Stop trolling, brohan. I really doubt bungie would include something that over 80% of the games population couldn't use.
Yeah actually, I started a thread about that just one below this one, but I think the joke video might be something and might not. What is the point of discussing something that can't really be proven? We just have to wait one more month until the Beta, which might include Forge.
Not neccessarily dude. A. Why would bungie go through all the work to create whatever map that was they were on if it doesn't have some longterm uses? B. Again, (I think this has been stated before) why would Bungie go through all the designing and modeling of the monitor when it's most likely not going to be in the campaign. C. is the letter after B.
Agreed Noxy, id assume everything in the video corresponds to something in the game. If now then why the hell model all that crap. But then again this is the same company that let the Secret of Epitaph run for like ages before they said it had no real meaning so who knows they could just be ****ing us ...... again.
duh I'll go ahead and confirm it , there's no way bungie will overlook the demands of the very large forge community. Forge will be back and way better than before if no canvas map at first then look for dlcontent.Trust me they want our money too lol.
Well if you've confirmed it, then, fuuu, we've got to believe it! Just to clear things up with the people that flamed me for stating something. I personally believe that Forge will appear in Reach, but it still stands that so far only hopes that people have provided as evidence. I've asked for a link to the evidence Isane54 provided but to no avail it has not turned up. So, so far all we have is hearsay and a possible piece of evidence which has not been backed up. Now you see why I question the possibility of Forge with the evidence so far provided.
FFS, you really need to personally see the evidence to believe it? Then ****ing google it or read through the updates like the rest of us.
I think they said it in a magazine or a podcast, and I don't want to sit through all of them to tell you exactly where it is, If you care so much about evidence go listen to them.
Listen to the lastest podcast. At around 10-20 minutes they were talking about forge, and something about doors and stairs in either forge or multiplayer.
So did you see obama shoot the green tellytubby? .... Umm ... Yes. I'm issuing an arrest warrant. I totally believe you! Seriously, you may believe everything your told but I dont. You probably think wikipedia has no errors on it at all ¬.¬ Thanks for telling me where the evidence is. Listening now. EDIT: That's not evidence, that's just confirming they use pc tools and that they have some new tools for it, nothing to do with forge.
You probably can't find it because it was in the Game Informer story on Reach, not on or anything, and we all know how long magazine scans of that hung around. here's and nice summary and quote though: As stated above, Bungie have never actually said (at least at that point, and I haven't heard of any such statement since) "Forge will be in Reach", but I think from the statement above we can logically infer that it will be unless they say otherwise.
Notice the wording of 16 player competitive match? Keyword, competitive. Thats talking about competitive as in matchmaking. Not denying the fact of more than that in customs etc... Thanks for the info peg, thats all I needed. Something solid. Not ohh they confirmed it someone told me, just trust blud..
Logically sound, but I think a tad hopeful. It'd seem odd to have a higher cap on custom games than MM, since if Reach can handle a given number of players in a game they might as well provide for it at least somewhat in MM (ie. social BTB tbh). No prob, tbh I was surprised you hadn't heard it, I'd had the quote "full feature parity with H3" running around in my head ever since I heard it, but I'd actually searched for that same quote a while back for a similar question on another forum and hadn't been able to find it. Couldn't work out why until I found that it was in GI just now, I still think that gaming magazines are an archaic and dying breed, these exclusives and resulting magazine scan issues are just the dying throes of an industry losing out to internet distribution imo. Can't say I'm that sad, the internet is gaming's home.
I wouldn't count social as competitive that's why my idea conflicts with your idea, also agreed, game magazines are starting to get too overpriced as well.. Well first you have to prepare your computer, heres how. Goto & delete - c:/windows/syst... Jks ;p
Link? Although I'm excited as hell, I thought forge was taken back because of... ...loadouts. If you can customize your character, mapmaking will be ENTIRELY different, as you will have to compensate for abilities such as jetpacks that would allow you to completely break a map beyond its intention in most Halo 3 maps.
Nah wait for customs to see how they work first, we don't know enough to come to conclusions like that.
Keep in mind that everything we said was our power of observation multiplied by hopeful speculation with a dash of common sense. We have no inside information, and even if we did, things could change several times before the game ships. That being said, Forge (or some form of map/object editor) will be in reach. Bungie is not known as a developer who strips successful components from their games. They may remove items like dual-wielding, but never something as important as Forge. With how they have been describing Matchmaking, and realizing that all MM options are available in custom games, you can be sure that custom Loadouts will be selectable from the custom game settings, much like how you select starting weapons or vehicle sets. I believe you will also be able to determine the health system in the same way. The health system they describe for Matchmaking will not work on many mini-games (see below), and i don't believe they would force us to litter our Conquest and Grifball maps with health packs. You can already select your shield strength, recharge rate, and other items like damage modifiers so it would make sense to have the option to allow your health to recharge as it does in Halo 3. (Halo 3 has an invisible health meter which recharges slightly slower than the shield. Reach will have shields which must pop before you take damage and a visible, non-recharging, health bar. If you survive a near-death encounter your shields will fully recharge, but your health will only go up to 1/3 of full, and you must seek out a health pack for a full recharge)
Unless when you're an elite where your health will recharge fully no matter what sans health packs :O