HTML, CSS, JavaScript is way different than C++ and Java. It really depends on what you mean by 'programming'. Do you want to do something like software engineering or something like web development? If you want to do programming, as in software engineering, then start with C++ then do Java. I would not recommend you to start with Python right of the bat, because it's complex and requires prior knowledge of older languages. I started off with GW Basic, Visual Basic, C++, and I am working on Java. If you want to do web development, start with simple HTML, then move on to using CSS with HTML, then JavaScript, then PHP, and that's probably the basis of what you will need for a website. Other Languages like JQuery you can quickly grasp after you teach your self the basics (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
HTML, CSS, and PHP aren't programming languages, they're scripting languages. Big difference. Don't say what you said in a job interview.