So I'm on a little bit of a rage rant but it's justifiable. First off, I just want to make that point as clear as possible. This game does not take one bit of skill to play. I can probably find a 6 year old that can be at the top of the lobby in a few rounds. Everything is provided for you. And even if you're on a bad luck streak, there's always Painkiller or spawn switches to help ruin someone else's game. I can get upwards of 20 kills a game with fewer than 5 deaths every single round of TDM if I consistently used my SCAR-H class. It's just unfair, and I know that. Which is why I started getting back to quick-scoping or running with akimbo Rangers. It doesn't provide the same scores but it's hella fun. You might be wondering why I'm on this little rant. So here it goes: I've been getting pretty annoyed with this game lately. Infinity Ward just doesn't take the hint that the community will ***** every single weapon that holds a significant advantage over others. This started with akimbo Models, and when those were patched the focus changed to the SPAS with its infinite range and one-shot domination. Not to mention that the SCAR-H and ACR are highly over-powered. Onto today. I didn't sleep last night and watched movies the whole time, so I figured I'd play a few solo games because no one is ever on this early. Trick shots with Intervention were what I was looking forward to. I was sadly mistaken. Apparently I joined a "Commando & Tube" lobby. Before I could set down my Claymore, some linebacker would come rushing at me with a knife in his hand. Maybe if I was lucky, I'd even get a hitmarker on the guy! Oh boy! On top of Commando, there's the infamous OMA class set with noob tubes. As if getting shot at with one ration of the grenades wasn't bad enough. All I wanted to do today was at least ATTEMPT at enjoying the game by doing some trick shots. But this was all prevented due to the ease that Infinity Ward has loaned to pathetic children. This game is horrible. /rant Thoughts?
You can't go into a game expecting the course of the lobby to model itself after the ideal conditions you would prefer. I'm not saying this just for Call of Duty, it goes for any competitive game. You can't simply say "I'm going to aim for some nice quick scopes utilizing the same strategy I always do." That last bit is italicized because no one admits it, but that is exactly what they're saying when they say anything bearing slight resemblance tot he first part. In my opinion, skill is determined by a player's ability to adapt to any given situation. You're stuck in a "Commando & Tube" party? Find a way around it, and stop whining like a *****. Or whine louder. That's what people did with the 1887s and at least they got some attention. Then again, I haven't touched a game in over a month.
So you're saying I can't be upset that the game that I bought isn't enjoyable? I think that's perfectly legit, but hey, it's not your money.
Finally, someone who gets it. I find Call of Duty stupid... Here are a few of my points: 1: I get laughed at by some of my friends for still liking Halo for the last two years. Well it is because nothing has managed to beat it (GOW sucked with hosts and boring shotgun gameplay and CoD takes no skill). A huge majority of people that play CoD say that the game is only good because it is realistic. It is anything but realistic... CoD's realism fails and MW2 only made it worse. When you get shot, after going around the corner and waiting 5 seconds, you will be at the same physical condition that you started with. I think if someone were shot in the foot, they would scream "F***!!!!" and would be nearly paralyzed. Commando Pro makes it so you can jump off of buildings with heavy armor/weapons and feel unharmed. You can run around with a knife and be in 1st compared to the people using guns which would never happen EVER. 2: The gameplay is idiotic. The game takes absolutely no skill to play. It is more of a reflex game than a game about thinking or learning skills. There are multiple videos of people winning while using one hand because they don't need to worry about the half of the controller that involves movement. Even the ranking system takes no skill as it only requires that you have played a good amount of games. I don't find certain guns to take no skill, I just find the overall gameplay to lack it. I never really cared about model 1887s because every other gun will kill in one or two shots, I don't really care if they can shoot those like snipers because I could simply get a noob tube or a FAMAS or whatever I am using and kill them. 3: The game is so popular because everyone can feel like they are amazing at it. With all of the challenges and awards for doing almost nothing, the game gives a little boost to people's self esteem. In my opinion, it seems like the game was created to amuse the simple minded with shiny awards and easy kills to create a haven for those that got pissed off by being dominated in games that require intellect...
This is why you do into a game with a party. B/c I will noob toob them back. and they will hate themselves for it.
I beg to differ. This game does take some sort of skill to play, for some a lot, for others, very little. Just because your feel that certain things are not doesnt mean the whole game is cracked. You may think the ACR and Scar are over-powered but they are not invincible. I can kill enemies with 2 shots with an unsilenced FAL. The spas may seem like it has outrageous range, but it does have a rate of fire like other shotys such as the M1014. The OMA and Noob Tube is a little stupid but its a strategy that it is very effective, for every strategy there is always another strategy to counter it, you just have to be skilled enough to find it... It depends on how you play the game that'll either help you win or help lose. IMO, the game is great regardless of whats wrong with it, i still find it very fun and entertaining... Lol to scrobra!
Realism also doesn't determine how well a game plays, at all. In my opinion there is yet to be a good realistic game.
You have no idea how terribly realism would ruin games. Halo was fun because even if someone shot you in the back once with the BR, a skilled enough player could turn around and still out-BR them. CoD is bad enough, where two or three bullets kill you. But a game where a single bullet will kill you always? That's just not fun...too unforgiving.
Use a silenced ump with marathon pro, lightweight pro, and ninja pro. Use a gripped striker or rpg. Rape. Still not fun. I way more enjoyment sniping in BC2 than in Cod and my accuracy is significantly higher and sniping takes more skill. Quick Scoping hardly takes skill, it's more luck than anything else. Just make sure they are in your cross-hairs, which is easy and hope it hits.
/endrant Anywai, all meaningless ranting aside.... Like someone said earlier, for every cheap strategy someone comes up with, there's at least one way to counter it, if not more. Boosting? Spectator mode. Noob Tubes? Blast sheild and more noob tubes. Commando? Solid cover. (Nothing's funnier than some knifing asshole lunging into a wall and failing to hit you because you're crouched behind it.) The point is that you really can't get that mad at the game because it isn't really that bad.
i am not getting any fun out of mw2 anymore. there's no satisfaction from kills. BC2 <3 marksman headshots <3 squad spawn headshots on turret campers <3
THE STIMULUS MAP PACK: Taking MW2 TO AN ALL NEW LOW... Not worth the 1200MP...ITS TERRIBLE On Storm, the spawns are so bad, it will actually spawn one of your teammate in the enemy spawn area at the beginning of the game.