Do you think it is possible in anyway or form that they could turn Reach Forge into a Custom Editor type thing? We can always hope! XD... .... ... Probably not.....
I dont know much about Halo custom edition but wasnt it for computer only with seperate software needed to actually make the maps..?
Yeah, let's get something straight here: Bungie always makes its functions user-friendly, and your average Joe certainly could not make custom content in Halo CE. Doing so requires a lot of skill in a variety of fields. In other words, the Reach forge mode will be nothing like Halo CE.
Dont agree it would be awesome if we could categorise our maps into sections like "All Maps", "Canvas'", "In Progress", "Finished". But yeah on topic, Reach forge wont be like that.
yeah towards the end of yesterday I kinda realized that this thread is pointless... Although, it still is possible that they could USE it. Maybe have both. (The way you would make them on Xbox is go to your computer, open up the software, make the map, then download it from which would convert it into a Halo Reach map using a completely blank canvas.) Just a thought, but 1% chance of happening. Also, if they were doing it, they would announce it because it is so ground-breaking.
Yes, you actually need multiple programs to make maps for Halo Custom Edition, including a 3D Editing program which can be extremely tedious if you don't know how to use it (e.g. people like me..) Here's a basic flowchart for the process though. I understand it, though I gave up on the first part which is the editing using a 3D program like 3DS max. I prefer the blocky object spawning method of forge, and I'm sure after just looking at the flowchart, the majority of people will think the same
Dang, I never knew it was that complex, I kinda assumed it was a standalone program. I've got a new respect for those guys who pump out CE maps now. Tbh I probably would spend a good amount of time trying to get to grips with this system if it was for H3 or Reach when it comes out, but my love for CE nowadays is nostalgic above anything else, the end result of all that effort just wouldn't feel worth it for me. I thought vaguely along these lines when Reach was first announced, it would be truly amazing to have full PC editing capabilities but be able to use the maps on the console game (the nature of PC Halo places it 1 title behind the current game at least, and at the end of the day I want to edit the latest game, and I want to be able to play my maps on the console versions since I feel that this is where the game is really at home). I considered the advantages of the monitor/player nature of editing in Forge, ie. being able to examine your work from all angles and very close up. But tbh you could just have a 'switch to flying cam' in the editor, and with the full numerical coordinate/orientation manipulation which would probably be available on a PC editor you wouldn't actually need to look at stuff to get it straight. It would also open up possibilities for object transformation, stretching and shrinking, and whilst this would require further complexities in a requirement for post geometry-building skinning options (pre skinned objects would not maintain any semblance of aesthetics through the process of transformation at its extremes), that in itself would be another great plus imo. Pretty much just sketchup which exports to Halo... Basically, the more and more complex these options get, the more I like the sound of it. But at the same time it sounds less and less like something Bungie would offer in the console version, since it's essentially the "players' version", rather than the "editors' version" ie. the PC ones, stuck a title behind like I said above. Considering that those who would prefer this type of editor are a very small minority in the wider console community, and any strong desire to really take Halo map editing to its extreme is sorta catered for with the PC titles, I just don't see them going to this end of the spectrum with the Forge equivalent in Reach. I also really don't see them providing two options for editing in one game, much as it would be amazing and keep everyone happy. Honestly I just hope that they learn from what people have done with Forge (and also what's been shown by the really strong showings in editing for past Halo games on PC) and see what at least some want from it: to create maps to a competitive and expansive level on console Halo games. Stuff along the lines of the FC2 editor, with no physics for objects until placed as standard, some gesture towards natural geo manipulation (even if it's less dramatic and more finetuning-oriented than FC2, since tbh Halo natural geo just needs to be, but if we could make Valhalla or Blood Gulch kinda stuff it'd be amazing). Also just some way to build walls and full structures that don't end up just remaining a bunch of lego blocks at the end, I really dislike the aesthetic panderings made even in Sandbox, which was supposed to be the Forgers' map. Did they even ask anyone who Forged if they'd rather have a completely square and flat box in the crypt or one with awkwardly shaped, asymmetrical outer walls for the sake of an immersive environment? Same with the double blocks that still aren't an exact cuboid. If they provide for these issues in Reach Forge, give us a wealth of object shapes and sizes to really build some complex and varied structures etc. then I'll be happy enough.
I beleive he meant more of an SDK like used in the source programs, where you get many default objects. You can edit terrain and move objects round in 3D space, kind of like halo without the physics. I'd like this idea but its very unlikely.