
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Arch3m, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    This is my first submission, so go easy on me if I screw something up.

    Map Description

    This symmetrical map is designed to support multi flag CTF and slayer modes. The familiar U shape shows up once again, but with the various navigation routes, it feels less noticeable.


    • Long stretches that cater to snipers.
    • Plenty of close-quarters fighting spaces.
    • Varying heights to keep players on their toes.
    • Multiple navigation routes to keep the player traffic more streamlined.
    • A weapon set that offers variety and balance.

    • Assault Rifle x2 (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn)
    • Battle Rifle x10 (1 spare clip, 45 sec respawn)
    • Shotgun x4 (1 spare clip, 45 sec respawn)
    • Sniper Rifle x2 (2 spare clips, 60 sec respawn)
    • SMG x2 (1 spare clip, 30 sec respawn)
    • SMG x4 (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn [there are two set types of SMGs])
    • Spiker x4 (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn)
    • Plasma Pistol x1 (30 sec respawn)
    • Plasma Rifle x4 (30 sec respawn)
    • Needler x1 (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn)
    • Brute Shot x1 (2 spare clips, 45 sec respawn)
    • Rocket Launcher x2 (1 spare clip, 30 sec respawn)
    • Energy Sword x1 (60 sec respawn)
    • Covenant Carbine x2 (2 spare clips, 45 sec respawn)
    • Mauler x2 (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn)
    • Frag Grenade x12 (10 sec respawn)
    • Plasma Grenade x10 (10 sec respawn)
    • Spike Grenade x6 (10 sec respawn)
    • Firebomb Grenade x2 (10 sec respawn)
    • Bubble Shield x2 (90 sec respawn)
    • Trip Mine x2 (60 sec respawn)
    • Deployable Cover x2 (45 sec respawn)
    • Overshields x2 (60 sec respawn [doesn't appear at spawn])
    • Active Camo x1 (30 sec respawn)
    Layout Shots

    The Main Combat Zone


    Man Cannon[​IMG]

    Back Alley Stairs


    The Big M


    Inside The Big M


    Back Alley Grav Lift


    Underground Area


    Action Shots

    Above and Below


    Me Sniping


    Close Combat


    Not-So-Close Combat


    A Little Razzle-Dazzle


    Mix It Up


    Miraculously, I Win This Fight






    -Download Cyanide-
  2. Slayer21212007

    Slayer21212007 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like it has good game play for the most part...
    first post =]
  3. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A very nice first post. Well layed out, articulate and descriptive. Nice mix of scenary screens and action shots.

    There seems to be a good use of interlocking where it is needed and the map looks to be generally well-designed with a mix of open area and close quarters, with a variety of weapons to allow for people's playing styles.

    Lol, the big M, is your map sponsored by Mcdonalds?
    #3 buddhacrane, Apr 25, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  4. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks original and pretty cool, i'll dl and check it out
  5. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ha! If only! I could really use the scratch right about now.
  6. DeathDriver86

    DeathDriver86 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks worthy of a DL

    Love the action shots. It should be a staple in any submission.
  7. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks like there are some pretty obvious callouts. Very nice first post. Looks like a great map.
  8. T3CH N9NE

    T3CH N9NE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a decent map, you could interlock some things here and there just to polish things up a bit. The only thing I see that could pose a problem is the amount of weapons on this map. Two Rocket Launchers at 30 sec respawns? Thats just asking for trouble. And the energy sword is only at 60 seconds? If I were you I would take out a couple BR's, minus one rl and set the other to 120 sec respawn, with the energy sword at around 150-180 sec respawn. And just to clarify, these are just suggestions. If your map plays smooth in a competitive aspect, then by all means keep the weapons. Im just trying to help better your creation. Hope this helps! :]
  9. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You're the first person to comment on the rockets, which seems surprising. If you know the deal behind them, then you why their 30 second respawn isn't a huge concern. At least, it hasn't posed much of a problem in my play tests. Most people can't even find them.

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