
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Fire Phoenix117, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Welcome one and all to a new map that i been working on for at least two weeks now. It's a asymmetrical Compettitive map that uses three fourths of foundry. I didn't make this magnificent creation alone my friends Jay Dogg 409 and Ripshaw (99 Forgers) helped alot with mostly weapon placement and spawns. Generally Vortex would be considered my first compettive map that plays for every gametype except Multi Flag and Assult. The map itself is medium size and can play up to 8 poeple 4 v 4. The map introduces many unique structures like a cubic structure and portal structure which can be used to your advantage. Vortex can play slayer, Juggernaut, oddball, territories, VIP, one flag, Neutral bomb Infection, and KOTH. Inspired by Portal still alive and Ignite.


    I know epic picture...


    Attackers side

    Sub base

    Defenders Base "Bomb armed" "bomb planted" "game over"

    The epic Portal lol

    Well thats it for now I will begin testing whenever..
    #1 Fire Phoenix117, Mar 31, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2010
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Just out of curiosity, where does the portal take you? It would be epic if you made it like the trampolines used int other gametypes. Is it possible to walk up the angled surfaces in the last picture?
  3. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    The portal takes you to the cube area that you see in the very first picture which it can be used in one flag and nuetral bomb as advantage for attackers and defenders. you can walk on them..
  4. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    AH :D this map ios great. for those wondering and who ever has not played the gameplay is pretty phenomenal if I do say so myself. It was very good for team doubles and crazy king. The splazer is new for a 4v4 competitive map, but in the right hands it can devastate. Good luck with this, look forward to playing this again.
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I've Tested it, I still see the area where BaconStrips Got Out. Might wanna fix that. Also, I know this is ranting but, I just didn't like the multiplayer on this. Slayer was the worst. The fact that you hid the BR somewhere you guys get it early than us. Also last time, Anyone whom got on the Cube had to get down or get booted. Now your letting them do that. However, I did like how you made a huge Cube and a Portal to make Portal look awesome.
    #5 Devil95, Apr 1, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2010
  6. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    What area exactly cause from what i know there were only three ways to on the structures and now thats fixed. From what i know the BR wasn't hidden, its location is in the single open box so that is your fault by account that you can't find it even knowing its right next to you... Plus at the defenders base the Br is evidently a bit further away than attackers Br. As i said when we were playing it i need to test it so i was expecting poeple to get out of the map just so i can fix it. About slayer i did some fixing and now theres more of a balanced gameplay.
  7. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    if he is only testing, and you guys made the map, you will get to weapons first. Thats no ones fault, but you need so split up when testing so each team has someone who knows the layout. Thats not his fault, for the best tests you need only people who have never played, or people who have played a couple/new players not just makers and newbies.

    Now the map, i still cant find the cube that you all speak of, but it the teleporters are the only way in, that needs changing (sorry, but i really cant see it, so i have to assume the worst to help) also devil mentioned camping and the fact they are pretty much unbeatable, that would also need changing if its true. I does seem like a very good map however and i would like to test, my GT is The Moran (just look on the testers guild gamertag and i'll be there)
  8. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    devil did test it with poeple who have played the map before but I know its not intially his fault I'm just saying dont just think we place a Br in a place hidden from the attackers team or whatever, both of the weapons are nere the defenders and attackers base. The cube is in the very first pic but whatever. Also did devil specifically tell you were cause from my knowledge i dont really know where you can camp in general????

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