Stolen from GAF (credits to GhaleonEB): G4TV Article Credit System Armor Customization Challenges Commendations
All sounds very pleasing. I can't wait to customize my Spartan. I wonder if there will be alot of armor because everyone knows this game will be played forever. Also if bungie will add new armor from time to time.
Wait, is it just me, or does it say, "New!" under some of the shoulder choices? Does that mean that Bungie will be updating their marketplace of armor frequently? Only time will tell. I can't wait for this game.
Yeah, possibly. Or maybe you unlock new available armor perms by getting Achievements (ala Halo 3), but you have to use cR to actually have them.
Is it sad that this is the most excited Ive been for something from a game? I like customization too much.
Halo Reach following MW2...sigh I was hoping they didn't Trueskill was something I loved in Halo 3 and now I'll be forced to play a TON of arena in like a month when I probably don't have the time to get my level number as high as I can... I like the idea of the buying the armor though
Sounds stupid. I hate when things are changed for the sake of changing things. And it effects campaign? I was worried they were making another "Rookie", a completely lazy and undeveloped main character so it can feel more like "you". Connection to your main character is the only thing that makes an FPS good, as they usually lack any other amount of story and have generic gameplay. I'm not overly happy with this decision.
This is great I love the idea of certain challenges every day. The new armor buying system is also great. how I think it works from what I've read is that when you complete challenges you get cR, which is credit, and you use that to buy armor parts. I also like the idea of your characters look in multiplayer being carried over to campaign. In that last picture it looks like the MW2 helmet but better. This is going to be great. What it probably means by new is that the guy earned it maybe by an achievement or a challenge or by reaching a new rank, just guessing.
Hopefully the character customization in Reach can top Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Im totally excited for this.
Cool this is good news. It seems that they're throwing everything but the kitchen sink into Reach! Can't wait to play it.
Looks like a fantastic system. What worries me is the rank percentage bar on the bottom. Does that mean ranking up is inevitable and that its only a matter of time before someone reaches top rank, not skill?
Im trying my best to not look at reach, that way it sneaks up on me and everything catches me by surprise, I guess ForgeHub isn't the best place to do this...
Reach's matchmaking won't offer hoppers like its predecessor (Ranked|Social). Instead, the general playlist's will be like Halo 3's social ranking. (Remember ?) So technically, as long as you were winning matches, you'd eventually hit the max level, as you didn't lose experience for losing a match. Now, Halo: Reach is introducing the Arena, which is it's ranked portion of multiplayer. The Arena uses the TrueSkill ranking system, but rather than base your skill on a number, Bungie has defined it to find players based on your playstyle. If the first weapon you pick up in the game is the Sniper, TrueSkill will take note of this. If your best weapon is Pistol, TrueSkill will take note of this as well. Another thing, the rank you earn in the Arena wont be permanent. Instead, the Arena offers seasonal style ladders similar to what can be found on GameBattles. This encourages more competitive gameplay as you only have a certain time-frame to reach your desired rank. However, remember what I said about Bungie's new implementations in the TrueSkill ranking system. If you've done good in previous seasons, this wont be forgotten, and will shown in your service record and will be taken into consideration when matching you against opponents. Then I guess we'll be seeing more women playing, no? =]