As I perched on the edge of the rusting arch I observed the chaos below. Suddenly an enemy's head filled the scope of my BR. I steadied my aim, squeezed the trigger and felt the rush of life pour into my body... FFA Regeneration Slayer FFA Slayer 2 - 12 players ...It gotsta be the gyro cap'n...
:O.............i creamed. this looks amazing!! and its good to see more maps for regeneration slayer.
had a few good games on this earlier. Key point for the map though, the hill definately needs moving down bottom. I'd suggest putting a weapon on the upper ring to get people to use it a little more but the hill needs to be down bottom as the games ended very very quickly.
Good stuff, well its lucky i havnt recorded action on gyroscope yet then huh? I've decided i like regain enough to definately be in the map pack btw.. so i've already recorded some action on it.. pretty much just because i've got an overkill on it lol. But theres still a few little things that need fixing on it, like the shotgun will probably need to be removed and the hill still needs to be made taller so people can jump inside the hill without them losing control. Anyway, when do you reckon Gyroscope will be ready?
I think Gyroscope might actually be ready. At the next Rustoms we can give it its final test, then I can record the film clips, you can render them and I can make a video. Yay, super awesome happy fun time!!
Yup no worries, If it makes the 5 piece map pack for RS i'll just steal a bit of footage and mix it all together with the other maps to make a video for them all. Just downloaded Sony vegas pro trial version (wont be buying it at $500.00 :|) but i may be getting the Sony HD Movie Maker once that runs out...
If you need video editing done I can do it for you. I have Premier Pro CS4 and Final Cut Express on my mac, so take your pick.
Ok well what i usuall do is record the whole game in 1st person, then record it as a flyover with a game being played and record a flythrough, ill take cuts out of each and then upload them to a video hosting site where you can download them and put em all together?