Okay guys. Just got rainmeter, and I don't know what to do with it. Maybe you guys can show me some tips, tricks and skins? Oh, and how the heck do you remove the taskbar? It looks so bland against the rainmeter. I googled and tried various programs but I'm not so sure about going on, I might download a virus or something. So can you guys help me out?
I'd go with Homer's idea. I just use a it and not the Rain Meter dock. All I use from Rain meter is the I-Tunes thing, my computers specs, and things like RSS. Basically the sidebars. Windows blinds might help.
If I auto-hide the taskbar, it still leaves a small thin line of it. From some pictures I can see that people have completely removed the taskbar. Maybe some rainmeter pros can help?
rainmeter.exe is not as reliable as explorer.exe. Basically, **** up with your rainmeter, and you'll be ****ed. And the taskbar is part of explorer.exe, if you didn't know, and that one application controls your windows, icons, etc. The only way I'd know how to remove it is to do something to your explorer...