Chaos Rain Created by xxKyuSamaxx Supported Gametypes: Hellstorm (Required Gametype) Map Description Players spawn in the middle of a field of Fusion Coils and Propane Tanks, which even the slightest thing will set off a storm of fiery explosives, from which only the strong will escape. Starting weapons are Rockets and Energy Swords, and all players begin with increased damage resistance and overshields, not that they last long. This map takes advantage of instant respawning of explosive items, ensuring matches that become increasingly chaotic as more players join the fray. Relatively simple, yet tons of fun to play in large parties. Watch out for flying Warthog debris. Reccomended Players: 6+ _________________________________________________ Looks simple and calm enough, right? Simply not so, players must avoid a hot burning funeral. _________________________________________________ Yes, I realize how simple it is, I haven't been forging very long, but I'd say this map is fairly good nonetheless. Any ideas for improvement/constructive criticism are appreciated. Thanks to anyone who gives one of my first maps a try. Download Chaos Rain Download Hellstorm
what you COULD do to further contain the CHAOS in one spot is to spawn shield doors and save them being held flat. make a roof you can jump and fall through, but all the fire is concentrated. and maybe not a full coverage... maybe have like some holes or something or some walls higher. but when i made a map like this it helped a lot. [edited] and I have added this to be DL'l when i get back home
this map is not really anything exciting, you placed some bombs and some death vehicles no ones gonna drive around in a hog, theyre just gonna nade it up and hope to get an explosion kill
The vehicles aren't meant to be driven, they're meant to fly around in the endless explosions, cause chaos, and occasionally fall on people from the sky.
looks simple but might be fun. 2 questions though, wouldn't the game lag a lot because of the explosions, and can't someone just shoot from the balcony thing near the 2 doors and not get killed?
hmmm yess... it seems thtd be a problem. If u have the budget, try blocking off those doors. Are the fusion coils on instant spawn? cause then itll be laggy. Try putting them on 10 sec spawn (not instant) so it doesnt lag as much nd gives players a chance to regenerate if alive nd prepare for the next wave of rain, just my thoughts tho...
Well, I find that most of the time the explosions will reach the doors. I also have everyone starting with swords, so if anyone tries to stay where there's less explosions, they quickly become targets. As for the lag, I suppose it would depend on the connection. I haven't experienced any lag on it yet, but it could be possible with a higher number of players.
I like how this map was made!!! KEEP BUILDING samstone my map: close the gates
in my opinion i hate maps llike these especially with endless explosions. mabye you can change somethings?