Got it. The Riachu is lvl 45 and knows Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt. Pikachu is lvl 32 (weak for Claire) and knows Thunderbolt. And those Pichus are special. EDIT: Riakou is only lvl 40 and knows spark.
Lucky mofo. Ugh, I want the Spiky Eared Pichu, doesn't it know Volt-Tackle? That's the only move that I want my Raichu to know. Volt Tackle. I don't have a Raichu though... yet.
Raikou hunting... Take FOREVER. YOu know what pisses me off? i had basically ALL the legendaries before i sold them all. I got these from Colloseum. I dun haz no moar. D: EDIT:
You can't breed them huh? I know the Spiky-Eared one you can't trade, breed, or evolve. I knew I should've gone to that event.. Either way, I'm going to keep trying for my Internet, cause I really want that Gallade. Also, do you know what level it is?
I think you can trade the shiny one, the one needed to get the spiky eared one. My Gallade is lvl 22; I can train it if you want me to.
HEY GUISE; GUESS WHAT I FOUND! ENTEI! I ALSO FOUND HE FLEES ALWAYS. Thats for that... i need your raichu mitchell... OR a pokemon that has some way of preventing fleeing
I'll lend you my Riakou, but I have that lvl 45 Riachu. And to make it not flee you need a pokemon that knows a move to trap it.
@Orange: Yes, trade now. I'm in Wi-Fi club now. @Gr4phix: After Orange's trade. Just chill in the Wi-Fi club. And add my SS code, I'm trading the Gallade over to there. EDIT: Gr4phix let's do the trade. I don't care what Pokemon you give me.
You're there but you have to accept the trade invite. And it says you're already trading but I'm not trading w/you.