This map is strictly for people that like flying! Don't download or comment if your not into this type of map. For those of you that are this map is insane to say the least. I made this map right after I learned the save and quit method to float objects you know long long ago.Any way its a banshee and hornet transport war. During play testing I realized the regular hornets with the missiles were to powerful. So you start out in a hornet or a banshee, and it's one life per round ariel combat. There is a center base with rocket, laser, and hammer theirs also some stickies in there for fun. There is a total of three teleporters 2 of witch go to a missile pod. The other goes to a warthog encased in walls. Good luck let me know what you think. download : Halo 3 File Details Download : Halo 3 File Details Here's some pics:
really unique idea, and it actually looks really cool. how many hornets/banshees are there? it looks really hectic with a hornet, i would just recommend banshees. but that's just me. overall it's a cool idea, and i think it could play really well. dl'd.
This is FREAKEN INSANE! And you did it with the save and quit mode trick which must have taken FOREVER! The idea is just very creative. I would really like to play this, I can see people jumping from object to object... Just plain awesome! Capture the flag would be sick. People falling and jumping everywhere. The gauss hog might be a problem though.. camping and spawn killing. But the rest of the map is nice.
thanks for the input everybody. The map does play well the warthog gauss is a little unfair but to cool to get rid of. Give it a try. Also there is 4 banshee's and 2 hornet transport's. 6 players max people.
ummm. wow...... this looks AWESOME!!! so awesome infact that you have my download. it is very hard to get my download. how long did it take to make this????? i could not be ****ed making something like this. nice!!!
Just out of curiosity, what would happen if a player got out and walked on the asteroids. It looks like there is enough cover for them to survive for a while, and a splatter would be nearly impossible. I would think the laser would dominated any vehicles, given these factors.
I'm amazed. This is a very original idea, and you have my download for sure. Using a basic forge trick, you've managed to make a map far more creative than most maps on forgehub that use advanced techniques. You would appear to be a novice forger, but your creativity is nearly unmatched
Wow. this is really neat. i havent commented on anything for awhile but i just had to give some input on this. The whole players going from asteroid on foot could be solved by spreading out the asteroids slightly. but even still it would be extremely hard for someone with a spartan lazer to kill anyone due to the mass amount of asteroids there are for cover. Something that would make this map even better would be to make the bases or places where the players can chill look cooler. Like make two ships, one on each side with the asteroid belt being in the middle. To do this you could take out some of the asteroids since there is a heck of amount already. All in all the idea is really unique. The one thing to work one would be aesthetics for sure. If you got that down this map would be diamonds in my opinion.
I personally hate it when a good old dogfight is ruined by gauss turrets and lasers. If you are accurate at all, the plane has little chance. Also, Kilenum a few suggestions, you might not like them: Replace the laser with multiple sentinel beams. Replace the gauss turret with a normal turret that respawns s s l ll oo oo wwlyyyy (180 sec). It is too frustrating to be shot out of the sky quickly, especially if you only have one life. I foresee camping ground weapons and simply waiting. Mark the bottom of the map. I made a map once (I didnt post it, it is OLD) called Dogfight, where there was a giant hill in the middle of two aircraft carriers. People like fighting in planes, but it was impossible to tell where the death barrier was. If you flew to low, you would die without warning. I understand if you are unwilling to make any changes or like the way it is. These are just what I would do, and what I'll need to DL. The idea is fresh and original. I have found that newer forgers (can I assume you are relatively new as you just learned techniques) come up with some of the best ideas. I know I used to be a little more creative.
I really like the idea of an open playing area for the banshees and hornets. Just an idea for a game type you could try to set different objectives on different asteroids to add a different experience since you would be taking different paths around the asteroids
dude you should so take pictures not in forge , the map would look way more epic without seeing that grid under map . you would get alot more dl's .. anyway this map is awesome im dl-ing now 5/5 for me cant wait to custom on it.
I like the idea, but think the asteroids could have been made better. Merging pieces together would have at least made the asteroids less "blocky". Random kill ball spawn times could have added to the fun.
I cant believe no one thought of this before,good thinking dude. This is like one of those maps that was right under our noses and got overlooked. U executed it very nicely as well, also i like shroomz idea of kill balls popping up randomly they could simulate newly formed stars in space or black holes.
I have to say your map The Wild is pretty creative. But I do agree with you to a certain degree. Everytime I learned a new forging technique I'd build a map highly inspired by that trick. And I'll say this map is a nice execution of that. New forgers come to this site with better ideas because they have their ideas in mind. After substantial criticism, it no longer becomes about sharing their ideas but complying with the wants of others. Everybody expects aesthetics, merging of some sort, and some big name backing it, when in reality none of those are necessary to make a good map and in some cases diminish the ability of the map in gameplay terms. People on this site have come to only take things for the way they look. It's rather... depressing.
This map is brilliantly simplistic and i love it! in you're version 2 maybe edit it so it would work for territories? that would be pretty cool, anyway great work.