heracross and Houndoom on my comp team. Suggestions?
nope, that was only in the original gold and silver. since then, parents have no effect on shiny probability. its a one in 8000 whatever chance no matter what.
Can anyone trade me a Houndoom? I want one but I'm not sure how the blocks and stuff work in safari zone.
so I was thinking of branching off of this thread and making a discussion thread for shiny pokemon, or some sort of Shiny Pokemon FanClub, but idk if it'd work... Thoughts/comments... --- Regardless, I have been feverishly SRing for a shiny Mewtwo in my HG, as well as a shiny Squirtle and Torchic. Not having much luck yet.
meh.. there are a couple, but I dont like groups... they always get (with the exception of some like the SCF...Not!) very inactive and usually quickly. I rather make a thread as its more easily accessible and noticeable because its in this section... It'll therefore be more viewed and posted in and wont die down quickly. Plus, Im talking mostly just about shiny pokemon. I think for this thread, if everyone would take the time to post FC's and whatnot, and they are all edited into and maintained on the front page, this thread would be even better.
I think we need a Pokemon Sub-Forum. Also, on the subject of Shiny Pokemon, if you have Pokemon P/D/Pt, with the PokeRadar, if you get a consecutive number of Pokemon in a row (Pidgey, Pidgey, Pidgey, Pidgey, Pidgey, Pidgey, Pidgey, Pidgey,) the number for running into a Shiny Pokemon will be more likely. And I'm still looking for a Budew/Roselia/Roserade.
just go about training normal pokemon. its like the lottery, your pretty much just as likely to succeed if you randomly start as you are if you keep trying at it. shiny bidoof after beating the E4 and then going in the grass accidentally. i got a shiny eevee for it.