Sigh. You people obviously don't understand what I'm saying. I'm not arguing with most of your points, just the one that says that the GnA is 'dying'. Whatever, I don't care enough to try to explain it any more clearly.
Pffft, I'm not at all what you think I am. Anyhow, I think we can all agree boosting FH's members is a priority.
yea thats true... we could also start by interesting the current community we have here at forge hub. im thinking just some signatures or avatars that invite people into the forum. we need like a ploy or something.
In my opinion, the reason many people do not post is that they do not know how to give good feedback. For example I find I have trouble giving CnC on many sigs, because I primarily like to do space styled wallpaper and sometimes sigs, but I have very little knowledge on good sig making. We have many very good artists here, but we also have others who know very little. I have noticed that there is no specific section to post guides or anything for those who are new. Perhaps a new sub forum for Q&A and guides or something to encourage people with less experience to post and read more in this forum than just the pieces of advice on an image to image basis.
We should get a name for our cause, then some t-shirts and coffee mugs printed! =p But in all seriousness, I agree that something should be done. I could make a promo video if you guys would give some material to use in it.
Problem is the last time there was a guide in this was 15 pages ago, and is not easily accessible to new comers. And if you stickyed them all it would get messy. Thats why I thought it would be a good idea, because it would keep them all together, no matter the age.
Well, honestly, i stopped giving CnC when I stopped making sigs. Which was a while ago. Ill see what i can do about giving more CnC now that ive been banned by an egotistical prick from Off Topic.
I might and probably will start to relearn gna again probably next week, I dunno I might mess around in Photoshop sometime this week, yet have no time this weekend...
We already Plan to Rewrite the universal resource thread, to make things a little easier, So we're gonna need your help finding some resources PM or Vm them to me and pretty much anything will be appreciated.
Its not just them its all senior members. Most have gone to do other things and/or never really make sigs anymore or such. We lost the members we had, and if we can't seem to fill those gaps with new people or get them back then this will be a problem still. Also too if you guys have any ideas for the gna, im all ears.
Oh gee wiz thanks *****. XD Nah I stopped because a major virus destroyed my computer, I lost the ability to use PS and got a new comp and dont have PS right now, so until I get it back, I can't do anything, plus, I lost EVERYTHING I had. All files, pictures, stocks, C4Ds, brushes... etc. :/
and inspiration thread, where members post inspiring images or music. or daily EVEN WEEKLY inspiration posted by mods. and a spot on front page every so often...
I deleted my program. I actually hated making signatures. It really was the talent of tye artist that made my sigs shine. I DO have traditional art, and I would post, but the only art of mine that was recognized was when I did drawings of other people. I'll start posting them if people are willing to criticize.