MW2 QS'ing - PC Sorry if i am out of place on this forum, but i have been a PC gamer for a long time now and have started MW2, I would love to learn to QS and am willing to put in hours and hours of practise untill i am great at it but i really require some tips on sensitivity, i try bumping it up but it seems way too fast, using sleight of hand pro, stopping power and steady aim pro. I belive QSing on the PC is going to be a lot harder than consoles as the players are way more advanced and competitive. Using my razer diamondback 3G, with my sphex mouse matt so there is absolutely no problem with equipment, would anyone suggest any tips ranging from general flanking tactics to, keeping that nice balance between runnin and gunnin and sitting back and picking them off.
kill roy- you literally had 1 legit quickscope that entire montage. play with me if you want to learn how to quickscope.
Then OBVIOUSLY you dont know what a quickscope is, a quickscope is NOT killing someone before the scope zooms in, that is Technically a NO-Scope.... A QUICK-scope is killing someone within one second of the magnification.
Hi Guys, great thread. Love the multi-bumps,lol I'v just started to attempt quick sniping, as it feels the best way for me to play after 2 month of sucking badly at MW2. What would be the best sensitivity to use for some who's average at quick sniping. I'm use the Barrett, but I haven't read much about anyone using it, should I try switching rifle? Cheers.
Barrett is great for QS, and personally i use 8, but it takes a while to get used to. You want a sensitivity of at least 5/6. The best way to do it, is line up your shot before you even touch the LT. Use your body to get the crosshairs perfect, then pull LT and fire as soon as your in scope. It usually works 9 times out of 10. IMO, it only takes practice, just a helluva lot of practice.
Exactly what I would have said...I started around 5-6 then I worked my way up, going up a sensitivity every week.. I am now at 8 and I feel that fits quite well
Please lock this thread guys, I can quickscope now... This was started a bit after the game came out and it keeps getting dug up from it's grave. Requesting lock please.