Pokémon General Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Randle Scandal, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I myself don't plan on battling Red right after I get my 16th badge. I'm going to go train my pokemon and build up my new team first.

    For some reason, in every Pokemon game I always keep my started Pokemon no matter how bad their stats may be. Besides Typhlosion does a good enough job against others so that's enough for me. Swampert sounds like a decent pokemon to choose for my water type. Although he'd get demolished by grass types. I'll think about that one. I'm very keen on getting a Gallade at the moment but I certainly wouldn't rule out a Salamence being in my team. I'll have to think about Roserade. I've never been to fond of it but if it's a decent enough Pokemon I may consider it. Jolteon was actually one of the Electric types I was thinking of getting. Zapdos and Magnezone sound like good choices aswell.

    Thanks for the Input, V.
    I've pretty much got my team thought up now after that. Although I've still got some deciding to do.

    • Typhlosion
    • Swampert/Lapras
    • Weavile
    • Gallade/Salamence
    • Possibly Roserade
    • Possibly Jolteon
  2. V

    V Ancient
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    Swampert has a devilishly high attack stat and pretty solid defenses to boot. I've run a couple Swamperts on my teams in the past.
    The first I used to run was Adamant Swampert @ Choice Band w/ 136HP/204Atk/68Def/100Spd EVs using Ice Punch, Waterfall, Stone Edge, and Earthquake. It takes a little prediction as you don't wanna get locked into a move that your opponent resists, but with these EVs, Choice Band (brings him up to a nice 505 attack stat), and the right prediction (and maybe a Baton Passed speed boost after some decent scouting) you can sweep well with this bad boy.
    The second I ran was Relaxed Swampert @ Leftovers w/ 240HP/216Def/52SpAtk EVs using Stealth Rock, Ice Beam, Earthquake, and Roar. Nifty little set here which brings out his bulkiness. Stealth rock is simply the best first move in the game. Every team loves it and the damage it does to incoming pokemon. Earthquake for STAB and ice beam for coverage. Roar is good for scouting and racking up the damage w/ SR. I used this as a lead but it could do well as a switch in for this guy I'm about to mention.

    And Roserade has possibly the highest special attack stat of the grass types, solid special defense, and good speed and makes for a nasty lead. I've seen this used well by a friend (yes this is pulled directly off smogon but its definitely solid). Timid Roserade @ Focus Sash w/ 4HP/252SpAtk/252Spd EVs using Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Toxic Spikes, and Hidden Power Fire. Basically you wanna use sleep powder on anything slower than you and then you get at least one free turn to drop a layer of t-spikes. Leaf Storm is for pure STAB boosted power and Hidden Power Fire takes out the likes of Scizor and Forretress among others. Also, HP Ground and HP Ice are options to consider as well, the latter being a solid choice to fend off Salamence who still sees a good deal of face time in the competitive battling scene.

    And I'm not even gonna get started on how awesome Salamence is. I'll let you go here and see for yourself how much of an offensive powerhouse this monster is. Also, you can look through some of the RMT's on Smogon and Serebii forums to see more examples.
  3. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    my team now:
    100 jolteon
    100 garchomp
    90 aerodactyl
    84 gallade
    81 arcanine
    83 blastoise/94 lapras

    i hate training, it takes so long
  4. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You know that team won't be allowed in most competitive battling unless you plan on battling Ubers (a.k.a. the best of the Legendaries). Garchomp is the only non-legendary pokemon that is banned from the standard tier because he's such a monster. If he's holding a yache berry, nothing can stop him from setting up after a solid lead and sweeping everything in sight.
  5. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i also have a salamence around 75 that i could train. but i dont really plan on doing any competitive battling. just for the lulz with my friends.
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I just finished getting all of the gym leaders phone numbers, its so annoying getting all of them since you have to wait for the gym leaders to be where they are... I also just found out that they are a horrible way of training, so they are useless!
  7. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Anyone have a Fire Stone? Need it for my Growlithe.

    Also, how do you get Hidden-Power to just be..Fire?
  8. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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  9. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have a fire stone that you can have.

    And for hidden power to be fire type you would need to be somewhere there is fire, like a volcano.
  10. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nope, not at all. You're thinking secret power. It's always Base Power 70 Normal-type attack but its secondary effect is determined by the location you're battling in. Hidden Power is a very, VERY complex move. It's base power can be anywhere from 10-70 and it can be any type based on one thing: IVs, or Individual Values. This means you're gonna have to do some breeding or trade for one from someone. I went on a breeding rampage of these guys and I got some Roselias with the right IVs for ice and fire. If you want one, I'd be more than happy to toss one your way.
  11. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is there anything you DON'T have?

    Also, @BigDaddy : Thanks for clearing that up, I was always confused between the two.
  12. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha between trading across all games imaginable (actually its more of a trafficking syndicate between me and my cousin lol), breeding, and hours and hours of free time in the summer from past years, I've acquired quite the collection of pokemon. Between me and my cousin, we've owned every pokemon game save for green (japan only). You got a request? We could probably hook you up. Save for event pokemon of course.
  13. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Sneasel pl0x, I don't know where the HELL Route 28 is, and I'm not close enough to Mt. Silver.
  14. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    I have everything, seriously. The AR is a very nice thing.

    EDIT: I'm in WFC w/Fire Stone.
    #374 Klaydude11, Apr 3, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  15. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Nice Suicuine, and thanks for the trades Klayman! :D

    Also, I heard you say something about the Oran Berry, it was from the Yellow Forest Event, I caught two Pikachus, which unfortuantely didn't Have Volt Tackle, Fly, or Surf. ):
  16. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lugia was a pain to catch. I would get it down to the lowest health and paralyze it and it would still pop out of Ultra Balls without a wiggle. I finally caught it with a Dark Ball on the fourth restart.

    I've been training a lot, and I've beaten the Pokemon League for the first time. The first three people were extremely easy. Karen's Umbreon gave me some trouble because I didn't have anything super-effective against just Dark-Type. Lance was really difficult... he took me down to my last Pokemon (Gyarados) but I still managed to beat him first try.

    I have 9 badges now and my team is:

    Crobat - lvl 48
    Ampharos - lvl 48
    Lugia - lvl 49
    Gyarados - lvl 49
    Typhlosion - lvl49
    Poliwhirl - HM guy

    I'm currently going to the Power Plant in Kanto to fix it or whatever. Is Zapdos there? I can't remember.

    Any advice on my team?
  17. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Zapdos IS there, but not til you have all 16 badges. Same for Articuno and Moltres. Although Moltres is found in Mt. Silver in this game.
    I'd drop Ampharos for a Jolteon, Magnezone, or any form of Rotom if you wanna keep an electric type. He has a good SpAtk, but not enough good moves and stats overall. Also, does your Gyarados or Lugia know Ice Fang or Ice Beam respectively? If not, Dragonites, Flygons, Salamences, and Garchomps (see a pattern here) will have a field day on this team.
    That being said, you're gonna need to make quite a few changes if you're gonna want to play competitively and hold your own. So do you want in-game advice (battle frontier), or competitive advice?
    Sure what's your friend code? I think I added it before but I never was able to connect to you. Mine's in my sig (anyone who wants to, feel free to add me just tell me your code in return so I know who you are).
    EDIT: It's 1763-490-0660 / Brian; for some reason my sig isnt showing up.
    #377 V, Apr 3, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  18. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Yeah, that was the problem. My Friend Code is...
    4898 8417 0084 // Gr4phix

    Edit 1 : Uhh.. your Friend Code is wrong, the middle. "490"?
    #378 Gr4phix, Apr 3, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  19. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh my bad. It's 4907.
    EDIT: Oh by the way, would you like that Sneasel holding anything in particular?
    #379 V, Apr 3, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  20. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Uhh.. can it evolve into a Weavile in HG? I'll be in the WFC, if you have the item for Weavile, that would be awesome; otherwise just the Sneasel. :D

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