Forest of Ruins Though the roots remained, The Buildings became nothing but the ruins of the lost 2-8 players. Works with Team Doubles, Multi Team and 5 Player Free-for-all. As Zombie Horde is out of the way for a little bit. Me and BabyBaconStrips have been working on little side projects. This is one of the many. It was a submission into a Contest for My clan, But then I decided to post this on forgehub. The map is great for both Team Doubles, Multi Team and Free-For-All. This is also my First Slayer map. Weapon Set: (Weapon / Clip / Respawn) Battle Rifle x5 / 2 Clips / 60 Seconds Needler x2 / 2 Clips/ 90 Seconds Bruteshot x2 / 2 Clips / 90 Seconds Rockets x1 / 0 Clips / 150 Seconds Shotgun x1 / 1 Clip / 120 Seconds Carbine x2 / 2 Clips / 60 Seconds Overshield @ 150 Seconds Active Camo @ 150 Seconds Plasma Grenades @ 30 Seconds Frag Grenades @ 30 Seconds Bubble Shield @120 Seconds Power Drainer @ 120 Seconds The Map Mainly focuses on 1 side of Ghost Town. Players can use Hallways and Alleys to flank there enemies. One Team repawns near the Rockets and the other near the Shotgun. This gives both teams Power Weapons. Multi Team & Free-for-All both have different types of Gameplay. Team Doubles feels more normal. (Warning: Multi Team & Free-For-All both are frantic with more than 6 Players.) Also Thanks to BabyBaconStrips, I was able to get Screenshots. Screenies: Actions Shots: Gameplay Video: (Need Silverlight) Beta: (FFA) [bungievid]108857877[/bungievid] Real Version: (Team Doubles) [Bungievid]109136393[/bungievid] Download Link! I would Like to thank all the testers: BabyBaconStrips (Thanks with Pictures!) Tea McBaggings UDie47Xs R3AP3R 2117 Nixaguy RDaren Dp12Derk IIHIIxT0xic PRO
You just Loovvee ghost town don't you? The merging is very nice... I like the structure in pic #6 You created another side on ghost town... I see many little things you could have added, but Im not sure if it would really effect gameplay. Nvm about that. The weapons seem balanced. But alot of BRs though.
The only unique thing that seperates this from the ghost-merging-spammed maps on Ghost Town I see is the Needle pit. Other than that it just slides right into that category.
(Not to sound like an Asshole) I didn't realize that Ghost Merging was a rule against everyone except for the Best Forgers (aka Admins). Spammed maps? This is fricken forging site. No Duh? I've seen many maps that didnt even have any merging what so ever. This really shouldn't be under "Spammed Maps".
I like this. It's a very nicely geo-merged map, with plenty of sealed off exits and new paths. I see no exploits, and the gameplay is very solid. I'm already rating this map a 9/10 for asthetics and structure. However, there are a few things that need to be pointed out. One, on such a small map such as this, I would recommend removing most of the Medium-Range weapons. I would have maybe 2 Carbines and 2 BRs with long respawns, so that players focus more on actually using the other weapons in the many hallways, but still have the option to find a good vantage point and pick off unsuspecting players. Also, the team that spawns with the Active Camo has a huge advantage, as they could go invisible, grab the power weapons and easily get 4 kills within the first minute without changing weapons. I'd simplify it so that both teams have the Camo or both teams have the Overshield. Another thing that I'm surprised at, was the lack of dual-weilding weapons. Not that the current set-up is a problem, it's just that I thought that some weapons such as the Spiker or SMG would work well on this map. Speaking of SMGs, why is there a Spartan holding two in the first action shot? Is this a beta shot, or was this left out of the weapon list? So you've heard my suggestions. The next step for you would be to use more creative asthetic techniques. Nothing, other than the base Ghost-Town visuals, makes me say, "Wow, this place really is ruined." I feel that if you could to that, alot of reviewers, including me, would be very pleased. What about other gametypes? Does this map support, say, Oddball? 9/10 asthetically, 7.5/10 gameplay-wise brings you to a total of 8.3/10. Very nice work.
Just to back up my jurisdiction on this I looked at some of your maps and almost all of the ghost merging was what you called *spam merging*. Congratulations on being hypocritical. I would definatly say that all the ghost merges on this map are very clean. Im looking forward to seeing even more of your maps
This looks pretty good actually. I'm gonna try to get a game of Doubles on this, as the gameplay for it look pretty fun. One suggestion though, I think you should switch out the camo and the os. With Camo, you want to have a slight open-ness, but after a few steps, get into cover. Under that little overhang, I think camo would work out perfectly.
Im already working on a V2. I got rid of the OV. I moved the Camo to a tube. Added another walkway. Smgs and Brute Spikers Added. Grenades have a longer respawn. Fixed some of the Spawn Points and Removed some Br's. The V2 should come out sometime next week. Im going away in like a few weeks. (2 Weeks). Im also working on another Side Project. I smell CONQUEST.
cool, love the 'merging. but my favorite part is the last picture (before the action shots). that looks well built.